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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. Sage you've got your stories mixed up again. That exchange happened when you met Rex Ryan.
  2. You're calling me an edit? Are you being DC Tom with some sort of weird accent?
  3. He said he sent it to everyone that requested it, but he didn't actually.
  4. You have a plain plane of understanding and you should strive for a higher plane.
  5. I agree those are bad choices but if you scroll through the whole thing they also honor Dara Torres. One problem...........Dara Torres is a DUDE!!!!!!!!!!! Do you mean the promo shot for the Michelle Bachman Filet Show? If so I see what you mean. If I had to caption that photo it would go something like: "Yes, I removed it right after we got married and I keep it in my purse. It's in here somewhere......OH! Here it is."
  6. Holy Crap you're right. And their most famous album was "Dark Side of the Moon" which I used to think was celestial but now I just think it is gross.
  7. Isn't Zeitgeist the name of Led Zeppelin's fourth album?
  8. Don't let comments like this get to you Scoobs. I remember once posting about going to one of the best High Schools in Indiana and everyone wrote if off like it was nothing.
  9. This may help jboys. Sage send it to me via PM if you'd like. I will both review it and check for copyright infringements and mentions of Ennifer.
  10. The team has good chemistry right now and the last thing it needs is controversy. I may not personally see Sims-Walker as an issue but statistics tell you that roughly half of the Bills locker room will and half won't. Bad for chemistry. Pass.
  11. Most of them are dedicated to the team and then there is jAIrus Byrd and some others that were always looking for ways to avoid work. I think jAIrus had "school obligations" about 20 times before joining the Bills. Then he tweaked this and dinged that and it all amounted to why his nickname is jAIrus. It is hard to tell anything from still photos but one thing worries me. In picture #1 Asper is snapping the ball. It is what it is for Asper; I'm sure they're trying to have him be versatile and it doesn't make me worry about Wood but are they seriously trying out that old dude behind him for QB?
  12. It's a promo photo for the exhibition she stages at county fairs and the like. It's called the "Micelle Bachmann Filet Show" The tag line is "Amazing Feats With Boneless Meats".
  13. The thread about what you're wearing tonight is in the Off the Wall forum.
  14. Don't most people have all the body parts?
  15. I wonder if it is just a publicity stunt for the Michele Bachman Filet Show.
  16. Imagine if soccer teams forfeited when the other team had a feminine player. Vwa La!!!!! No more soccer.
  17. They probably did. But not even they can be stupid enough to stay for more than two minutes.
  18. How is that a difference? Frankly I am impressed you didn't mock the 85 year old dead lady like you mocked my uncle you slob.
  19. OK now Google has gone too far.
  20. Awesome. McDonald's does test markets. So does Pepsi, M & M Mars and every other consumer product. Technology companies do betas. Maybe the can have a beta test market where we still have to obey all traffic rules except we can hit anyone in the spandex mafia we want. There should be one rule still: If one of them is hurt after being hit the driver either has to call 911 or pop it in reverse and finish the job. Driver's call. You can't just drive away. If this works out well, and I don't see how this can fail, we get rid of another rule and another until the roads are deregulated.
  21. Maybe you didn't read the part about it being a settlement with 49 thugs AGs. That pretty much makes it a government program, no?
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