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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. The answer to EVERY question about this guy is the same. The answer is: Maybinot.
  2. Technically, it's representative Fudd.
  3. Can he pay DE? Maybinot. Can he play MLB? Maybinot. Can he play OLB? Maybinot. This guy is James Hardly part deux.
  4. Double-Chan More chans than the chinese phone book.
  5. Do columnists get to instruct the staff of an NFL team?
  6. Sully's response: So now the Bills are supposed to go out an solicit quotes from guys who never interviewed? Ron Rivera is supposed to come out and say "The Bills never asked."? Why on Earth would any candidate ever do that? Sullivan doesn't have a phone? Sullivan can't say "I personally spoke to xxx xxxxx and he told me he declined an interview."? Sullivan appears ill equipped to do his own job and he is projecting his complete lack of professionalism onto the Bills. That doesn't mean the Bills are always right or Sullivan is always wrong. It simply appears to suggest that Sullivan is lazy and wants all his work done for him.
  7. I think it is understandable that Bills fans are a little sensitive today in general, and specifically to stories like yours. They should not expect you to name your source, but you should also understand that: We just hired a coach and our team has been constantly bashed for the decision. This may prove to be valid criticism, but the piling on has not helped the mood. This comes on the heels of being mocked for having the audacity to hope we'd get a headliner. Mocked for months. Not one national reporter came to defense of the Bills fan base at all. Not that I witnessed anyway. ESPN shows, designed and scripted to be "point/counter-point" are "point/agreement-with-point" when it comes to the Bills. Irrefuted reports perenially list the Bills as a potential candidate for moving due to "difficulty filling the stadium" and "lack of fan support". The Bills and the Jaguars are the only teams ever mentioned as move candidates. I don't see any tarp advertisements in the upper deck at the Ralph. Didn't your report come out a few hours after the hiring? Can't we have a few hours to digest our new coach without another broadside? Was the info not available yesterday? Would the story not have waited until tomorrow? I know it is your job and your decision and I'm not really criticizing it, but try to see it through a Bills fans eyes and maybe you'll understand the sensitivity a little more. Certainly you can understand that the constant drumbeat of negativity might wear peoples nerves. Our team has been well supported for 50 years and we sit by and watch New England glorified despite knowing that as soon as they have an 8-8 season, their stadium will be half full, despite the huge market. Teams like Atlanta and Phoenix have had traditionally tepid fanbases despite their large markets. Buffalo, while being a small market team in a terrible economy, still has many fans that identify strongly with the Buffalo Bills. Many of these people have not lived in Buffalo for a long time. This loyalty is lost on most/all reporters. Would the NFL lose more overall fans if the Bills moved or if the Falcons moved? Ironically, I think you'd most easily find your answer if you attended a Sabres at Thrashers game. Our society is different now than it was in 1960. You don't have to live in Buffalo to love the Bills. There are many avenues for fandom. The NFL was built in part on the loyalty of fans. It is sad to see it dismissed as meaningless while the media pursues perceived large markets. I am not saying Buffalo can never move or has a divine right to keep their team. I am saying that it would be pretty cool if someone tried to understand how the Bills really fit in the league instead of jumping on the "they should move" or "every move they make is wrong" or "who would ever want to coach in Buffalo" bandwagon. Tony Kornheiser's "Chan Gailey is a guy you hire when you're going out of business" was the most direct line I've seen. It is in keeping with the theme. So I guess we're a sensitive to "little things".
  8. Despite your avatar?
  9. That I did all on my own. And yes it is still Celts/Lakers going 7 games. It is not hard to figure out a fixed sport. I never asked the Googlebot about individual games because I didn't really care.
  10. I edited my previous post. Kornheiser's reaction today was: Gailey is the guy you hire when you're going out of business. Stuff like that makes me wonder.
  11. Why do national reporters consistenly say the Bills have a hard time filling the stadium....fan support....blah blah and never get called on it? The tone is always negative when it comes to the Bills. Just today Kornheiser's reaction is: Gailey is the guy you hire when you're going out of business.
  12. Anybody wanna buy a used Googlebot?
  13. How badly does Ralph want the Bills to stay in Buffalo? How much pressure is the rest of the league putting into the situation in an effort to force them out?
  14. Maybe Ralph remembers how much Marty bragged when he first got to Buffalo and how badly he sucked then. Maybe he didn't want to re-live the past.
  15. Our offense made everyone wish they had a pistol. And one bullet. And a T-shirt.
  16. No name teachers. LoL. Greggo part two.
  17. Did he really just say his parents and Bill Cowher had the same amount of influence on his life?
  18. Worked for Dave Wannstedt.
  19. NFL Network says Colts 20 Ravens 3.
  20. Bad QBs lose? I guess that means Trent gets "Nix"-ed.
  21. I have as much or more respect for old people than anyone, but once you past 90 is there really any point in counting anymore?
  22. He will somehow manage to use his beautiful hair in his signals.
  23. If we hired a three year old head coach we would still have the title. 90+70+3 = 163 which is an average age of almost 55.
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