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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. I don't remember any cheers when Trent received one of his weekly injuries. I'd say Anderson has more reason to complain. And when Trent took the gloves off and announced he wasn't a Bills fan, how exactly was he taken out of context?
  2. Maybe if you leap 5000 years, Big Cats choice of "partners" will be acceptable. Woof woof.
  3. Don't you think if we base all of our ideas on quoting Frenchies that we'll end up commies in raspberry berets just like them?
  4. I haven't read it but there is a TV show based on the book currently airing on ABC. You might be able to short-cut the class with some DVDs. To summarize: It sucks.
  5. With broads, after you're experienced enough with it, you are very careful to make sure to avoid the after sex yammering. It doesn't really matter if you're highly paid or married or just in it for fun, the yammering will wear you down. This has GOT to be the same for homosexuals. Prison offers difficult escape routes at best and further difficulty in kicking your partner out. They could have co-ed prisons and the story really wouldn't be any different. You don't really want any part of it. If you are the yammeree you want out. In the long run captive yammerers are going to be killed because there is no other way out for the yammerees. It is not a good deal for anyone. Beerboy, can you imagine being stuck in prison with code name Ennifer Janiston or code name Ritney? OMFG.
  6. Is it good? Maybinot.
  7. If they are flying people to a workout for Tebow they are either not cheap or they will sign him for sure so the air fare does not go to waste. This leaves three possibilities: Bills are cheap and want to get most bang for airline bucks -----------> We draft Tebow. Bills are not cheap and Tebow has a good workout ----------> We draft Tebow. Bills are not cheap and Tebow has a bad workout ---------> We do not draft Tebow. Statistically speaking this means there is an 87.5% chance we draft Tebow if he is available.
  8. Aren't you some sort of reporter type? Can you go back and look at the film of Jauron's interview? Nobody really picked up on it at the time but his quotes are suspicious to me. How would he know where McKelvin's sprinkler head is located? Is it possible Jauron actually did it? Is it possible he was also gunning for the HC job in the first place by messing with Mularkey's lawn?
  9. How many rapes does a trophy forgive? Kobe can evidently afford more than Ben so I guess Ben is Koe Jr. Thaks for settling that.
  10. Is that what they're calling it now? An "event"?
  11. You mean just like they treat Kobe?
  12. Was that supposed to be funny?
  13. You are so right. The fact that Ben has been accused of rape multiple times proves his innocence. I'm sure as soon as the woman found out he was at the bar, she formulated her plan. Years of reading the sports pages as a girl have finally paid off.
  14. This dude can be in many places at 12:01 AM? Can he do that trick on the field too?
  15. Story Should we call Ben "Kobe Jr." or should we call Kobe "Ben Jr."?
  16. Cincy is your grandfather?
  17. Dude. You're preaching to the cryer. I long for the days where you could beat children to an ever loving pulp without some sniveling social worker breathing down your neck. Kids aren't so mouthy after they've been punched in the larynx a few dozen times. Nowadays if I even look crosseyed at my hamster, my doorbell is ringing. Granted, most hamsters can't call the authorities, but the fact they would even come to the house irks me to no end.
  18. Didn't those cars come with a roll of duct tape in the trunk in case any kids got uppity in the back seat?
  19. Dude did you read what I wrote? I explained the whole thing.
  20. Possibly, but that is not the main point.
  21. Try to put the shoe on the other foot. If Family Guy mocked people who think it is ok to screw dogs, you would be very upset.
  22. Injury #1: Shoulder. A critical part of a QBs body. Injury #2: Shoulder again; loosening it more. About two minutes after he came back. So he is either frail, dumb, or both. I've seen enough frail and dumb around our QB that I know when to give up on those traits. Is he less frail than Edwards? I suppose, but a Barbie doll is less frail than a China doll. Big deal. And Girlish? Well, ugly girlish I'll grant, but girlish nonetheless. Girlish in a German speed skater sort of way.
  23. To me the word "unordered" has a different meaning than "ordered and canceled", but that's just me. Who needs definitions of words when you can get free stuff? I don't see how this is any different than getting free movies or songs.
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