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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. I have been critical of cheating teams like the Patriots and cheating players like those who use steroids so I have to be consistent here. How is taking roids any worse than actually altering your body by actually putting metal devices INSIDE IT!!!!? I realize Poz is a Bill and all but if a Patriot was doing this we would all be screaming.
  2. Like grudge holding drunks who are being wiseguys and snideley asking what they're signing?
  3. Holy crap. I just looked at the schedule. That is pretty interesting. I had it figured for a Department of Homeland security thing and a cover up to not alert anyone. If you look at the Pats schedule of Atlanta in week 3 and Baltimore in week 4, that means the Pats might be doing work 2 weeks ahead. I'm sure the NFL would sweep this under the rug.
  4. In week one of the NFL season an unknown person was seen along the Dolphins sideline in Atlanta. When approached, this person simply left. In week 2, there was someone on the Chargers sideline as they played Baltimore. This person was briefly detained and released. These articles appeared as game notes in local papers at the bottom of the articles about the games. They no longer appear on the articles in the web sites. Does anyone else find this strange and how might they be connected?
  5. That dude needs a new schtick. All this calmly spoken mumbo jumbo in an effort to get laid and all he gets in his audience are a bunch of old men that look like Dr. Seuss. I have as much or more repsect for old people than anyone, but let's face it they are suckers for giveaways. I'd bet anything this loser offered a free buffet table with crackers and cheese at his seminar.
  6. There are lots of ideas that seemingly can't be put into motion but actually can. You and I are not smart enough to create another Earth. That doesn't mean it can't be done. Think of it this way.....How many Canadians can tie their shoes before they are 24 years old? If you lived in Canada you would believe that doing this at such an early age is simply an idea that cannot be put in motion. There are other, smarter people that can do this.
  7. Because you can turn them into something real if you're really good at it. I had an idea about a fish restaurant where you can reach into the tank and grab your dinner. It never really got out of prototype but it was real. The idea itself is not real but you can turn it into something real.
  8. What's the question again?
  9. American Rogue? I don't get it. Is she boycotting foreign makeup?
  10. You do not post in threads about accountants, mechanics or cashiers who perform these acts and blame it on their profession.
  11. TE text to DJ: Hey Coach, Good News. At least my drive home from the game didn't stall. Can you pick me up at Wegman's?
  12. I thought you were going to advocate sending a 3rd round pick to the Las Vegas Locomotives.
  13. It's not about the US, it's about Ralph Wilson.
  14. Dude I agree with you mostly but don't give the guy ammo by screwing up famous quotes. The correct quote is: "To err is human, to forgive is the vine." This means if someone screws you over get drunk and forgive him. "The vine" is slang for wine and wine represents beer and liquor in this saying.
  15. That's a pretty good one too. You should work it into your web show. That thing could use a little comedy this week with the way the Bills played.
  16. I don't think it is a jab. Commies like Olberman don't usually mind being called liberal.
  17. He tried and failed to throw an interception 2 plays before the ridiculous miracle. Later in the year he'll have his interception routine down pat. I'm not defending Trent on this one although I usually do. I am just saying Favre is more overrated by his fans.
  18. I'm sure that was scary. Almost as scary as bouncing off the hood of some drunk guy's car.
  19. So did the cop breathe a sigh of relief because he wouldn't have to deal with another hippy?
  20. That was a good one. You should put it in your web show this week. Maybe make it the trvia question.
  21. nor one hint of Schlitz in his bloodstream.
  22. Dude I was backing you up because I thought you respected the police much like I respect old people. Then you go say police need counseling. Putting in qualifying statements like that which imply they are all crazy does not show respect.
  23. Don't forget Booster hates cops and loves anarchy.
  24. Booster has as much or more respect for the police than anyone.
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