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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. If I'm looking for an optomalogist I am in the wrong place. Everyone around here seems to be a pessimologist.
  2. If he has brittle bones he can just call Sally Fields. She might cougarize him but if he has to take one for the team, he has to take one for the team.
  3. He changed his name to Mr. WEO
  4. And we were all hoping the door was what you were getting at.
  5. I'm no orthodontist but maybe someone on here can explain how a broken arm can be career threatening.
  6. Pat on the back; boot in the ass; banning from the board. You say potato, I say potahto.
  7. For a casual observer you sure do notice a lot of details about 4th string corners. And you even take the time to mock them for something they cannot help. So give yourself credit; that's not causual, that's dedication. Dedication to what, I'm not so sure.
  8. And the message would be...... "Oh, crap. We lost to the Bucs because we started Reggie at corner."
  9. The non-conference games come early on the schedule so they will have to try to win them to avoid 0-3. It doesn't bode well for tie-brakers but we have no choice now.
  10. The long snapper has only A and B from which to choose. McKelvin's had a lot more scenarios which could have played out and brain power which would be slightly above average for a Canadian. Wrong recipe.
  11. Two actually. The first two point attempt was counted as good which means in retrospect the Pats needed only a field goal to tie and played the end of the game a little recklessly. One a positive note, Dick and his sister can still win in the doubles finals tomorrow. His sister is not such a hothead.
  12. He held up a football and threatened to shove it down Jerry Sullivan's throat. Does that make you happy?
  13. And 5 years from now he will still be talented and he still won't know the rules.
  14. Read the thread. McKelvin's lack of synapse fires have already been laid on the feet of the coaches.
  15. Don't sell him short. Buggs is a tremendous slouch.
  16. Not 1 player on the field had a perfect game tonight. Freddie Jackson was pretty damn close. Trent did not make every play. He is not my favorite player. It would be a long reach to criticize him for tonight's performance. My favorite part was when his radio seemed to cut out in the final drive. It must have been a technical problem.
  17. McKelvin is a talented player but he is barely above Canadian in the brains department. He backpedaled into the endzone and from the looks of the play it is not entirely impossible that he forgot the rule.
  18. Ellison was playing in Poz' place I believe. So that is not a position we should have upgraded months ago.
  19. I was agreeing with you. He should also call out Bell for lining up off the line of scrimmage. How else will Bell ever learn? If he treated his players more like Serena Williams treats line judges we definitely would have won. Actually no we would have still lost because you're criticizing his press conference which was after the game.
  20. A coach should always stab a player in the back when given the opportunity by the press.
  21. Don't the Jags have tarps over 1/3 of their upper deck? Is King retiring to Jacksonvile or something?
  22. If you were using the Bills with the second remote it is possible that everything is working properly. Try using the Jaguars or Redskins or something.
  23. Nope. It's this kid. He watches the games on his computer.
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