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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. Pedestrians typically have the right of way whereas the spandex mafia tries to assert rights that do not exist. Personally, I have not seen bands of pedestrians darting around dressed up like idiots and trying to cause havoc either. There is no joy in seeing people injured, but until bicyclists follow the rules the easy way, they should learn the hard way. It is the rule that is important to a society, not giving people in cute outfits special treatment. If they get hurt it is their own fault. I don't really like your idea of stickers on the car. It implies that people are going out of their way to hit bicyclists, which should not be the case. People should not go out of their way to hit bicyclists any more than they should permit bicyclists to ignore well documented rules. The stickers could be seen as a way of documenting ones defense of the law, but that should be handled by the police. When an injury occurs the police should be called to document it for insurance purposes and to ticket the bicyclist. The ticket would serve as the sticker. Any sticker on a car would be redundant IMO.
  2. This is a slippery slope and those are the worst kind of slopes. All of us are created equally so I think everyone should be hit. What you do with/to the person afterward is an entirely different story.
  3. There are always arguments about whether certain things are rights. Most times people contrast "right" with privelege. Voting is seen by some as a right and by others as a privelege. This privelege can be lost by committing a crime unless you are Kobe Bryant or someone else famous. Other times people think something is a right whereas others simply do not. Health care is an example of this. Some think everyone should get it while others thinnk it has to be bought in one way or another. My question for you is slightly different. It has to do whether something is a right or a responsibility. There are probably many examples like mine but to me it is the best illustration. Let's say you are driving down a street in your car and approaching either a single bicyclist or mupltiple bicyclists wearing spandex and dumb looking streamline helmets. You need to take a right turn at the next intersection. By the time you reach the intersection you have passed the bike but if you turn you will impede its progress as the cyclist intends on going straight. Here is where the question comes into play. Probably 50% of people would say it is your right to turn anyway and force the cyclist to either stop or plow headlong into your car depending on distance and speed. The other 50% would say it is your responsibility as a citizen to turn. I am not torn because I don't like to see people hurt, but at the same time I guess if pressed I would agree it is a responsibility. Spandex does not give a person superior rights on the road. If a car was behind me when I was turning right, it would not try to cut inside me as I turned. Neither would a regular non-spandexed kid on a bike. It is usually the Lance Armstrong wannabes that do this crap. If people continue to defer to these morons they will get worse and worse. I say if these people know they are going to get hurt, they will start following the rules of the road and use logic in deciding where they travel. Think about it. If you plowed into a car, projectiled over it into the street, smashed up your bike, cracked your precious helmet, tore your yellow spandex, got hurt and had to pay for a dented car door, you would not do the same obnoxious thing the next time. If you witnessed your biking buddy doing the same thing, you might also learn a lesson. By not excercizing your right as a motorist you are making the roads more dangerous as the bicyclists get more bold. That is why I think it is your responsibility to enforce the rules of the road. Don't get me wrong, I don't think you should go out of your way to hit anyone, but you also shouldn't empower them. If you avoid hitting a rule breaker to "give them a break", you are actually hurting yourself, the bicyclist and to a degree society. What do you think?
  4. It was subtle but I got it. He cut and pasted a line from the article but then misspelled Britney when he typed it on his own. It made it look plausible that he has not heard of her.
  5. I think the RIP thread has gotten out of control. It is distasteful that people would bash the dead in a thread designed to say RIP. Personally I think it is also distasteful that people argue back against the bashing saying how wonderful he was. He was like every other person on the planet......imperfect. I think we should leave the RIP thread for RIPs. I really don't like the arguing either so I thought we could have a thread that leaves the politics out and just tells funny stories about Teddy. One of my favorite stories is about Teddy the family man whose nephew has just returned from rehab. Teddy took him out for a few pops to celebrate. By all accounts he helped the kid have a few laughs that night. You need laughs when you get out of rehab. He was always looking out for the kids. When that kid had a few too many and ended up accused of rape, the family man helped get lawyers that would make Kobe Bryant proud. He was good like that. Please share your story here.
  6. He is pretty bad and has a really stupid radio name but the worst is Eric Asillyass. He does live up to his name but that is all he offers.
  7. They didn't call Donahoe "Ol' Whitey" for nothing.
  8. And take JAIrus Byrd with you.
  9. Try again
  10. Whoops. 662-7243
  11. That is uncalled for and disgusting. When people die, they lose control of their faculties including their bowels. Granted, Ted is old and fat and his deification is likely to be incredibly gross, and yes Michael Jackson was all drugged up and his probably smelled awful, but still these are private things. Talking about stuff like this robs people of their dignity, even in death.
  12. 662-7243 is the number all girls give to Sage....at least figuratively.
  13. You guys are missing the obvious shot at Bills management and at Bruce. Maybin put the 78 in there to remind management that he held out; just like Bruce, and there is nothing they can do about it. He wants to "stick it to the man". Great. Another guy 100% focused on non-football issues like JAIrus Byrd. Nice draft we had. The shot at Bruce saying 58 is just as good as 78 is even more insulting given Maybin has never even played.
  14. No problem. I get it now. Just to clarify, did you project stats for Maybin and then criticize him for having those pathetic stats you had just made up?
  15. He has a lot to prove on the field, but that is not unlike every other rookie. I think hate is a strong word but Maybin also has to prove he is going to give some effort. Between him and JAIrus Byrd, it now looks as if the Bills have drafted two lazy me me me types. Until they prove otherwise, we should be disappointed in them, but not hate them. I'm sure Poz' feelings towards Maybin might be a little more than disappointment, but probably not to the level of hate.
  16. It's Awkward Schmawkward
  17. You might not want to use Brett Favre as an example of a guy who CAN play.
  18. For this poll NHL and NFL exhibition games count.
  19. It's funny how life works sometimes. An article with the headline: makes you jealous of your Brother in Law. Change around one letter and drop a few words: and you'd be bailing him out of jail instead.
  20. Plax will be out in 2 years, Kane won't get that long so I'll go with Kane.
  21. Is this guy Ebeneezer Etukeren's little brother?
  22. This is exactly why Guantanomo should not be closed. First it is charity cases like this that they let out. "OOOOh he has cancer and will die soon anyway...." The next thing you know we will free Khalid Sheik Mohammed cure this guy's cancer with free government health care.
  23. Doesn't every gal tell you her number is: 662-7243? Maybe not literally, but figuratively?
  24. And they average .5 contracts between them.
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