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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. You do realize that you just typed and typed and typed in an effort to explain why EVERYTHING I said would happen and ACTUALLY HAPPENED can't possibly be true right? Of course not. Every detail came true. In February 2009 who would have said a primary Celtic would go down to a long injury ruining their chances? Let's say 25% Who would have said the Lakers and only the Lakers would win it all? Let's say 50% Who would have said that either the Hawks or Magic would get to the Finals and not the Cavs, Celts or other team. Let's say 20%. Who would say the Finals would be 5 games, no more, no less? 25% Who would say that the Cavs would be EASILY bounced in the 2nd round OF THE FOLLOWING YEAR's playoffs? 10%. Who would have the confidence to put it all in writing? 1% All of those are true ALREADY and I'm being very generous with the percentages. .25*.5*.2*.25*.1*.01= .00000625. That is 6% of 1% of 1% or one in every 160,000 people and yet here we are. And you're in denial. I'm either someone who has figured out how David Stern thinks making these predictions relatively easy to make, or I am a basketball genius. Which is it? Feel free to mess with my percentages if you must, but try to be realistic. Keep in mind as more of my predictions inevitably come true, the numbers have a lot more zeroes in front of them. The theory known as Occum's Shaver tells us to go with the simpler explanation in situations like this. Therefore Stern. And no I'm not saying Stern gave Karl cancer, but 2010-11 is slated as a year of anamoly, and a heartwarming story is good for $$$$. It might not be Karl, but it will be something sappy. I think if Stern was going to give anyone cancer, it would probably be Mark Cuban anyway.
  2. This used to happen in Little League all the time, especially when I was about 6, but it never made the paper. It wasn't always during the anthem but the mess was still the same. I remember a few times there were pools of piss between second and third when they let Ronnie Crandall play shortstop. In one game 6 kids were called out for running out of the baseline. Nobody cared. After a while, Ronnie only played outfield. Now when Timmy Johnson crapped his pants sliding into home I'm pretty sure that one made the paper. Timmy's family had to move to Idaho.
  3. The Finals will be a legitimate series but is VERY likely to go 7. If that makes you think games 5 & 6 could contain a little funny business then so be it. If I somehow needed money I would have bet on all of this. As it is, I'd rather enjoy the chuckles from watching people analyze the series and goe through x's and o's. It is funny.
  4. It probably never actually happened. He may have just planted the suggestion. Did you go to Froyd's of London last February and bet on: Fake injury to Celtic Lakers beat either Hawks or Magic in 5; exactly 5 Cavs look awesome all year and are easily bounced in the secong round Lakers/Celts final ? If you played them all in a parlay you'd be negotiating to buy the Celtics right now. Too bad you didn't. Do you think it'll be the Nuggets winning one for Karl next year or will some other sad story emerge so the Finals can be heartwarming?
  5. What exactly did the Patriots do to have one of the top 5 offseasons?
  6. Imagine how much money you could have made betting on the pre-ordained outcomes once they had been revealed. I realize it isn't as much fun as analyzing the looks on players faces when they're talking to Stan Van Gundy as if it were all legitimate, but still, it is $$$$$$$. At this point there is probably not much money left to be made, unless you can figure out next years heartstring tugging winner early.
  7. Another Stern ploy to control LeBron. He is letting LeBron and everyone know who is boss.
  8. Have you learned nothing? Many are roped in by the wiles, only to be subdued, scared off, and/or defeated by the yammering.
  9. One does not usually embark on a wife induced bender because of looks; even Candian looks. One usually embarks on a bender because of yammering. From the article it is clear that we have a yammerer.
  10. Does anyone know how I can add someone to my ignore list?
  11. So you're saying the Canadian company didn't understand its own computers well enough to set up the accounting properly? And the Canadian wife wasn't smart enough to use a cell from a different company? That all sounds true, but the part about the Canadian husband figuring out the billing is a joke. Is it possible that he is just somewhere on a bender?
  12. Are those the page numbers the pictures will be on?
  13. Could I make more money if I sue them all at once, or one at a time? And if I sue them all, could they start blaming each other? And if I sue them separately, could they claim they are really only one dude? There is a lot of bad crap that goes on in the world and many people seem really pissed. This suing thing might be a good idea. I can reach the big man via Googlebot so we can probably force him to testify.
  14. Ray Crock dictated that McDonald's franchises not sell Whoppers or Frosties. Does that mean if a manager at a local McDonald's abused an altar boy that it was Ray Crock's fault?
  15. The ladder. It is like Hulk Hogan beating Andre the Giant. It is only slightly more complicated. It is all about building and finishing stories while at the same time maintaining the reputations of the storied franchises. The overall impact is to bilk the people for as much money as possible over the long haul. You need to suck money out of Cleveland and Charlotte, but also maintain the steady larger revenue stream from LA and Boston, etc. Stern is a mster of maximizing this stuff. That is why in the regular season the home team gets all of the free throws in the game. That is local revenue maximization by giving the home crowd a good chance of seeing a winning game. In the mean time, when a game really matters, do you think Oklahoma City would be allowed to win? If so, thanks for playing. When you take the short term and long term strategies into account, the NBA is easy to figure out. Next year will be interesting because they will be in bewtween story lines as this years' concludes. After that, we are in for a few years of Lebron and then the final comeback story line for Kobe in about 2015 or so.
  16. This is even sadder than I thought. What pecentage of NBA fans, last Februrary would have predicted Lakers over Magic or Hawks in 5? I predicted the teams and length of the series. I predicted a major "injury" would cost the Celts their shot. Why does it matter how long this "injury" "lingered"? I predicted Cleveland being easily bounced in round 2 this year. I predicted this year's Finals teams and length of series in February.....OF LAST YEAR. If you think I could do that if the NBA was legit, you must think a lot of me. Not even the Googlebot could do that because there are too many variables. If you take into account the league being fixed, then it all falls into place doesn't it? When will enough be enough for you dudes? When this years Lakers/Celts Finals goes 7? When an unusual team with an emotional story wins next year? This one is still hard to predict but the morning line favorite might be the Nuggets.
  17. At this point you still think this whole thing is legit? For real? At what point do you think you'll understand? I gave you last year's match up and winner in the exact number of games, this year's Finals matchup and the story line for next year. I told about the impending fake injury in 09. And more and more and more. Don't get me wrong, I find it amusing that you still "root". It's charming in a Navy Bills fan/Hulk Hogan sort of way, but geez.
  18. Actually, it is still playing out before your naive disbelieving eyes.
  19. That is pretty sad right there for a guy to say that. Even them? Even them? We are all created equal; but I guess this guy doesn't think so. The last thing the black kids need is a black principal telling them they are capable of less. The white kids don't benefit from feeling like they are having blockades thrown up. A white kid can't look up to a black rocket scientist? Being a rocket scientist is a tough but achievable goal for all of the kids in Ann Arbor, black white or otherwise. Even them? Geez. It's not like bringing a bunch of Canadian kids on a trip to meet a dentist or something.
  20. What a bunch of crap. Americans disembowling Mormons in terrorist movies? I have never seen that even once. I suppose it could have happened but i missed it if it did. I mean I've seen them shot, blown up, run over, and other stuff but not once did I see someone's pooper get ripped out. I don't want to start now either.
  21. Do you think when he throws teammates under the bus at a fan meet and greet it will help with perceptions? I hope we get 9 all pro players too but some all pro players got there by stepping up and being leaders, not hoping for trades so they could keep their gloves clean.
  22. We will start cutting ties with recent lousy draft picks like Hardly, Maybinot and Chris Worthliss.
  23. Wouldn't a PM to Cincy have been a more efficient use of bandwidth for this?
  24. Lebron James turned into a pumpkin in games 5 & 6 od the Celtics series. Theory: The reason for this is that David Stern was messing with him in a well calculated plan. It is likely that immediately before game 5, Stern had one of his minions inform Lebron where he would be playing next season. I will speculate on that in a moment, but for now let's focus on the message that was sent. By notifying James of the decision right before game 5, Stern was messing with the kid's head. Yes, at 25 he is still relatively a kid. He felt on top of the world with all the accolades, but was put in his place by the edict. The impact was clear on the court. It is the way any 25 year old would react. By having a minion deliver the message, Stern further put LJ in his place. Stern subtly let Lebron know that he could not bother to do this personally. It was the slap down before the build up. Lebron now knows who is boss. James was quoted this morning as saying "I haven't thought much about it" when asked about his impending free agency. Of course he hasn't. It is like a child getting in a car with his dad and someone asking "Which route will you take to school this morning?". The kid has not thought about it because he has no control of it. Dad will decide how they get there. Where will he go?: Last year I made a statement about this. I said 60% Cleveland, 40% NY, 0% rest of the league. I still think the odds are high for each of those two teams. I have to admit that Lebron's horrific game 5 made me wonder if a huge monkey wrench wasn't thrown into the mix. I know this: whatever lines Stern's pockets the most is the answer. That eliminates 85% of the league right off. I think Stern is still trying to bilk the Chinese for investment money in the Cavs/Lebron. The world economy is not being friendly in this regard. This makes the Knicks look like an obvious fall back. Because of the economy, which is not totally in Stern's control, there may be 1 or 2 wild cards here. Chicago is being bandied about. Although it is a money center, I think this is not going to happen. There is just not enough pizazz. It will probably be used as a threat against NY interests to help Stern maximize $$$. The real wild card here is a team with a great "tradition"; a team in a large market; a team that could be seen as a destination for a player wanting to be remembered as an all time great. NY fits this equation, but there is another team which also does. The Boston Celtics. I would not be totally shocked. I will say the current odds are Cavs 50%; Knicks 40%; Celtics 9%; Bulls 1%.
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