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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. You sure know a lot of Cher songs.
  2. Did the word "Chelsea" immediately come to mind when the picture popped up?
  3. In addition, it's grammar checker doesn't work worth a crap.
  4. Why don't you believe it?
  5. Any updates on this?
  6. Any updates on this?
  7. I hope they send him a letter 5 years from now that notifies him the bounty suspension has been lifted but that he is now suspended for life for "douchebaggery".
  8. Better check with Birddog. I'm pretty sure he'll see this whole thing as gray.
  9. People should read with a more discerning eye. Wealthy? Cleveland? Two? Really? And somehow this wasn't a planted story? Common man, think while you read. I'll start: They were worried about the info getting out to the media so they had a meeting to strategize: OK I guess. They filmed the meeting: Bad idea Paris Kardashian. They posted the film to the internet already knowing they were under scrutiny: :wallbash: If this didn't involve knowing how to use a video recorder and how to post things on the internet I would have thought these people were Canadian level dumb. BTW....That is the only part of the article I have even read so far.....I hope it doesn't get stupider.
  10. Brady yes Sanchez no Tanlleywhacker lolololololololololololol Weeden Only if Dennis Quaid promises to play the role of Weeden in a feature length movie Flacco yes Big Ben I don't like rapists so I'll say no Dalton yes Schaub yes Luck Daddy handed down a boatload of this. I'll pass Hasselback no Gabbert no Manning yes Rivers yes Cassell no 6 yes 7 no 1 contingent on movie deal 1 not even dignified with a response
  11. I was not making a joke. I don't know why you thought that. I was just trying to say that I did remember a baseball suicide which was a question/point from a previous poster.
  12. On a positive note, his hair looks like it is in perfect "human chia pet" preparation phase for this time of year.
  13. Enter him in a race against a rabbit and make sure to get really really good odds. Bet TONS. It will help if it is an arrogant rabbit.
  14. I was getting excited about Brooks until your Mallet comments made me doubt your evaluation skills. Mallet is a crack head with the speed of Frankenstein. If you can name one crack head that runs like Frankenstein in the NFL Hall of Fame I will revise my opinion. Until then my guess is that Brooks will suck.
  15. I don't remember a whole lot of suicides in any sport. There was the retired football player just lsat week but the only other one I remember was Donnie Moore, a baseball player.
  16. Romney has a gay foreign policy? Is it like the Honda Fit of foreign policies?
  17. It is probably all gray to you huh?
  18. You had a good enough list without having to name a guy twice just because he got traded.
  19. The way I see it you have two choices: 1. Web show investigative report. 2. Somehow find Steely and give him 14.2 seconds to figure out the whole thing and type up a post.
  20. I think that is a quintuple negative but I will try to answer what I think may or may not be your question definitely possibly. When something is black liberals see gray. When something is gray liberals see gray. When something is white, liberals see gray. When liberals see gray they look for reasons that someone else should do all the work and that any benefits of the work should be split evenly. This applies to most, not all, liberals. When something is black conservatives see black. When something is gray conservatives see gray. When something is white conservatives see white. When something is black, gray or white conservatives look for ways to produce something from the black, gray or white and extract profit from it. Let's say their work and investment create 50% of the output. They want 100% of the profit if at all possible. If they need to allow others to profit so the others keep working and the gravy train keeps rolling, they will, but they will never ever ever settle for less than 51% of the profit created from their 50% of the input. The closer to 100% the better. This is true of most conservatives, not all. When commies see black, gray or white they don't really care what color they see. They want to trick people into thinking it is whatever color gets them the most power and allows them to work only at flapping their gums and showing off how smart they are and demonstrating why they should make decisions for everyone else. This is true for all commies. When capitalists see black, gray or white they don't really care what color they see. They try to maximize the output from the black, gray and white resources realizing they are operating in an environment that should be controlled by supply, demand and the rule of law. They do not try to change the rule of law so they can produce 51% of profit from 50% of the work. They realize that ultimately supply, demand and truth will trump even the rule of law so they work within confines they do not control. This is true for all capitalists. Unfortunately there are far far far more conservatives, liberals and commies than there are capitalists.
  21. Easy and lazy are two different things.
  22. I am pretty sure he is in his 70s but definitely his EARLY 70s.
  23. I am not too political but you'd have to be numb not to notice that liberals are laaaaaaaaazy. This good of the many crap simply means "wouldn't it be nice if I slept all day and presented myself as needy and other people paid for all my crap?". Liberals want everything to be gray because if it is you they can make an excuse for laziness in just about anything.
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