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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. Mild mannered not so great QB compared to good QB and menace to society. It's not like Ben was caught doing 40 in a 30. He is a disgrace. I have always been realistic about Trent, but he is certainly not going to bring this kind of shame to the Bills or the NFL.
  2. Not really. He is avoiding leaving fingerprints whenever possible.
  3. I'm not sure of his name, but in the first movie, there were two guys that were kissing up to Mauser. Not Proctor, but two of the recruits. They would always report the other recruits to Mauser. They had buzz cuts or close and I think they ended up at the Blue Oyster. The Claussen look alike was the smaller of the two. Bradford looks like just about every East German chick I have ever seen.
  4. Sorry. I think if the Bills had drafted Ben and won 2 Super Bowls and this crap happened my stomach would be turning. I am glad the Bills did not get him. Trent is not my all time favorite but his statement far outweighs Ben's actions. I am all for taking a QB in the draft if he does not look like a character from Police Academy like Clausen or an East German chick like Bradford. I'm just saying if it a choice between Trant and Ben, I'd buy an autographed set of gloves.
  5. He may not be much of a QB, but that right there is enough to put him ahead of Pig Ben.
  6. Keep in mind that the draft would have 53 rounds, not 7. This is because each team's roster has been emptied. I think it is interesting to think about who would be first. Age would be a factor so guys like P Manning would be interesting too. As for the Bills, I'll guess on a few: Lee Evans - about 9th round which is pretty good for a WR - about the 15th WR selected. Wood would have been one of the top 5-10 guards selected if not for the injury. Agree that Byrd would go high, but not the 1st Bill based on positions. Poz' hair would cause him to be selected too early. Maybin might be off the board by round 35. Then again Maybinot. I think D Bell would be drafted earlier than most think due to upside. All of our QBs would be UDFA with the possible exception of Fitz after round 50.
  7. Bills wait until round 5 or 6 to pick a QB. It is Ryan Perriloux
  8. Neither are your commercials with Ditka.
  9. Brian, The teams will be very busy during the draft hours. There is a time and a place to ask for a job.
  10. In fairness, 72 of those minutes were spent on the whining and banter required to set up the free kick.
  11. Do you think any of those "world leader" idiots he listed could pull off that stuff? If so, then as Journey said to Tony Soprano "Keep on believin'". Occum's shaver might make the word "Googlebot" pop into your head.
  12. Having dirt bags like Ben drag their name through the mud makes employers nervous.
  13. The whole concept of the NFL not needing to prove anything is obviously lost on you. And you're already nervous that the NFL's investigation will not be on the up and up? These poor rapists nowadays. Not only to chicks dress up like sluts and drink and beg for it, now the employers have to get into the act of rigging the investigations.
  14. Protecting employees from what? From being disciplined for dragging the comany's name through the mud by accosting young women by repeatedly using bodygurds to isolate them so the employee can rape them? I doubt it. And before you start in with the CRAP about benefit of the doubt, how about two totally unrelated people using the exact same story on how this creep victimizes his prey? Do they get any benefit of the doubt or should they be satisfied with a lifetime of wonderful memories of their encounter with a football star? If Ben doesn't like his employers rules maybe he can get a job somwhere else where his qualifications are useful. Maybe like a storefront in Thailand.
  15. I put semantics on my computer but still get viruses. That stuff is a rip off.
  16. You do understand there is a difference between a private operation and a public operation correct?
  17. Courts have a role in society. Shame has a role too. Unfortunately when a sports hero is involved, the shame gets redirected to a 20 year old girl who was first isolated by a bodyguard and then trapped by a scum bag who has been documented using the exact same MO in the past. This redirection of shame is done so ESPN can keep making money. Courts should not be able to convict if there is a reasonable doubt. Shame is not a legal conviction, but a societal one. The NFL gets to decide whether Ben takes the shame or the NFL will take it for him. The shame itself should not go away through our complicity.
  18. As soon as the government programs are created, X grows to 10X. .5X goes to the people who need it, 3X goes to administering the program and 6.5X goes to the Russian mafia scamming the system.
  19. When you translate "Cince de Mayo" from Mexican you get: Cinco = Johnson de = you Mayo = may This translates to "Johnson you may" which obvoiusly has sexual suggestiveness. Whether it is cocaine or girl beer that loosens up the women it is a very bad holiday that only Big Ben and Kobe could like.
  20. You're starting to sound like a hippy.
  21. An evil plot by a 20 year old
  22. More vulgar than comical if you ask me.
  23. Toby is a good name for a Golden Retriever, not a running back.
  24. The governor? What do the hookers look like in Idahao?
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