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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. Jack Nicklaus? Holy Crap. How many chicks did he mess around with? They keep records of the crap? Is Joanne Karner eligible?
  2. That's still better than a well below average weak armed non-athletic QB.
  3. The bolded part may be part smugness but it is primarily bad aim.
  4. Googlebot. Keep it quiet ok?
  5. Well all she has to do is open this thread. Your picture is right there every time you post.
  6. The Olympics when those two guys fisted on the medal stand was like 40 years ago? Why is this still controversial?
  7. Holy crap that's where he ended up? Is Chris Mortensen writing articles about how great the COC has become?
  8. He wasn't so stressed the last time when he kicked the other broad to the curb. Why would it bother him now?
  9. Not the NFL but see Patrick Ewing to the Knicks.
  10. I only lasts from 6:30 to 8:00. It would be pointless to build it up for days ahead of time. Even if you can't get a wristband you should try to be there before the end. At 8:00 sharp, you can witness Maybin's legendary first step as he high tails it out of the store. It will be the first time he has displayed it all year.
  11. Now college football teams are getting into the act. Mark Mangino is gone at Kansas.
  12. If you fly to India do you put it on your expense report?
  13. Business travel goes on an expense report.
  14. Bill, I think some people still root for Clean up the city boy for a few reasons. Although as you say he is a proven perpetual loser with a new championship ring, many fans like their team's QB to be somewhat masculine and loyal. By masculine I do not mean rough and tumble like a 5'10" CB, but really just to avoid being feminine. For instance, there is no need to wear gloves and be afraid to throw a football. By comparison to these traits, JP looks masculine. He may make stupid plays but masculinity and stupidity are far from mutually exclusive. JP also embraced Buffalo which for some people is important. It does not translate to success on the football field but it can be nice for some to know that their QB and "team Leader" does not bolt for California because he is literally intimidated by snow. People get confused not because they have bailed on the Bills but because they feel the Bills have bailed on them. The alternative to JP has now proven himself to be a perpetual loser as well and did so with all the girlishness you'd expect from a Los Gatos. I think the bottom line here is that two wrongs don't make a right. As soon as the Bills get a real QB, JP and TE will both be forgotten. Personally I think either Tim Tebow or Jay Clocker would be good choices but I am far from an NFL scout. Tebow may be available in the 2nd round allowing us to shore up our pass defense in the first.
  15. Video games do not yammer on and on for hours upon end.
  16. Mabe because the Broncos had the worst defense in the history of football and Fred Jackson ran 78 yards after 2 yard throws?
  17. If a team scores two goals during a preliminary game are they immediately declared the winner of the World Cup?
  18. No money, no stupid geek game. On the other hand I think I am going to have a little fun. I will have the Googlebot deploy about 500 balloons around the country just to watch the propellers on all the hats go haywire.
  19. French people would be shocked if people brought in donuts because they all like frilly girly foods like crescents and other supposedly fancy stuff like frog legs and snails. Plus they like to keep their image of being the rudest people on the planet so they never share.
  20. I was buying into this crap until the bolded part. On your web show you look like you could be a medical professional because of your short hairdo and glasses. When I got to the bolded part I realized you made this up. First of all, if he was so fat, how would he even know he had an erection? And renal failure? Eating tons of food can make you fat but I doubt it hurts your eyesight.
  21. This is what they said about cigarettes too. But in the end marketing campaigns using cartoon camels proved to be at fault. In the food industry it is slightly different but basically the same. Marketing whizzes make up "words" like yummy and scrumptuous. These "words" kick off neurons in the ear which make people salivate like Yakov's dog. After that it is just a matter of time until it's off to the bakery. I can see the case for airlines charging extra but the passengers should not have to pay. The food companies should. The airlines should also charge less for skinny people to be fair. Karen Carpenter should have been practically free.
  22. The Saints have put themselves in a bad tie breaker position by beating the Jets, Bills, Pats and Dolphins. It probably won't come back to bite them in this case but it could.
  23. That doesn't even rhyme.
  24. You prefer we trade our 1st for Fitzgerald instead of drafting a QB? If we lucky we'll hear three times: Touchdown to Larry from a Glove wearing Mary.
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