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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. Then I am right. Have you seen that dude's hair? Crazy.
  2. Well by the very act of saying that, you are definitely insane. It isn't clear by which defninition, but by one of them you are.
  3. I don't want to come off as a Trent apologist as I sometimes might, but I just watched that interview and it is hard for me to be critical of anything. I thought he handled it very well; almost perfectly. The reporters asked him all of those questions. He answered them and there was very little bus throwing. He balanced realism with positivity IMO.
  4. Does he seem real focused on this? As in, he keeps saying it over and over to himself? Does he let it consume his every thought?
  5. I would steer clear of that dude Presley. It was your birthday. YOUR BIRTHDAY. Imagine how he'd stab you in the back on a normal old Wednesday.
  6. Sage, you're so naive. Your parents were simply protecting you when they told you the JC Penney online catalog women's undegarment section was "porn". Given that you've now spent some time with Ennifer, I'd think you'd have caught on. Did Presley get to do all the fun parts?
  7. I don't get it. You're not going after the source of a video link again are you? As for Biden and Belgium, I think he has confused "Capitol of the free world" with "Capitol of the excitement free world".
  8. Not much really. It has to do with people that use that phrase all the time. It appears that they are insane one way or the other. Trent doesn't say this phrase. His Stanford educated version would be more along the lines of: The definition of insanity is definitely doing the obviously same wrong thing over and over and obviously expecting different/better results definitely. I haven't heard this one from him, but it wouldn't surprise me.
  9. The definition of insanity is doing the same wrong thing over and over and expecting different/better results. How many times have you heard or read that? My guess is a lot. When you look up insanity in a dictionary you find: So the people who constantly say "The defintion of insanity is doing....." are not correct. Oddly, this makes them insane by their own incorrect definition. So shouldn't they realize they are insane? Or are they just stupid? Even if they are stupid, they should still think they are insane once they are shown their error. If they don't think they are insane even though they meet their own definition of insanity, doesn't this mean their mind is deranged or that they have engaged in extreme folly or are foolhardy, which of course makes them insane by the real definition?
  10. No. One of the dudes that keeps ending up at the Blue Oyster. Not Proctor either. One of the cadets that is a stooge for Mauser.
  11. Clausen looks like that dude from Police Academy.
  12. It wasn't a full court camera. Does it take 37 seconds to run the floor?
  13. Obviously Trent doesn't even get to the point where he definitely needs to obviously understand the context. He obviously doesn't even understand the basic premise. First he is asked to put himself in the shoes of a Bills fan obviously. He says "I'm not a Bills fan". If someone asked him what movie he'd like to see would he say "My car is in the shop; so I can't go to the movies."? It is obviously a hypothetical question which they definitely didn't cover in the school in the town where he grew up in. Before you start calling all the posters in here stupid, you might want to look at Trent obviously. With Kelly, Jimbo's point was kind of weak, but Trent obviously addressed an entirely different point than the one Jim made. Jim obviously said QBs from California could not make it in BUFFALO. I disagree and Trent definitely obviously disagreed too. Fine. Trent's rebuttal has nothing to do with California QBs in Buffalo, but in the league in general. He obviously missed the point again. The broader point that he keeps missing entirely is saying something like "I will prove myself and it will be in Buffalo". John Elway having had a nice career does not help Bills fans in 2010. Trent obviously thinks it does.
  14. Obviously he is always talking about all of the problems which defintely hurt him obviously. When Turk got let go defintely and his throwing Bell under the bus obviously. If you search you'll obviously find few instances where he obviously takes any blame definitely. He obviously couldn't spare two seconds of his time to definitely put himself in the fans shoes. Either that or his Stanford education didn't obviously include the definition of the word "if" or else he would have definitely understood the question obviously. Or maybe he was just daydreaming about the place where he grew up in.
  15. Hand out some isotoners and they'd all be Glove Wearing Marys. I think the faking at least provides some entertainment and I'd leave that the way it is today. One thing I'd change is when they all stand in a line with their hands in front of their nuts. THAT should be outlawed right there. If they're going to build a wall and make a goal impossible, they should be willing to pay the price.
  16. That would make the mascot too nervous.
  17. Soon the fanboys will point out that Edwards had it right and that TO and Talley must be dumb. They are doing it with Kelly in this very thread. Despite the fact that Trent is obviously definitely too dumb to definitely understand what Jim is obviously saying, the fanboys keep taking his side. Jim may be right or wrong, but Trent is obviously arguing without definitely being able to understand the meaning of Jim's statements obviously.
  18. Am I surprised? Maybinot. The only thing surprising is that it is Worthliss taking the spot and not some street FA. Thanks for the link though.
  19. Spare me please. If they made soccer goals any bigger, they could use them as hangars for the space shuttle. Most of the goalies could ride at Santa Anita in the off season. They could be Hasek and still not cover 5% of the goal.
  20. It is not the most important thing on the planet. I don't think anyone said it was. It is not even the most important thing about Edwards. I can think of 10 things about Edwards that are more important than him not giving a crap about the fans: 1. He does not do things to women like Pig Ben or Kobe. This puts him ahead of Pig Ben on my preferred QB depth chart. 2. He has shown nothing whatsoever to indicate he can succeed in the NFL. 3. He will be getting yet another chance to prove himself this year which will probably end in yet another scapegoat. Hopefully this time only Trent will be crying and not all of his fanboys. 4. He is unable or unwilling to look for a recipient; notice I did not say receiver because that goes without saying, beyond 5 yards downfield. 5. He is more fragile than 93.4% of all china dolls. 6. For all of the things written about him and Stanford, he has yet to give a single quote that indicates he has any intelligence, football or otherwise, whatsoever obviously. 7. He is a Glove Wearing Mary from Los Gatos. 8. He appears, at least to me, to have written off Buffalo. He never says one good thing about being a Bill, or being an NFL player for that matter. 9. When he was originally picked, it was at Bill Walsh's suggestion to Marv. Walsh was a noted practical joker. The easily duped Trent STILL repeats the line about Bill Walsh in his self promoting moments. There is a very good chance that this whole thing is a practical joke. 10. TO NEVER bad mouthed him. TO always was angered at his QB when that QB did not meet his expectations. TO saw Trent every day. Trent must have met TO's expectations. TO's expectations must have been VERY low. I can probably think of more but not giving a crap at all about fans is sort of important so I'll stop the list there.
  21. They can make a steroid and/or HGH that: Makes Mark McGwire and Barrry Bonds hit homeruns Makes NFL linemen bigger and LBs quicker Make the Patriots win the Super Bowl with an entire defense over 35 Makes minor league pitchers well....something I'm not sure about but a lot of them get suspended so it must be good Makes Floyd Landis and Lance Armstrong pedal faster Makes a normal East German woman look like Sam Bradford My question is, why can't they make a steroid that makes soccer players score goals? And if they could, do you think they'll unveil it at the World Cup?
  22. Obviously Trent should take a self centered view of things definitely. He is obviously Stanford educated which puts him on a defintely high pedastal obviously. The fans may be paying his salary obviously but he didn't take economics at Stanford where he went to college in so he obviously doesn't understand that because he defnitely isn't the Bills accountant either obviously. His Stanford education has definitely propelled him to heights where he accepts blame for nothing obviously.
  23. Drink more Ovaltine.
  24. Holy crap if even Steely figured it out then how can it even be called a hoax? That is an insult to more difficult hoaxes like calling someone and asking "is your refrigerator running?".
  25. The commie hippies took 50 years to catch on and they suck too.
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