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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. "And all you reporters said I couldn't get any stupider".
  2. I'm sure Mr. Limbaw aka Darin will ask you to find a smart liberal first.
  3. Don't we have enough crappy Penn State linebackers yet? Does Lee have beautiful hair?
  4. I have a feeling you wouldn't be saying that if your head was rolling down a flight of stairs.
  5. Thanks My Hats off to you Sir,
  6. Please define "above".
  7. And by all accounts he is a great teammate would add to the locker room and help instill a winning attitude I like IT
  8. Dude, my guess is that this stuff is a result of your spiral vaginitis so I hope everything goes well. Whatever you do, give it a lot of thought and research. Mr. Limbaw aka Alaska Darin has cochlear implants so you may want to ask him. One thing to be sure of: Make sure whatever you buy has an on/off switch. Can you imagine being able to just flip a switch when code name Ennifer Janiston starts yammering?
  9. 30,000 posts and a daily 3 hour radio show.
  10. Do you play a fake Steeler fan on your radio show? You're always calling people names like environmental whacko or feminazi on there so calling me a Canadian lover must come easy.
  11. Man have I ever walked a mile in Obama's shoes on that one. I repeatedly say that I have as much or more respect for old people than anyone, but if I point out a minor flaw, I get lambasted. This is the exact same thing.
  12. EGYLN, Not really no. I just know that although seeds need water that the drane will hog them all if allowed. They are for survival after all. Anyway I don't listen to radio much at all because when I'm in the car I am usually looking for squirrells and don't want any distractions. Anyway, I have been driving a lot the last few weeks and heard this guy Rush Limbaw that seems to be popular. I listened for a half hour and thought for sure it was an on-air name or maybe Latin for "Alaska Darin" but then Limbaw started talking about how much he liked the Steelers. Other than that I would have thought it was Darin.
  13. Oh crap. Can we please keep the phony baloney mass transit mumbo jumbo to one of the enviro threads?
  14. Stats 101: What are the odds that: The girl in question is named Lindsay........check....3% of female population The girl in question has addiction issues......check.......10% Add in that these issues are known to her peers......50% The girl in question stayed the night.......check.......98% if you're doing it right which most guys don't but the E-Trade kid seems pretty smoth The girl in question is immature and dumb.......check........immature 72% * dumb 43% = 30.96% Note: this calculation makes the assumption that the baby is not Canadian. The girl in question has ongoing feuds with other girls and tries to steal their boyfriends......check.......17% The girl in question likes it when guys howl like a wolf.....I wonder if Beerboy will be a witness.....check.....6.3% and I can be precise on that one. add in the very fair and freckled complexion at 5% add in not being able to resist getting in front of the camera even when you're supposed to be hiding......10% If you understand math this means that roughly one in every 41,031,957.67458372 women has all of these traits. That's between 3 and 4 women in the US who fit all those traits. Like I said...open and slut case.
  15. Ok cool. So although still common, it adds a little more to Lohan's case on a statistical basis.
  16. Who got to keep the kids in the divorce between Mr. Cause and Mrs. Effect?
  17. Sage says he knows 10 girls named Lindsay and it isn't even clear if he included the ones with restraining orders against him, so I'll grant you the name is not unique. In fact none of the factors are totally unique but taken together they become unique. I wonder of Sage's Linsday's how many are addicted, immature, dumb, sleepover, feuding wolf howl loving Lindsays. That doesn't even get into the baby's complexion which is very similar to Lohan's. E-trade, or at least the ad agency were clearly taking a shot at Lohan and any good lawyer would be able to demonstrate that in court. My guess is a settlement.
  18. EGYLN, You have to be careful with those seeds. They are tiny and could go down the drane.
  19. I'm not a big fan but when you list the factors you can draw a conclusion. The commercial states or implies that: The girl in question is named Lindsay........check The girl in question has addiction issues......check The girl in question stayed the night.......check The girl in question is immature and dumb.......check The girl in question has ongoing feuds with other girls and tries to steal their boyfriends......check The girl in question likes it when guys howl like a wolf.....I wonder if Beerboy will be a witness.....check When you only consider the name is seems silly but when you start considering other factors it seems the tide turns. This may be an open and slut case.
  20. The dude is Canadian. When he tells you to say goodbye to your culture he probably just thinks you've digested your Yoplait.
  21. Because is wasn't a bowl of cherries in the Pony Express days. Sure, you could duct tape an uppity kid to keep him quiet, but pulling the tape off the pony was no small feat.
  22. To EII, You're in the wrong thread. To rest of people, Sorry to be repetitive.
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