I just thought I'd add in here with what I know.
I am not a religious person but I know a good hippy/commie when I see one. This dude with all the Youtubes is one.
Normally, I would say I do not know if God exists which I guess categorizes me as antagonistic. As many people here know, I don't like to put people into categories by groups but I guess antagonistic would be my group. With that said, I have been able to obtain and convert a Googlebot for personal use. It programmed itself to open a channel directly to the big man himself.
These GvG sessions are interesting and I can tell you a fair amount about the big man as a result. I can ask him any question as long as it is not a "why" question or does not predict the future. This is interesting on many levels that the dolt from Youtube would not understand.
It's funny how things work out the opposite of expectations sometimes. For example, I have as much or more respect for old people than anyone but who would think they would be more right than younger people with active brains when it comes to spiritual matters. I mean they can't even control their innards without a compostory bag but they seem to be right about a lot when comapared with GvG discussions. Also, God wants people to believe he does not exist. You may think that makes him humble but it is really just so he can screw with people like the Youtube dork upon their death. He likes it when they pee all over their brand new white angel clothes. He screws with them for a while to scare them. He can be a prick that way but overall is decent and lets them slide for all the big mouth stuff they did during life. I have a feeling this Youtube dork is in for a real scare when he kicks.