Nothing works in Canada except for the brooms used to sweep ice so a rock can go a micron further. Pot can't make a Canadian any stupider.
Here is the deal. There are already enough stupid smelly loser hippies in California to go around. If you legalize pot you are only going to end up with more of these idiots as time goes by. They are not productive members of society, they smell, their brain function is dimished and they are as annoying as can be.
The tax calculations are ridiculous as these utter disasters NEVER buy their own pot. They hit up mom for extra "grocery money" and then go find a dealer. Fast forward to when this law is in place:
No new tax revenue generated.
Millions of more stoned idiots annoying the crap out of everyone.
More broke people due to their loser son/daughter/nephew/cousin etc. mooching pot money from them.
Streetcorners crowded with Canadian like zombies.
At some point the whole thing will snap and some heads are going to get bashed in by the remaining productive members of California if there are any. Then these people end up in jail and the rest of the country pays for California then they decide to legalize pot everywhere for more taxes ad the next thing you know your head is rolling down a flight of stairs.