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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. Obviously you were jerks to treat someone who stutters so harshly. Children can be immature so don't be so hard on yourself and obviously reflect on your mistakes so you don't make them again. Obviously no one said anything about despising Edwards but obviously his Stanford diploma was obviously "earned" because he was on the football team. Obvioulsy teachers looked the other way. We should obviously not keep calling him smart any more than saying the emperor is wearing some obviously fancy duds. You obviously need to talk to the media a lot when you are a QB in the NFL so you obviously may want to work on your speaking skills. Obvioulsy this skill has to be in balance with other and more important QB skills which Edwards obvioulsy lacks. So overall I would say that Edwards skills are obviously in balance, just not good enough.
  2. He didn't actually say anything at all. Obviously when I woke up this morning I was hungry because obviously I hadn't eaten since dinner. I obviously went downstairs and opened up the cabinet obviously. I saw a box of corn flakes in there so I obviously picked it up and then got a bowl from the next cabinet over. Obviously on my way to the fridge I grabbed a spoon so I could save time. I obviously grabbed the milk and some orange juice too but just before I poured the milk I noticed it was expired. I obviously needed to go to the store and get some more milk so obviously I grabbed my keys and wallet. I noticed my wallet was empty so obviously I went over to my office where I keep a few bucks in the desk. I obviously saw my framed Stanford diploma when I walked past the desk and obviously I was proud.
  3. A quick trip across the Peace Bridge could have netted a proverbial zombie bonanza.
  4. Argue all you want about the football stuff but can we at least all agree to never call Trent smart again? He uses the word "obviously" in every sentence and has yet to utter an original thought in six seasons in Buffalo. I think the time limit is up for proof of him being "cerebral". If I didn't know better I'd swear Stanford was in Canada.
  5. Nothing works in Canada except for the brooms used to sweep ice so a rock can go a micron further. Pot can't make a Canadian any stupider. Here is the deal. There are already enough stupid smelly loser hippies in California to go around. If you legalize pot you are only going to end up with more of these idiots as time goes by. They are not productive members of society, they smell, their brain function is dimished and they are as annoying as can be. The tax calculations are ridiculous as these utter disasters NEVER buy their own pot. They hit up mom for extra "grocery money" and then go find a dealer. Fast forward to when this law is in place: No new tax revenue generated. Millions of more stoned idiots annoying the crap out of everyone. More broke people due to their loser son/daughter/nephew/cousin etc. mooching pot money from them. Streetcorners crowded with Canadian like zombies. At some point the whole thing will snap and some heads are going to get bashed in by the remaining productive members of California if there are any. Then these people end up in jail and the rest of the country pays for California then they decide to legalize pot everywhere for more taxes ad the next thing you know your head is rolling down a flight of stairs.
  6. Why not legalize murder? That costs the government a fortune to police as well. If you legalize pot you might as well legalize murder because you are going to have a lot more violent criminals running around.
  7. Are we being testes again?
  8. I've heard of the fifth dimension, but who let the fifth dementia in?
  9. Reactions are what this dude is looking for. I doubt he will get what he expects. Basically, he is saying the opposite of what he thinks. If he does that, he paints others with a broad brush. Leave him alone and he'll get even more vocal. Lights will go off when we realize who it might be. Stop looking far away. Far away does not have the answer. All you need to do is look nearby. Nearby holds the secret.
  10. Maybe. Maybinot. Call me crazy but I figured Hardly as a bust as soon as he allegedly tried to kill his father right after the draft.
  11. You can't really see the person Bush shakes hands with. It could have been a Canadian volunteer.
  12. Ellis and Maybinot? It reminds me of a Jim Carrey movie. Bust and Buster.
  13. Beerboy has been through the training and knows what to do and when.
  14. Of the five things on your list the Federal government only plays in #4. There was a constitutional amendment for that one.
  15. Link Quote from the article: Wow are they ever cocky. They get a super majority and they give it a name? Demography? What the heck does that mean? They are drawing a picture for Israel of its future? Then she takes a shot at Jews. Nice. I think this gal needs to spend a little more time with Beerboy to put herself in a better mood. Sheesh.
  16. Seriously. I mean Coulter is pretty low, but she is not THAT low.
  17. You are so right. This is why Kurt Warner was so hated by all his teammates.
  18. So you're saying he is only a little better than our current stable?
  19. If he gets up and down enough, he'll eventually get it.
  20. The Bills have ONE WR deserving of being on an NFL roster and its not a big hole? The drafts of Hardly and Maybinot have killed us. To expect Hardly to do anything at all is ridiculous. Johnson may turn into Sam Aiken if we're lucky and Roscoe is well, Roscoe.
  21. I have a feeling we won't be able to put it in the hole as often as before.
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