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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. Jay Clocker - Round 6 - Bills
  2. When drafting in the top 11.......Maybinot
  3. This is known as the Los Gatos foreign policy.
  4. God might be perfect but he if his creation were perfect I doubt it would want to sleep with canines.
  5. I didn't click. I am curious why they only talked to Canadians though.
  6. I knew this thread would get all complex but I decided to let it go for a while before provding some clarity. There is a theory in science called Occum's Shaver which says the simplest explanation is usually the right one. Let's review the basic facts: 1. The article basically states that 97% of certain genes can't be figured out. 2. The article comes from a source called "The Canadian". Does this ring any bells for anyone?
  7. I get it. The boats float because you properly man the locks. Levity indeed.
  8. Tell that to the Golden Retriever.
  9. You're missing the point. How can you extort any real $$$$ without using a computer. There are ways to hide anything. This guy is a governor extorting money like he was in the 1970s? We need a more technological guy.
  10. Fecal means unpredictable, weird or uncontrolable. Think of the phrase "The fecal finger of fate".
  11. Jake Locker is staying in school. I have not heard any further updates on Clocker. Maybe UDFA?
  12. Clearly Campbell is better than anything we have. I don't like any of the "top guys" in the draft too much. Maybe Tebow. What about Zac Robinson later in the draft? Is he worth a flyer? Earlier in the year I heard about a sleeper named Jay Clocker but news about him seems to have dried up.
  13. It means crap. Sometimes you'll hear snooty scientists call it "fassal matter".
  14. I am not too political but I watched this guy on The Apprentice and I have to say if guys like this are running our governments it is a really sad situation. This guy evidently tried to extort money and can't even use a computer. Before Big Cat or Mr. Limbaw aka Alaska Darin get their panties in a bunch I don't even know if this guy is a democrat or republican. I am just saying it is sad we have guys rising to this level and trying to extort money and not even knowing how to use a computer.
  15. No but he likes Jesus and Philly fans do not. That would offend him.
  16. They would be smart to do that but I don't think they will. Tebow is a luxury choice but the Eagles now have a luxury pick. They will be focused on that. They won't even think about fans booing Jesus and what that would mean to TT. It will turn out poorly for Philly, TT, and Buffalo. It's a shame really.
  17. Maybe, but Tebow would be upset about the story of when Philly fans booed Jesus. I doubt this even phases Vick.
  18. Vick won't be there long and they need a backup/insurance. The #37 pick is an extra and almost certain to be Tebow. I suppose it is possible that they go with McCoy instead.
  19. The Eagles got the 37th pick for McNabb. They are almost certain to pick Tebow; robbing us of our chance at a leader. This will also be bad for Philly and Tebow himself as that town is not a good fit for him. Philly fans are famous for being harsh. They famously even booed someone dressed up as Jesus one time. This will tick off Tebow and start things off on the wrong foot. Bad for Philly, bad for Buffalo, bad for Tebow, questionable for Washington. Overall this trade is a flop.
  20. He has stated several times that he strongly prefers to play in Buffalo. He said he'd retire before playing elsewhere. In a way, that is nice to hear but it will make a trade impossible.
  21. Like most others I thought you were thinking of Tebow. It is ineresting tha you weren't. Even if a schools academic standards aren't the highest, there is still a lot of time a student must dedicate to attending classes and at least passing. On top of that, I would guess that the programs have not only a pretty full calendar but also likely have restrictions on what their athletes can do outside of practice. My guess is that there is simply not enough time to allow for developing college and pro skills simultaneously. It is the same in any endeavor. Why doesn't a great lawyer also get his CPA because he can make more money with both titles? Rich or poor, black or white, we all have only 24 hours a day.
  22. Dude Chill. Like did you ever think our whole solar system is like just an atom in an entire like system known as the universe? Like if you look at it that way your whole mind expands. That is what pot will like do for people while it increases revenue. We will all have this like cool view of things and require less spending from government because we'll all be like really happy with our expanded minds. You know what the cool thing is? Like when Pluto was kicked out of being a planet, we went from being Fluorine to being Oxygen, which is like air. You like can't live without it. This puts us high in the ranking of solar systems. Cool. Not that I think we should like compete with the other solar systems though. That would be uncool. Disclaimer: I was just trying to channel some justification for these smelly hippy losers that want to smoke pot all day.
  23. CL, I'm very sorry for your family's loss.
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