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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. Someone should warn Katie Couric's butt to never go to Peru.
  2. The article says she was under the legal limit and only at .06. They should just leave this alone at this point. They also shouldn't criticize the cops. When they pulled her over she probably rambled on an on incoherently saying what amounted to nothing. This was a genetic thing from her father's side, not a drunk thing. The cops thought she was drunk because of the rambling. This is understandable. There is really no one to blame here and it should be forgotten.
  3. He can't wait until our road game against the Broncos.
  4. He played against 3rd stringers which may have thrown off his timing. He may be one of those guys that needs the speed of better competition to excel.
  5. All three are bad. When you have three bad choices you can at least go with a choice that fits the theme you are trying to instill. I think Fewell wants to be a tough team that "plays like hell and wins". While Fitzpatrick doesn't strike me as tough, he still might be the best choice. Hamdan supposedly reads a lot of books. Not good. A glove wearing Mary from Los Gatos trotting onto the field does not exude the image. Fitzpatrick is the closest thing we've got.
  6. Just yesterday on this very site, Dog123456789101112131415 told us that Jauron tried to backstab Trent to save his job. This makes me pretty sure that Stroud doesn't know nothing.
  7. The middle finger was because Ralph is trying to pry Fisher away.
  8. Give me a break. How many people have said anything ever in the past about Jauron saying one bad word about them? You can complain forever about his coaching but calling him a backstabber is new. TE was born a scapegoat without the scape. He doesn't need Jauron to help him there.
  9. Trent Edwards is probably upset. Whoops. Wait. He's not a Bills fan. Never mind.
  10. Technically, Jauron wil still be paid by the Bills until his contract expires. Can you wait until then?
  11. I'm not trying to brag. Some things are just easy to see when you pay attention. I predicted the fake injury to Garnet leading to a 4-1 Finals victory for LA over Orlando or Atlanta. I did that in February. This was no different after Fisher gave that interview.
  12. Adams bird flipping antics have backfired as Ralph is now angry and will go hard after Fisher. The firing is letting Adams know who is boss.
  13. Tim, Why would Bud Adams flip off Ralph after 50 years unless Ralph was tampering with his coach for 2010?
  14. It is probably Jeff Fisher which explains Bud Adams flipping off Ralph.
  15. Jauron hinted that he was going to start a QB carousel. Ralph is probably looking for a coach who doesn't want that. Bud Adams gave Ralph the finger. Gee I wonder why
  16. Jauron hinted that he was going to start a QB carousel. Ralph is probably looking for a coach who doesn't want that. Bud Adams gave Ralph the finger. Gee I wonder why.
  17. There are fatties like Limbaugh and Couric that are both conservative and liberal. I think Adams' original point was that fat people are a drag on the system. While I don't disagree, and I have as much or more respect for old people than anyone, I think we all know who is the real drag on the system.
  18. I think there is a rule that he has to be back on the roster by a certain week. The Bills had to activate him or lose him for the year. It is probably simply a matter of two things: Hardly looks as if he is almost ready but is not quite there injury-wise and/or The Bills won't start playing thier worst players until they are mathematically eliminated.
  19. I think when you guys draft you should have a truce that nobody takes Dakota Fanning because The Senator is not involved.
  20. There are plenty of cop bashing, criminal excusatory threads. This is a car bashing, spandex wearing Mary excusatory thread. Perhaps you are confused.
  21. Face saving baloney. They only released this crap because they were getting pressure. The aliens knocked out the bomb before it could explode, thus no plume. The white pixels were the alien laser.
  22. Doing that has already made them look stupid for two + years. And now it is the remedy?
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