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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. Is the pun that he'll get cut and get his first "sack" at his new job at the grocery store?
  2. Dude they don't even call it Candlestick anymore. Plus you'd have to ask if it was before or after they knocked down the right field wall so steroid Bonds could hit all those home runs in the lake.
  3. You left out the part about not washing his balls. Enjoy washing his balls.
  4. I think it would work better if you started a new thread to list quotes from famous people. and you need " " these around the quote. You should have written: See how it works now? I'll do one: "Sheryl, get me my syringes and my Spandex. I'm goin' to France." Lance Armstrong
  5. Holy crap we all missed this. Unless there is some error the answer is 3.5
  6. I did not invent the Googlebot. It was sent to capture me and we did a switcheroo and Sammy reprogrammed it. Carl wasn't even here at the time. Plus besides if I was going to have the Googlebot waste cycles on fez prevention I would charge more than any media company could possibly afford. It is working on something MUCH bigger than that.
  7. What do I look like, a Googlebot? Figure out some technology. Or maybe we should shrug our shoulders and just steal it.
  8. Or: DVD industry puts in software keys tied to a maximum of three players. Copyrights protected and thieves PWNED.
  9. Send them all the postal receipts too.
  10. I'm not saying Poz doesn't suck it is just that Maybin sucks even more. And Poz practically drafted him personally making him responsible. That is probably why Stroud is mad.
  11. What's winter without a willing friend to keep you warm right Cat? Are you starting a defense fund?
  12. Either Poz would go to the outside or he is still mad at Poz for suggesting the ridiculous Maybin.
  13. Dude snow is not water until it melts which is basically never in Canada so you can't count double air. Plus it would only be 133.333333333% + a little bit air anyway. The other 66.66666666666+% is hydrogen.
  14. Do NOT follow Chef Jim's advice. If you don't explicitly tell this dude that you refuse to wash his balls then you will regret it for a long time.
  15. If Edward' Arm likes him there is good news and better news. The good news: At least we know we need to draft someone quick. The better news: With Holcomb, Edwards and Brohm all now in the stable, there is only .5 of a QB left to misjudge.
  16. Whatever. You can't count the balls because the balls and the snow are both completely white.
  17. That is not analytical at all. My comment about balls on the ground having 99% of their surface area covered by air now that is analytical. When you think about it Jim, even most of the balls you've played which are now underwater are 33% covered by air. Water is H2O which means it is one third oxygen. Another word for oxygen is of course air so you have to factor that in.
  18. They didn't say in the US. It is a trick question. From July 9-17th it is summer in Canada so you'd have to add Canadian courses in. This would render "any given day in July" mute as July 1-8 and 18-31 typically see closed Canadian courses. In addition, even golfs balls laying on the ground still have 99% of their surface area "in the air". The ideal answer is: I don't know the exact number but it'll be one more than last July Mr. Jones because you'll be able to play every day as I do all of your work for you. Just don't ask me to wash your balls when you get back to the office because I have to draw the line somewhere. Provide any other answer at your own peril.
  19. So you're saying he is way better than anything we have now?
  20. Normally I would be against any president winning the Heisman but if it comes down to him or a dude named Toby, I'd have to go with Obama. Toby. Seriously? Toby? I want Suh to win. Let's face it, it will probably be another 1000 years before a dude named Ndamukong has a shot at the Heisman. I can only hope the same holds true for a guy named Toby. Toby.
  21. Did he really enter a Bud Light contest and use a Labbat's in his demo? Are you sure he is not a Canadian? Because he has the intellect for it.
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