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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. Hardly and Johnson are the answer? I think TO will be back. T-Bo to T-O in B-Lo.
  2. Those dudes are REALLY good at photoshop.
  3. Rumor has it that starting at The Masters, Tiger will be playing with blue balls.
  4. Haven't we been called balls enough for one week?
  5. It is almost as beautiful as Poz' hair even if it is a little below my normal standards. Here is an important tip to remember: The Caicos are VERY friendly and they are the ones you should hang out with. The Turks, while not mean or anything tend to be very
  6. Two pages into the thread and not a single mention of yammering on and on. Code name Eniffer yammers more that Sandra but she is a close second. The tattoo chick probably just let him wear earplugs.
  7. That is harsh. I was talking specifically about Jersey City, not the whole State of New Jersey. Believe it or not, there are actually parts of New Jersey that are almost tolerable for short stints.
  8. I hate redundancy. Check out this headline.. Forget the article, I'm just talking about the headline. Isn't that like drowning a fish or killing a dead horse?
  9. I heard he entered the Masters. Do you think he'll pull it out?
  10. Evidently Clark judges based on beautiful hair.
  11. Again with the testes? Geez.
  12. Maybe they are just testing him.
  13. It is not what you think. It is Ballgreens. That sounds bad so when his family started their drugstore chain they modified it slightly.
  14. Weird. I always thought they were balls.
  15. As if you weren't obnoxious enough with the Reagan/Hippie stuff now you come in here saying that: You are a tester and we are all a bunch of testes. I don't think people will like that at all.
  16. It actually says: Spiral Vaginitis. Enter at your own risk. I told Beerboy to always read the instructions but does he listen?
  17. So how would you structure communism so that it wouldn't "unravel"? Sure you could get it off the ground by cutting the hair off all of the hippies, giving them a bath and putting them in a suit to trick people, but between the hippies and the professors you'd still have a bunch of crap that does not work. The professors might be able to get it started by stealing money from the people that do all the work but eventually their utter lack of productivity would render their ill gotten booty useless. The hippies would go back to growing their hair and getting even smellier than before and the regular people would stop working. The professors would start killing people off and people like Mr. Limbaw aka Alaska Darin would no longer be able to speak. As much as Mr. Limbaw is a pain in the neck, he should be able to speak even if he is rude to well spoken people like Conner.
  18. From a strict definition of the word I suppose it isn't porn, but Jessica Tandy was a freak. I can't imagone what she did with that web site.
  19. Nice try by comparing Obama to a Canadian after saying he is not dumb. Very unrealstic. If you say Obama is like a Canadian then he is either a moron or an oxymoron. You can't have it both ways. Anyway, the point is that States will screw it up. They are basically like the minor leagues. They need guidance on how to do things by the people that have been promoted to the federal government. It is like asking the Cardinalls AAA first basemen to pinch hit for Pujols. It ain't gonna happen. Here is the way you should look at it. The Feds do not chime in on everything. You don't find them telling people from Kansas how to farm or from Wisconsin how to make chesse. That is fine because those things are common to those States. When it is something like health care the Feds have more information and definitely need to be in charge. Someone from NY and someone from Texas might be different but both need health care, therefore Texas and NY should do what the Feds say because the Feds have smarter people and EVERYONE's best interest at heart at all times. People from NY and TX would just battle it out.
  20. There is a reason we're called the UNITED States of America, not the DISJOINTED States of America. That is because there is an authority above the States which makes them united. I realize that some people like Alaska Darin aka Mr. Limbaw don't realize this but it does not make it less true.
  21. States rights are sort of dumb because States do stupid things. The fedral government is up a step in the hierarchy and should make all the decisions. I think the SC will realize this. If it were up to the States, New Jersey would probably deny care to this poor woman. The Feds have to be the boss to prevent that from happening.
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