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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. Te-BOW to T- O This needs to happen. I have now studied college QBs enough to know what's what. Forget Clocker and the kid from Houston. It's Tebow. He's a winner. And extend TO.
  2. Just wait until the ACLU get on this one. It ought to be a circus.
  3. Why would I have a problem? Toby? Really? Toby?
  4. Yup. Makes it worse. It means the guy has an option and still wants to be called Toby. OMFG.
  5. Nile is just unusual, not girlish. Niles would be girlish like Frasier's brother or a twerp that plays guitar for Springsteen. Weinke isn't girlish, it is nerdy. Plus it is a last name so it is not like there was a choice. There was actually someone who named this dude Toby. Toby.
  6. Toby? Was there anyone named Toby in 1944? You can't count Golden Retreivers. Why not just name him Shep?
  7. He is from Stanford and his name is Toby. Toby. No thanks. Forgetting about the Bills for a second, if some dude named Toby wins the Heisman it will send a subliminalist message to Al Quaeda. Do you know what that subliminalist message will be? WE GAVE THE HEISMAN TO SOMEONE NAMED TOBY SO FEEL FREE TO INVADE ANY TIME.
  8. I don't watch college football or listen too much but from time to time I'll listen to sports radio or watch a game. From what I have actually seen, my favorite QB is the guy from Houston. Why is he never mentioned? I have heard about some dude name Jay Clocker but have never seen him play. I'm not sure where he goes to school.
  9. Is it just me or does Gerhart look like he about 40 years old? If the Bills draft someone from Stanford who has a first name of Toby, they get what they deserve. Toby? Are you kidding me? Toby? I could see if he was a Golden Retreiver, but a running back?
  10. Let me see if I got the sequence correct. 1. Copy one of Dog123456789101112131415's post 2. Paste it into a new thread 3. Claim none of Edwards fans would ever post it. Did I miss something?
  11. Trent is not a fan of the Bills and evidently the Bills are not fans of his. Sounds like an equal amount of loyalty to me.
  12. Does the "Steely Dan thinks it is a fake so it must be true or vice versa" rule apply to this like Sean Taylor, the dead census worker and hundreds of other news items? Or does the "blind squirrell finds a nut" rule apply? Stay tuned for the answer.
  13. Crazy stuff. If you get any inside scoop before you record your web show, please include it on youtube.
  14. I have seen this dude Orszag on TV. You can tell from one look that he got beat up a lot in school and he is trying to take out his frustrations by being a dweeb and pinning things on people who beat him up. In High School it was the football team but there is no good way to track them down so he will go after high earners. Despite his 35 degrees he does not realize that if he taxes everything from everyone at the end of the day he will still be a nerd. I don't see this guy's psychological problems being a good reason to tax the crap out of everyone.
  15. I have to partially agree with Mr. Wonderful on this one but not because of Buffalo. For any franchise to hope to get Gruden, Shanahan, Cowher and Holmgren is ridiculous. That is way too many egos for one organization. Even Washington.
  16. Overall this is bad but you have to admit that film clip was pretty funny. Some dude just sitting in his boat and up jumps a carp and lands right in his nutsack. Classic comedy.
  17. Maria should ride a bicycle. Rules do not apply when you're wearing spandex.
  18. With the Bills losing every week, maybe you should dedicate your web show this week to Thanksgiving recipes. You could try turduckin on the show for the first time.
  19. Shanahan could very well be looking for the GM job. It seems pretty likely that Fisher will be the next coach. Oddly winning all these games with VY is probably the last straw fro Adams. Fisher fought the change tooth and nail. Now the Titans are winning. This is making Fisher look stupid. Despite his bird flipping anti-Ralph antics, Adams may be even more angry with Fisher than he is with Wilson. Once he cuts Fisher loose. Shanny and Ralph will pounce. Shanny many even be announced as coach to make us look innocent, but he is GM.
  20. The headline says it all: How the heck can anyone tell the difference?
  21. That is mostly true but not completely. One easily understood effect of a concussion is its use as a universal excuse for utter lack of talent. You could be lousy both before and after a concussion but if enough time goes by you can just blame the concussion.
  22. This is an amazing discovery and appears to be accidental. I checked with the Googlebot and it says that the hackers weren't looking for Global Warming stuff at all. It turns out they were looking into the real reason Eric King got cut and stumbled over all of this.
  23. She wasn't actually drunk. She was just rambling like a snooty idiot, a trait she inherited, and the cop thought she was drunk. I say leave her alone.
  24. Kerry just wanted to marry someone rich. He took a shot at grabbing the attention of the Forbes family. He didn't care if it was ketchup or magazines as long as he could get rich without working.
  25. Click the link. It is about harvesting fat from humans. That is an endless supply.
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