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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. OC is Schonert
  2. We have all read about the relationship that developed between the two OCs fired just before the season started. They bonded on the unfairness of their firings. Let's hope that a sense of loyalty does not drive Chan to hire Schonert, but at this point it looks close to a lock.
  3. Do you get points for starting active threads or something?
  4. He declined an interview.
  5. Dude, what don't you get? The league has intervened and that is why the Bills can't get a coach.
  6. Thank the last 4000 to show up because they are 4000 more than showed up in Atlanta?
  7. A grouping of dumb people does not equate to a race. It is more of a culture than a race. Granted it is two steps above a culture found in yogurt, but still it is a culture. As far as I'm concerned, there is only one human race.
  8. I'm just trying to understand why it is ok for blzrul to say, not imply, that Obama's natural language is basically "street" because his skin is black. I don't think that is ok. I don't think it would be ok for Darin or you or me or Harry Reid to say it either. My guess is that Obama did not suddenly start speaking well when he was taught by all of those wonderful white professors at Harvard. My guess is that it happened because he was raised abroad and in Hawaii where there are not a lot of inner city problems that manifest themselves in "ebonics". Maybe the liberals are right and it is the moderate pigmentation that causes it. Like I said Reid is a racist and not a racist depending on his audience and what serves his purposes well.
  9. So it is ok for liberals to look down on everyone because they claim they're trying to help while they're really just on a power grab. But it is not ok for conservatives to look down on everyone because they don't claim they're trying to help while they're really just on a power grab. I think I get what you're saying. Random BS counts, even when exposed as a racist. This is good news for Reid and all people who think dialect is directly related to skin color.
  10. So let me see if I have this right. If a conservative dude like LABillz says something racist, it is racist. If a liberal dude like blzrul says something blantanly racist it is fine. If a conservative black dude like Chef Jim says something racist, it depends. Did I get it tight?
  11. Exactly. And they had a lot more travel.
  12. I know it seems weird but is it possible that Del Rio could go to USC and still keep the Jags job moving the Jags to LA?
  13. Lamer than "It was cold and my gloves were slipping"? Or "But that receiver was at least 8 yards downfield"?
  14. Dude, Your choice of the word "lapse" makes you sound a lot like Harry Reid. It's as if Obama's skin color defines his "vernacular" and only his education "saved" him. Here's a newsflash: There are plenty of dumb black Canadians that sound just like dumb white Canadians, eh?
  15. Let me explain something to you people. Harry Reid is not a racist. He also is a racist. This is because Harry Reid and many others like him from both parties, use what is convenient for their own purposes at any given point in time. Politicians of certain levels view themselves as perfect, and EVERYONE else as somewhere below them. Some people are right below them and some people are way below them, but EVERYONE is below them. Not only do they have this mentally distorted view of reality, but they act on it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Every person on the planet has millions of discernable traits. The permutations of these traits dictate that no two people are exactly alike. It also dictates that you can take any two people and find lots of common traits. Dirt bag politicians like Reid take advantage of this in both directions. They are keenly aware of all their own traits but also know that nobody else knows everything about them. Reid might be about as smart as the average Canadian, but if you just met him he might be able to tell you he invented Yale. When Reid and people like him are with a group of people, they latch on to real or perceived common traits, and use them to denegrate people with different traits. Reid essentially said: Hey, we're all white here but we have to realize this Obama dude is not as black as some others. He simultaneously propped up Obama and put him down. He did it based on race. This makes him a racist. Or does it? Not really. If Obama were a white jew, Reid could have used that or any of millions of other traits like: education profession sex sexual orientation family ethnicity home town personal hygiene and on and on Reid is a racist when it suits him, he is tolerant when it suits him. He is a dirt bag all of the time. Unfortunately, this does not make him unique.
  16. Googlebot say 0% chance.
  17. I'd have gone with realistic or thankful, but intelligent works too.
  18. It will be Matt Hasselhoff. We will draft a sleeper in the 5th or 6th like maybe Clocker and MH will be the caretaker.
  19. That is photoshopped.
  20. Do lines get put a little high to allow for the possibility of OT? In theory you could have a game end a 0-0 and lose an O/U bet with a line of 52. That seems stupid to me.
  21. Ralph does not like Marty because Marty called himself "the next Dick Butkus" and played like "the next Dick Bupkus". We already have Hardly and Maybinot, do we really need an underachieving player as a coach too?
  22. I have a separate question but this is a good thread for it. If I bet on the over/under, in a college game can I get screwed/rewarded by overtime? Let's say the O/U is 45. After regulation it is 17-17. Due to the OT rules in college the final ends up 39-37. What pays off, over or under?
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