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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. Looking at a map, I'd call it "practically Canada". Gee I wonder why the people there are so easily fooled.
  2. Bingo. Your senses are working overtime.
  3. Will any of these upgrades give Rfeynman the ability to solve murders correctly?
  4. If I'm reading this correctly it appears as it Rfey's theory didn't pan out. Outside os Sean Taylor, Whoda thunk it?
  5. I'll bet anythig his sister wears gloves.
  6. Personally, I find it sad. Especially when his Country music career was taking off...
  7. OMFG dude you have everything figured out, don't you? Just like Sean Taylor. Let me clue you in on something; you don't get a portfolio like mine by not knowing how things work. Anyway if you even admit they are on a shoestring budget then how in the heck can they all afford Rolodexes? That makes no sense at all. Somehow you manage to work an anti-woman theme into the thread too. What a surpise. Anyway, if the poor guy has the ability to act attracted to a "Canadian porn star ", it should get some industry attention. Heck, it may even get him an Oscar.
  8. Wow. It must be tough for clean up the city boy to fall so far. An NFL team trades up to the 1st to get him and it is all downhill from there: A DB breaks his leg He struggles when he plays He loses his job to a glove wearing Mary He has to start his own league to get playing time He gets traded out of his own league to the Raiders. And now this? How low can he go? At least he lost the scruffy beard.
  9. That's not what the guy was thinking. He's chinese. He was probably thinking something more like: Xing noao fa. Eee wah suut. Wah nin la jing a fen.
  10. When you bill by the hour you shouldn't rely on Verizon to tell you the time. I got you that watch linked to the Nuclear clock for a reason. You're not giving out freebies to code name Ennifer are you?
  11. It is a PC term. Evidently "illegal alien" or "Canadian", although reality, are considered harsh.
  12. Another mystery incorrectly solved. Sean Taylor would be proud. Dude these productions are done on a shoestring budget. They don't have Rolodexes full of names. They probably don't even have Rolodexes at all. Timex maybe.
  13. Her looks are from surgery but the brains are about right.
  14. Um....if you do the math you may discover that you left a major negative off your list....you were asked to audition for a Canadian porno? Canada? Can you imagine the chick you'll be doing the scene with? Picture Celine Dion........ Give it a minute. Now consider that Celine Dion is the ultimate sex symbol in Canada. Now consider you'll be doing a scene with a woman who wants to be a sex symbol in Canada. So you'll be doing a scene with a woman who ASPIRES to one day be considered as good looking as Celine Dion. It is her goal in life. There is a reason they call it soft core. Take a pass dude.
  15. Too great a risk because of his fancy glasses? Cuomo is an idiot. He is just grandstanding to be governor and is probably jealous because he wanted to wear those glasses in a debate.
  16. Don't confuse Canadians with hippies. Yes, Canadians smell, but they are not in the same league. Anyway, your poop is green because you ate a whole box of Crunch Berries in two days. And why would anyone want to buy......I really don't want to get into that. I mean you can pretty much buy anything if you have enough scratch, but why on Earth.....never mind. I'd ask the Googlebot to look into why the question has been asked, but he is a little off his game lately. It's weird really. I don't know what to think.
  17. That's harsh. 4-6 games is a lot of money. And the only thing the woman has to deal with is a lifetime of fear and memories of violation. That's not money. Poor Ben.
  18. Sorry to hear this Dean. I'm sure he was happy to spend his last day with you as well.
  19. He's not in the news because he is being drafted and doesn't look like code name Mana Handlikova. He also didn't rape anybody lately. I gueess that is why you'd ask "who?".
  20. There may not be an East Germany any more, but their chicks are not easily forgotten. Have you forgotten when you first joined the busiess, your training "excercises" with code name "Mana Handlikova"? I didn't think so. You know what? After all these years, I still find it odd that her code name and her signature move were one and the same. That's just a crazy twist of fate right there.
  21. Perhaps you wandered a little too far noarth?
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