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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. I'm sure the pictured woman's mom is so proud of that picture.
  2. Start with the obvious clues like #s 8 and 9 and then 14 and work your way from there.
  3. And to think Bill in NYC was mocked for complaining about smoking rules and warning of their expansion to other areas. You won't be laughing when Blomberg forces us to have all 22 of our starting players be cornerbacks.
  4. I got it for real. I didn't even think of googling it or running it through my Googlebot until you mentioned you hadn't looked up the answer yet, but once I solved it I checked my grid against all of the questions and it fit. The next one you post I will Google right away. My question about the left/right came after my first try where I couldn't find a mistake I had made but I found it later. I had hit a snafu with clue 6 and another with a couple of the drinks. I just drew little pictures of houses and started filling in the info where I could. Underneath I made a list of all the factors and made circles around the intertwined ones. After that most of it fell into place pretty easily. Edit: The clue 6 snafu came up later. The drink thing caused me to ask the left/right question.
  5. OK wise guy.....It's the German who has the fish assuming there is a pet of the fish variety. This is true if the green house, which is also the german's is to the left of the white house as you face it. From the left as you face: House 1: Yellow Norwegian Water Dunhill Cat House 2: Blue Dane Tea Blend Horses -- the horses probably have broken some sort of zoning ordinance btw House 3: Red Brit Milk Pall Mall -- I didn't know they still make those -- Birds House 4: Green German Coffee Prince Fish House 5: White, Swede, Beer, Blue Master, Dog
  6. Is the green house to the left of the left of the white house as you face the houses or as you look out from the houses?
  7. No tricks but the Brit somehow does not drink tea. Um.......I'm calling BS. And I don't know who owns the fish but it ain't the Canadian because the fish would have frozen to death by now.
  8. Please ask Buftex and see what he thinks. The plan was described on this site starting in February 2009 and here we are in our 4th NBA playoff season since and somehow everything has come true thus far.
  9. The dating an older woman thread seems to have been swept away by a hurricane. Hmmmmmmm
  10. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers.
  11. She does sound like a right B word if she is taking credit for the invention of a word that has been around for a thousand years or more. Anyway for some reason I really get a kick out of it when Sammy goes on one of his cursing tirades. Oh I act all parental and tell him to use better language but when I get out of earshot I usually laugh until I cry.
  12. FINALLY!!!!!! Thanks and let us know if there are more. Of course we all may find out real quick when they take the cover off of that thing.
  13. The anti-Israel zombies in this thread have actually made me worried. I thought a simple acknowledgement of history would at least show some human commonality. I didn't expect everyone to become all pro-Israel 2012 nor am I but I am truly surprised and dismayed at the vitriol that has shown its face. Lemon trees and garbage like that refuting some point I wasn't even trying to make? I mean I know you people are out there and you hold your meetings but at this point the world knows what you're after. This seems like open season on Israel but I don't really think it will go too far.
  14. I agree he's not being circular. Zombies like you and him usually move forward in straight lines ignoring whatever is right in front of you like the FACT that the Israelites saved you.
  15. Dude I like how you blabber on about the Bible with your know it all attitude when the thread isn't even about the Bible to begin with. It makes NOOOOOOOOOO sense and then you claim to be so smart. I could go into a thread about Freddie Jackson and start talking about Albert Pujols and how I know everything about baseball and everyone else is dumb. That would make me look like you look in this thread. Geez you're being a zombie. Anyway I was unaware that DNA had names written on it. Is that how you know that DNA doesn't trace back to Noah? Because it doesn't say Noah? Whose name is written in DNA if it isn't Noah? Is it Charlie or Pete or who? LOLOLOLOLOLOL this just keeps getting better. You keep angrily posting off topic and now you are implying that evolution is somehow a landlord? Weird.
  16. Here's a good quote from the article: You know when you won't think that quote is weird? When your head is rolling down a flight of stairs, that's when.
  17. Dude I am not talking about the 1800s I am talking about Noah which happened about year 800 I think. Anyway it clearly states in my thread start that I don't agree with everything modern day Israel is doing; it says that CLEARLY. I just think Israelites; not Israel, deserve acknowledgement for saving humans. Can you at least stop being a zombie long enough to acknowledge this basic fact?
  18. You are leaving out the fact documented herein that at one time 100% of the population was Israelite. That means they have given up their rights to 7% of Israel and 100% of the rest of the world. It hardly seems greedy to me. Anyway, if you READ the first post in this thread you can see that I asked not to argue about stuff in here but simply to acknowledge that we all owe a debt of gratitude. If you want to argue keep it to an opinion thread. You can even start your own. This was meant to be a facts thread. At this point with Tom's porno song and your racist crap the facts are slipping away. Let this post serve as a reminder to all about the origin of this thread.
  19. Your last name is xxxxxx? How unfortunate for you. Even though you think it looks professional, your name makes it look fake or pornographic. Either way it is not good.
  20. You bunch of jerks are arguing about the Bible and stating that it was my source when I never said that at all. It is really easy to start a thread on here if you want to argue about the Bible or lemon trees or whatever. This thread is simply to acknowledge the Israelites. You may all think it is funny stealing this thread but remember that one of the 10 commandments is "thou shalt not stealeth" or something along those lines. Yes that is from the Bible. Holy Moses got them on the mountain after failing to set the Pharoah straight.
  21. Where exactly did I say the Bible was my source? It is just sad that you would twist things around like this all because you appear to hate the very Israelites that helped you exist. I am not saying that Israel deserves land or money or power but they do deserve acknowledgement that you do not seem willing to give. Your zombie like following of the party line is sickening. Still it at least says something that you will come into this thread and state your unappreciative thoughts. Others who often argue against Israel are not here. The are probably sitting in the dark all by themselves. Or maybe they are just somewhere in the street reading this with their iPad. But they don't need to hide any more. They should show their faces and let their thoughts be known.
  22. You could do this same thing with paramesiums and you could invoke evolution or not. Sounds like an interesting thread to start, but it is way off topic here. To use arguments like this to be a zombie to the mass media and blame Israel for everything seems weird to me. It is as if you simply refuse to acknowledge Israelites for anything. The people doing this are hiding their faces. It is a common tactic for propagandists to de-humanize their enemy. Don't fall for this. My thread has nothing to do with Adam or Eve or those other dudes. It is about the Israelites and how they mean so much to all of us.
  23. What is that supposed to mean? You are descended from Noah's daughters. Well at least one of them anyway. Show a little respect. I don't know what hooters have to do with any of this.
  24. I'm not sure what you're saying here but I can assure you that the basis for my post is well documented.
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