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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. It was Corona. And don't get me wrong, although I said I don't have a problem with the celebration of a Mexican holiday in America, I think this holiday itself is perverse. And Corona should be ashamed for taking part in it. I'm sure Big Ben from the Steelers loves it though.
  2. I saw on TV that today is Cinco de Mayo which is some kind of Mexican holiday. It was on a commercial for that girls beer. I don't really have a problem with this, but am wondering if anyone knowns of Mexico celebrates our holidays like Thanksgiving and stuff. Does anyone know?
  3. That's not exactly what I meant.
  4. Sorry for your loss. Animals, especially dogs, can often show us the best sides of life. They somehow deliver a message in a way that makes us listen.
  5. Plus they might have worn suggestive clothing.
  6. Claussen looks like one of those guys in Police Academy that were always kissing up to Mauser and ending up at the Blue Oyster.
  7. The EXACT same percentage that would be ok with Kobe Bryant winning us a Super Bowl.
  8. Toby Gerhardt? Haven't we had enough Stanford already? And Toby is a name for a Golden Retriever; not a running back.
  9. Ask him to try to be more vague.
  10. I see no reason for that potshot at Maybinot.
  11. Why would it suck? He probably still gets to go to the oil buddy parties and now he gets to laugh it up with Obama who likes to have beer summits.
  12. A few years ago Bush was paying off his oil buddies by letting the price per gallon skyrocket. Obama hated this and talked about it all the time. The newspapers hated it too. Now it is happening again but nobody gives a crap. The oil buddies must be persuasive. P.S. I don't really care but feel bad for people whose cars run on gas. The Googlebot invented a habitual motion machine for the Bently so I'm all set.
  13. That's a secret code which is telling you to get to the compund because code name Ennifer is kicking down the stall doors and Sven has run for the hills. So now I have two problems. 1. Too much Ennifer and no Beerboy to be found. 2. I have to come up with ANOTHER secret code because you failed to see this one AGAIN.
  14. ......is ranked the #2 QB in the draft. The Googlebots crystal ball says QB#18 will lead the Bills to glory.
  15. Aren't most home schooled kids nerds? Wouldn't their football team really really suck?
  16. The Bills of late have been scary Their draft situation is hairy They must take a QB I think we all agree To get rid of the Glove Wearing Mary
  17. There's a team that has the 9th pick But they won't take Claussen the hick Some may wish for a fragile Sooner But he'll too be a franchise ruiner Cuz he looks like an East German chick
  18. I'm glad Bradford won't drop to us and we may pass on Claussen. I agree with you on Claussen and have seen enough pictures of Bradford looking like an East German women's swim team captain to pass on him too. There is no avoiding seeing pictures of Tebow. I'll pass. At this point, I don't even want to see a picture of the guy from Tennessee. The less I know the better.
  19. ESPN, Jones, Snyder and Capri Sun Kraft want the Bills in LA. End of story.
  20. There are so many ways this could work out. I can see the pecking order being: Campbell Fitz Brohm Edwards or Campbell Brohm Fitz Edwards possibly Brohm Campbell Fitz Edwards or even Brohm Fitz Campbell Edwards If they want a caretaker for a year it could be: Fitz Brohm Campbell Edwards or Fitz Campbell Brohm Edwards. That is pretty much every combination that makes any sense.
  21. They famously even booed a guy dressed up like Jesus one time.
  22. I will root for the Bills QB to complete every pass even if he is a glove wearing Mary from Los Gatos. I root for my lottery numbers every week too, even though I don't buy a ticket. The odds of success are about the same.
  23. Maybe. Maybinot.
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