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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. Nice excuse JP lover.
  2. Although I disagree I at least understand the oil part. But hegemony? Get real. There is no way that was part of the plot. You're not going to get that in the Middle East anyway. If anything they would need more hegemony from us. Yes milk prices tend to go up and down a bit but nothing like oil prices. There are very few cows in the Middle East so even if we got them all it would not make a dent in prices.
  3. I think I just thought of a way to feed two birds with one stone. I can get some of the technology back right away and teach a lesson to an uppity hamster. I'll let you know how it goes.
  4. I sold them some of the technology from my seafood restaurant idea but they really are sort of idiots. Gee ya think? It's a condition called "dizzy" by all of us non super geniuses. They'll never figure it out completely and even if they do they won't make a dime because they're propeller heads. I have full rights of use to any technological advances and rest assured I'll maximize profits.
  5. Did they call a foul on Stockton for looking at Jordan as he approached the podium?
  6. I don't think LaD rus could have written that without a lot of practice.
  7. That's him. That's the red haired drunk dude. As soon as I see him in a trailer I avoid the movie. He sucks. Ever since I saw him in Executive Decision chewing on a swizel stick like he was Walt Corey and disarming a bomb with it I have refused to watch anything he is in.
  8. I don't watch religion movies so I never saw The Good Shepard.
  9. Wow, you have more guts than I do watching movies. To me it looked like it really really really sucked. They even had that red haired drunk guy in it and he sucks at everything. And the old vampire guy was in it too. I was saving it for if I ever got insomnia. Maybe this Wilson guy is jealous of his dad and trying to get a crappy movie made about him too.
  10. I don't think so. I think there will be tons of people that feel sorry for Obama that the mean guy yelled at him and they will start to go along with his plan. I think the news people that hate republicans will make it look like all republicans, not just Charlie Wilson's kid. I think if the democrats were crafty they would have planned this.
  11. A few lines before he yelled out there were a bunch of murmurs and groans. This stuff is fairly normal. He was probably one of the murmurers. It probably got his courage up. He is like the nerdy kid in a crowd at school who doesn't know when to shut up. A few lines later he probably thought his yell would be drowned out by the other murmurs and he would stay anonymous. He could tell the cool kids later that "I said he was a liar". Maybe he'd get to hang out with the cool kids a little more. The only problem is that the cool kids did not murmur at the right time and he yelled out all by himself. You see this kind of stuff on sitcoms all the tiime.
  12. It's funny, you think Obama is behind Kennedy but I think he is ahead for almost the same reasons. Kennedy did help lay out the vision for getting us to the moon, but it is still unclear as to how we paid. OTOH Obama is tackling a much bigger problem than just getting to another planet like the moon. The US healthcare industry is roughly the size of Britain's entire economy. Obama has figured out how to pay for at least a good part of it. It is in the bill but partially hidden and unexplained. I have as much or more respect for old people than anyone, but let's face it, they are selfish. They typically sit on their porch yelling at kids on their lawn, seemingly more worried about a few blades of grass than America's youth having fun. Now we are getting to the point where some hippies are getting old. Do you think the hippies will be more selfish or less selfish than most old people. They will be a humongous drain on the system. Imagine getting rid of an entire British economy's worth of old people. How much money would be saved and how much housing would be opened up for the poor saving money in other categories of government spending? A lot of this stuff is in Obama's plan. He will have meetings with old people every five years telling them to die. Now hippies are selfish for sure but they are even more gullible. These old hippies will drop dead on the spot if the President tells them it is cool. Look at how many of these pot smoking losers went along with the crowd back in their heyday. All it takes is some real "cool dude" dying for the government to set the wheels in motion. You think Obama won't kill off Grace Slick or Neil Young or some other pathetic idiot to further the cause? They can make one of those martyr tapes like Al Quaeda and show it at the five year meetings. Very few hippies will make it to the second meeting. Yes people taking over the old hippies house will have to have a large re-decorating budget but so what? If Kennedy implemented something like this we could have an amusement park on Saturn's ring instead of a flag on the moon.
  13. EGYLN, I think his dad is the one Tom Hanks played. I think it was Charlie Wilson who was a southern republican who started a war. At least he tried to start a war. I'm not sure. I didn't see the movie because it looked crappy.
  14. When the dude said it Pelosi looked aghast. About 8 seconds later, without turning her head much at all she asked Biden "Who said that?". Biden replied and I'm pretty sure he said "I think it was....." I couldn't make out the name. I'm glad I'm not the only one worried about the influx of Canadians.
  15. J rus Byrd will need to work harder if he is going to be the next Ed Reed. I don't know about the linemen we passed over but so far Byrd's committment level has been suspect.
  16. Isn't Boodock Saints the guy who smashes mailboxes?
  17. 1. TO 2. So 2nd place? All I can think of is Lee. 3. The answer to this is Albert Pujols. Hands down. 4. Because the Bills won and the game went past midnight? 5. This is a trick question. He can't record them because he is on the field and can't hold the camera. Zero.
  18. Ummmmm.......Steve wouldn't be in Atlanta would he?
  19. Took. That took some stones.
  20. No. Runyan has been in the league and the Oilers have been gone for AT LEAST three years so you must be mxing something up.
  21. You might think that impresses us all but Cincy still sits around by the radio waiting for FDR to come on.
  22. Part of the reason given for the attack was due to the treatment of the Palestinians by Israel which has a lot of Jewish people. NYC also has a lot of Jewish people which is the obvious connection.
  23. If your wife has become used to a small size in the bedroom you probably only have yourself to blame. She might also be saying that so you don't feel self conscious. My guess is that if you surprise her with an enlargement she won't ask to go back to the old one even once.
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