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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. Re- read the thread from last year. It tells you exactly what will happen. It includes Cleveland's whimpering exit in round 2, tells what will happen in the Finals and gets into the Finals in 10-11 and 11-12. You may not recall what I said but re-read it. Every bit of it is happening before your eyes and you still seem to be a septic. It starts here. And gets into a lot more detail here. On the second link follow along through the rest of the thread. It goes into quite a lot including answering specific questions from you. When you re-read it, you'll see that 15 months after my original set of predictions, everything is STILL winding its way down the path of David. I have re-read it and feel I was harsh about your interaction with your girlfriend. I'm sorry about that. Perhaps you'll discover that your arguments were futile on the basketball stuff all along and wish to apologize for your criticism of me. I have a few developing theories about next year's flukish result, but it is still early. I also have some thoughts on Lebron, which I will post in a new thread because they are not playoff related.
  2. Geez, the Celtics knock out the Cavs easily in the second round. Who could have predicted that? P.S. Read the whole post for an insight into next season and beyond. Yawn.
  3. Sage, I need to clarify some things. Did you hook up with code name Ennifer today? She is telling tales about her adventure but swears up and down it wasn't with anyone named Sage. She says, there was a dude and a chick. She says she had a good time but that the chick seemed a little jealous and was calling you names. The chick was named Ann Marie, or Rose Marie or something. She stresses it was a good time except for the name calling. She insists the chick kept calling you Presley. That is a common last name. Is it yours? Do you look a bit like Elvis maybe? I need to figure all of this out because her accountant is a real stickler with the billing and she is being charged boo koo bucks for this. The Googlebot transport alone is in the 7 figures. Don't worry about answering this stuff tonight. It's your birthday. I just need to make sure she got to the right place and everything went ok. Her story is kind of crazy so I'll boil it down to the questions I need answered: Presley/Sage? Rosemarie? Good time?
  4. Why would I need Sage advice? He's a kid. I give Sage advice. He doesn't always listen but that is part of the learning process. BTW Sage, Ennifer is back and said you brought another chick into the mix. Normally I'd frown on that without prior notification, but Happy Birthday. Also, I am impressed. Ennifer had a good time. Now if she'd only shut up about the song that was playing or something. I don't really get what she is saying.
  5. Answers: 1. Beerboy violated the rules and posted a picture. He has done this before but it's your present so what the heck. It's your birthday so if you're into a color coding scheme then go for it. Just a warning, and this goes for all chicks, but really really really for Ennifer. Earplugs. Before and during optional. After mandatory. You're welcome. 2. It is your Birthday dude. Don't worry about any GPS BS or technical details. Good thinking on getting rid of her though. You're making real progress. Here's the deal: I'm having her find her own way up there so she gets good and worked up. That should spare you from any formalities on your special day. You'll barely have to speak. After you're done I'll have the Googlebot warp her back home. If I had her zapped there you would have to chat her up for 15 minutes or so. I decided to spare you. You're welcome. And don't worry, the Googlebot is not spying or filming or anything. There is a sensor on Ennifer that picks up your vibe and deals accordingly. If you're just taking a break, it'll know. If you have had enough, it'll know. Like many other things, Ennifer is oblivious to this.
  6. First of all, who is BF? Second of all, although often true I find your touch and go comments about Lee quite vulgar. And the rash wasn't really her fault. It was a combination of things. Third of all, why would sending Ennifer to help Sage clear one of life's little hurdles offend Lee? Fourth of all, I haven't seen Lee in years so thanks for bringing back all the sadness. Lastly of all, trying to explain a GPS to Ennifer is difficult enough without you distracting me.
  7. Isn't that Pig Ben's college? And also it did not give any names of any of the girls like Popodopolous or anything else to indicate they were Greek. You can't assume their nationality by their actions.
  8. Poor English directed at the wrong guy has never landed anyone a job.
  9. Sage, Now that you have come of age, I am sending code name Ennifer to Ithaca to also make you a man. Look out for her. She is not too bright and sometimes gets lost. Happy Birthday.
  10. Not really..... They are going to install a bunch of urinals in Ladies' rooms. That's like installing colleges in Canada. Useless.
  11. Look at that list. Is there anything you notice. From a football perspective Poz is well below each of those guys. If you factor in beautiful hair as a statistical category, he jumps to #2 on the list. Some of those guys have decent hair but none are anywhere near Poz. Personally I don't think it should be a category but who am I to argue with a computer?
  12. It has been mathematically proven in this thread that they are one and the same.
  13. Dude. Not cool. Play on words or not your thread title borders on patent infringement.
  14. That is a screwed up quiz. It says I'm some dude named Pete which is not even a Beatle.
  15. I didn't click the link. Is it called Weekend at George's or Weekend at John's?
  16. Because it is so unlikely for Favre to throw horrible interceptions in big spots? I mean he has thrown so many, the odds are he can't possibly throw another one.
  17. It's his second year; maybe he'll get better. Maybinot.
  18. Now you sound like a Kobe/Ben fan. It's not like Lassie was doggie-*ss-bombing the back of his head. If she was, she'd have worn one of these.
  19. It's not consent when her Ken-l ration was laced with a date rape drug.
  20. Lassie wishes it weren't so true.
  21. Depends? I thought that is what Maybinot used in case the other team had a fullback run toward him.
  22. Maybinot can certainly afford to go to 3 pro bowls and watch Orakpo. He can probably even afford great seats. Does that make him a success?
  23. And Bruce didn't waste 75% of his time posting on Twitter.
  24. Is being completely worthless at the outset of your career a guarantee of future success? If so, Maybinot and Hardly should get a discount on tickets to Hawaii now.
  25. Was the turnout crappy because it is May and election day is in November? You dudes are weird.
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