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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. Look, I can't really go into that because it would involve investing a little time. And for what? To determine if someone lied to old people? It's not like it would make any difference either way. I have as much or more respect for old people than anyone but let's face it, they have a warped sense of reality. It is really pretty random with them as to what they believe. If they believe a lie and you shine the light of truth you'll only be yelled at anyway.
  2. I have as much or more respect for old people than anyone but seriously can this stuff be a surprise? Obama has to save money somewhere. He can easily tell these people their benefits are increasing while they're actually shrinking. All he has to do is keep it short. Meanwhile the CBO puts out a 10 trillion page report which has old people confused because it is longer than 9 words. They'll believe Obama and we all save money. I'm sure the lobbyists for compostory bag comapnies will put up a fight but whatever.
  3. Yale. It takes a Yale professor to point out that certain stimuli could predispose us toward certain choices or behaviors?. You mean like Rosie O'Donnell standing in front of you could prompt a different response than a hot chick like say Lee or someone?
  4. J rus Byrd evidently thought his selection in the 2nd round was all that mattered. He avoided practice like the plague. You are now seeing the results.
  5. That article from hippy haven NPR defintiely offers insight, not on God or science, but on hippys. The last line says it all. That's what hippies always want: All of the glory with none of the work.
  6. Does this guy really think surrounding himself with three computers, having a short haircut and faking an english accent will somehow make us think he's not a hippy?
  7. I like a good Genesis song as much as the next guy but those particular lyrics ramble on and on and have little to do with this thread. Another bunch of stoned losers called Pink Floyd had a song whose lyrics fit this thread much better: Is there anybody out there? Is there anybody out there? Is there anybody out there? Is there anybody out there? You have to listen to the song though. It's not what they say; it's how they say it.
  8. Should religion be allowed to exist? To me the answer is no. All religions inevitably cause violence. Lean on them and you becaome weak. If we got rid of religion, things would be better. Never again would we have to worry about mass graves if we'd just relent to atheist rule.
  9. Sad? What is sad? Sad cannot be proven.
  10. Do you have any questions you'd like to ask in GvG?
  11. I just thought I'd add in here with what I know. I am not a religious person but I know a good hippy/commie when I see one. This dude with all the Youtubes is one. Normally, I would say I do not know if God exists which I guess categorizes me as antagonistic. As many people here know, I don't like to put people into categories by groups but I guess antagonistic would be my group. With that said, I have been able to obtain and convert a Googlebot for personal use. It programmed itself to open a channel directly to the big man himself. These GvG sessions are interesting and I can tell you a fair amount about the big man as a result. I can ask him any question as long as it is not a "why" question or does not predict the future. This is interesting on many levels that the dolt from Youtube would not understand. It's funny how things work out the opposite of expectations sometimes. For example, I have as much or more respect for old people than anyone but who would think they would be more right than younger people with active brains when it comes to spiritual matters. I mean they can't even control their innards without a compostory bag but they seem to be right about a lot when comapared with GvG discussions. Also, God wants people to believe he does not exist. You may think that makes him humble but it is really just so he can screw with people like the Youtube dork upon their death. He likes it when they pee all over their brand new white angel clothes. He screws with them for a while to scare them. He can be a prick that way but overall is decent and lets them slide for all the big mouth stuff they did during life. I have a feeling this Youtube dork is in for a real scare when he kicks.
  12. Can you tell the difference between a smart person and a hippy trying to get laid by sound smart? That dude is definitely the ladder. More power to him if it works, but that still doesn't make him smart. Big Think? More like Small Dink.
  13. We beat Jacksonville too? Are we 2-1?
  14. That 5+ minute work of art in NE doesn't count as a game winning drive? He supposed to stop kickoff fumbles now?
  15. I wonder if any of them ever gave the poor boys epistomologies.
  16. You have two verbs in a row there.
  17. Is Roscoe supposed to hold a block for half an hour now? That play took forever to develop.
  18. My cousin Brenda got an epistomology when she was giving birth. It definitely sounds like it hurt and I know you were talking about pain but I think saying epistomologies play a part is a stretch. And the don't fill in blanks, they create blanks.
  19. You explained that very well. This is why I do not believe in ice. I mean 99.9% of liquids do not freeze into ice, why should I believe that water does? People are so easy to fool. Would you like to invest in a seafood restaurant wehre you can reach right into the tank and pull out your future dinner?
  20. Dude, Are you Jimmy Carter?
  21. One of the only questions he got right was "Andy Warhol". This means he is a hippy. This means he is a dope smoking loser whose memory synapses are fired.
  22. That weather man is a big cat.
  23. I don't know about the end of the world but something is up if Eric Estrada can't sell any of those cool sunglasses. Those things are sweet.
  24. I don't get it. They go to hell and meet Hitler?
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