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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. If the Bills do it, it is badgering in the eyes of the grand ESPN. If a large team does it, it is enticing, convincing or courting.
  2. You are entitled to your opinions but the first statement you made appears incorrect. X started out with that name and added the "TC" as a few new band members joined. The addition was made because one of the new members, "DJ Bonebrake" used to sit around on Saturdays and watch the cartoon "Top Cat". All of Top Cat's buddies called him "TC". They became XTC. My opionion is that they sucked as X and XTC, but that is just my opinion.
  3. I understand that everyone has a right to their opinion, but I can't imagine a crappier singer than Exene Cervenka. IMO XTC sucked.
  4. If one of your employees misses an extended period of work with Spiral Vaginitis what should you tell your clients with whom he has had direct contact? Very direct.
  5. Forget top 20. If Mayock had Maybinot in his top 200, then his credibility is shot.
  6. Trent's career has seemed like hell.
  7. If his hair starts getting beautiful, we'll know the blanket cure has gone too far.
  8. I thought of all Trent's interviews and his favorite word....... "Ummmmmmm" then I started reading your post. I stoppped reading right there. Smarter than Bledsoe does not equal smart. Was Glove Wearing Mary from Los Gatos on the list?
  9. Did you like the movie version too?
  10. I agree but the movie version was even crappier. Kevin Costner sucked and the whiny father complaining he never got to catch in the majors sucked. Plus they shot the whole thing in a corn field, not a rye field. Catcher in the Corn?
  11. Terrible sad story. I hate to complain but when linking in a thread please be more clear. Just when I thought you couldn't get any lower by linking to the truck driver's porn, I click and find out you linked a Canadian news site. Even lower.
  12. Get well John.
  13. It was a collective tube like the Borg. I can't believe you missed that part.
  14. I thought the JP Era was over.
  15. As a parent, you set limits for your kids. Then you hope for the best.
  16. Rush to me is just ok but of course they overcame a lot to get there even. Anyway, it's not in a trio but Steve Howe was also #3 in his group, Yes. When you're in a band with Ian Anderson and Rick Wakefield it is hard to be recognized. Not saying Howe was the best, just better than people realized.
  17. Hint: Ralph's friend has beautiful hair.
  18. Did you miss the part where they said she tubes tied?
  19. Holy Crap. Is that really you Jimmy? Where have you been? You changed all your phone numbers. I was worried about you. I'm glad I found you.
  20. The butler did it.
  21. Poz has beautiful hair. Harris....Meh.
  22. They should pilot that program in a country that already has national health care. Like Canada.
  23. I told you to do that before we left the house. Now you'll just have to hold it until we get to Andromeda.
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