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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. This is a common mistake. In the plural it is indeed "hippies". In the singular, either hippie or hippy is acceptable. People tend to forget this because the singular is seen so infrequently. This is because hippies are rarely alone and almost always travel in groups known as swarms.
  2. This is one of the factors, but not the only one. Certainly, the influx of illegal immigration, particularly Canadians, has led not only to stupidity, but to acceptance of pedophelia. Other factors include so many channels on TV that have nothing else to do but show celebrity and reality garbage.
  3. I'll summarize it for you. Tyson is 62 2009-62=1947 1947+21=1968 Tyson = Hippy Tyson is an outside advisor because she is banned from the buildings due to hippy smell. The rest of the thread flows logically from there.
  4. Berkley has snooty commies and hippy commies. She could be either. When you work in her age and the fact that she is not allowed in buildings, it reveals her hippy status.
  5. I repeat: 2009-62 = 1947 1947 + 21 = 1968 What do these numbers tell us? These numbers tell us that Laura Tyson is a hippy.
  6. My mathematical equation demonstrated that Tyson is a hippy. When you let hippies inside it is difficult to get rid of the cornucopia of stink. Therefore they do not let the hippies in the buildings. Ergo "outside" advisor.
  7. 2009-62 = 1947 1947 + 21 = 1968 What do these numbers tell us? These numbers tell us that Laura Tyson is a hippy. Although not all commies are hippies, all hippies are commies. This explains her solution.
  8. Lincoln's secretary's name was Kennedy and Kennedy's secretary's name was Lincoln.
  9. That's is not really Jimmy's M.O. And although the tens of millions would be nice, it is not really worth my time in a project like this. It's a bucket in the ocean. Jimmy took care of it with the assistant zoning commissioner. He started with the zoning commissioner but that guy went missing. It was a sad story at first but now watching his kids crying on the news every night is just getting boring. I wonder if he made a trip to the Caribbean like that guy Sanford went to Argentina. Jimmy said after the last time he talked with the guy that he'd be sleeping with the fishes so it must be somewhere tropical. It seems weird that the zoning commissioner could attract international babes but who knows? Sanford is not exactly Don Juan.
  10. My bad. I didn't mean that Jimmy. I meant Jimmy Spagnola.
  11. I suggest you re-read what you typed. TELL Jimmy?
  12. 1. You ain't? 2. Didn't I say Jimmy was having friends over? Did I imply Jimmy would be there? 3. You ain't?
  13. SWIMMING pools 17, 41 and 96 you idiot. I told Jimmy he could have some friends over tomorrow and he is going to want them clean.
  14. If you look at the results of the 1st game of the year for NE they are typically way below the rest of their season. This is obviously because they have not had a chance to steal signals of the other teams, etc. The first week is always the best week to play them.
  15. Will you people all just please stop and let the real experts do their work? After Sean Taylor was killed, Steely quickly came up with an open and shut case. It was totally wrong, but perfectly plausible, quick and convenient. Having learned from that, I am sure this time he will use more time to develop a well reasoned, complete, and elaborate incorrect theory.
  16. I am going to have to disagree here. Have you seen a Shamwow in action? I don't care how wet that place is, Shamwow can dry it. I am not sure what the rules are here but Jimmy can take care of that.
  17. That is not exactly Jimmy's style.
  18. Did you get a backup? Pools 17, 41, and 96 need to be cleaned TODAY.
  19. Steely has seen alibis better than that fall apart before. I think we should all wait until he weighs in here.
  20. Would they have to adhere to the no smoking in bars ban?
  21. I stopped reading right ther. Advice: Find a curb and kick her to it.
  22. Yes they had ugly broads, teeth like Canadians and a snooty sounding accent but I doubt most Americans hate the British. I can't wait to see the Los Gatos foreign policy on this one.
  23. Go ahead and speculate. Maybe Sean Taylor's killers are threatening her.
  24. Jimmy Spagnola has taken care of this. No need for Shamwows.
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