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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. We should get an owner willing to spend money like Dan Snyder.
  2. If Lance has not injected himself here, it would be a first. Lance knows about how much money can be made by injecting ones self.
  3. That's funny stuff. You should put it in your web show this week.
  4. When considering all starting QBs in the NFL, which 1 or 2 do you consider to be "average"? I am looking for median more than mean. Who are the guys in the middle?
  5. Hippy #1: Did you just called my sister a b***h? Hippy #3: What about it man? Hippy #1: Finally, someone with the guts to say it to her face. I've been scared of her for years. Hippy #3: Well, I just call 'em like I see 'em. Hippy #2: The stage. Get off of it. Moderator hippy: I bought a twelve pack of condoms at Woodstock and I thought today would be the day I'd be half done. And now this. Hippy #2 to hippy #3: If I give you 10 bucks for Doritos will you leave. Hippy #3: What is leaving really? Yes a tree does it in October, but how can a person really ever leave. It seems impossible to me. Hippy #1: How long can you keep going on and on saying crap like that? Hippy #3: It's just what I do man. How long can an elephant be fat? Hippy #1 whispers to moderator hippy...... Moderator hippy: May I have your attention ladies and gentleman? There has been a change to the debate rules. After each point made by Hippy #1 and Hippy #2; Hippy #3 will now be offering color commentary. Speaking of color, condoms sold at Woodstock came in a variety of colors. Any lovely lady in the audience can join me later in the back for a demonstration.
  6. I have as much or more respect for old people than anyone but thank goodness Alan Grayson is no longer the chairman of the Federal Reserve. I'm not sure why he gets a public forum any more and it seems pretty clear dimensia has kicked in.
  7. Granola looking chick from the audience: Hey Hippy #3, you're kinda cute. What say we talk a stroll to that organic farm and take a roll in the hemp? Hippy #3: Righteous. Hippy #1 as the two exit the stage: Thanks sis. Moderator Hippy: Is your Grandma in the audience too?
  8. Back in Cincy's day, the only tweeting going on was done by pteradactyls.
  9. I take it as a good sign that with all of this down time, Hardly has not even tried to allegedly kill his father once.
  10. I'm not sure but let's put it this way, if he ever turns up in Cincy you will surely yell at him to get off your lawn.
  11. Hippy #2: Dude you smoked your pants? Hippy #3. Well I was out of the good stuff man. Hippy #2: Well then where did you get the pants you're wearing? Never mind. I don't care. Hippy #: Well, actually that's a funny story. There was this guy down at the organic farm and....... Hippy #1: SHUT UP AND GET OFFF THE STAGE. Hippy #3: Whoa, mellow out man. Moderator Hippy, now crying: Oh for the love od God, I just want to get laid one more time before I die and my entire beard is gray. How much longer can I possibly live? Hippy #1: There you go with God again. This debate is fixed. If you say that word one more time, I am out of here.
  12. Hippy #2: Dude. You're wearing them. Now get off the stage now. Hippy #3 : No. These aren't my pants at all. Hippy #2: Well then whose......oh, nevermind.....oh yeah, I saw your pants on 45th street. It is 6 blocks north so you better get going. Hippy #3 looking up: Dude, north is up right? How am I going to get there? Hippy #2: Did I say north? I meant west. Hippy #3: Exits stage left. Moderator hippy: Now then. Let us begin this wondeful event.
  13. Unless you're raising a 16 year old honor student.
  14. By bad rap did you mean "rap to the head with a 2x4?"?
  15. I think the problem may be our proximity to Canada. We could get way dumber than we already are but when you are next door to Canada it tends to make you think you're a genius.
  16. Hippy #1: It's working but so far we only fooled some dude on a message board. Hippy #2: Ok, let's keep going. Maybe we can fool some broads. I've got dibs on the one in the 14th row that actually shaves her armpits.
  17. Moderator Hippy: Oh God darn it. I'm old and I'm never going to get laid again. Hippy #1: Don't say God. You're killing my debate points.
  18. Hippy #1: DUDE Get off the STAGE!!!!!!!
  19. Hippy #2: Dude, get off the stage. We're trying to look smart so we can get laid by some chicks in the audience. Don't be a buzzkill. There are some Bugels in the green room.
  20. Cheaters cheat. That's what they do. I wouldn't put it past him or another cheater except that you can't bite people from under a helmet.
  21. You don't have to make insults at a whole state in order to defend cheating. Just keep defending the cheating.
  22. Hippy #1: I got an idea Hippy #2: what is it? Hippy #1: Let's have a debate where we ramble on and on and try to sound smart. I can take one side of it and you can take the other. We can argue about something like really deep dude. Hippy #2: Why? Hippy #1: It is my best shot at getting laid. Hippy #2: Let's do it. Moderator Hippy: Any chance I can get in on the action guys? My beard makes me look distinguished.
  23. None of this justifies cheating.
  24. Have you ever been fit with a metal plate? It hurts. It also give Poz the ability to be reckless. I was not aware that I played in the NFL. Very funny. And yes I am one of the smarter ones. I had the good fortune to go to a highly rated school.
  25. Sounds exactly like the Patriots fans when they got caught. "Everybody does it. What's the big deal?" If everybody jumped off the bridge, would you do it? It is not right to enhance your body throough drugs or otherwise to better your performance. I would not condone a Patriot doing it so I can't condone a Bill doing it. What if Teddy Bruschi got a bunch of metal plates and made a come back? We would never hear the end of it.
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