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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. Maybe. Maybinot. A double tech about 12 seconds in may have actually calmed things down a bit in a weird sort of way. I never said there would be a brawl, I simply said there is a better chance of one since this is all legit at this point. I'll stand by that. I certainly think a legit series like this is hard to predict. That said, I think game 1 has to make you think the Lakers are the better team. If I had to predict the outcomes of the rest of the games based on the legitimacy/Stern's desires combo it would be: 2 - Lakers 3 - Celts 4 - Celts 5 - Lakers 6 - Celts 7 - Lakers And yes I'm aware it is a 2-3-2.
  2. Ed got married and no longer has access to the family's pants. He is not allowed to post here. Let this be a lesson to you Sage. I have heard code name Ennifer asking how to "rob the cradle using a prenup". It may be difficult to resist the lure of Hollywood but remember the family's pants.
  3. His loss. He'll never get on your web show.
  4. Plus with Steely likely to be on the case and incorrectly soving it again, it could be big trouble for dib.
  5. Give me an H......................H Give me a G........................G Give me an H.......................H What does it spell?..........................Cheatriots.
  6. I had the Mike & Mike show on briefly this morning. They said it was possible for the four umps to confer on that call. They sort of mocked the idea though. They acted like they were umpires saying "I think he was out; I think he was safe." They went on to say it would be one of the dumbest conversations in human history. While I agree the conversation would be dumb, I guess these two twits don't realize there are literally millions of conversations taking place every day in Canada. The historic totals are mind boggling.
  7. Do yu guys think now that the two teams will be unleashed for a few games that emotions will run high? I can see tempers flaring in game one or two. I don't mean just the normal pushing and shoving although there wil certainly be some of that. I'm talking about an actual fight. Wallace vs Artest? Odom vs Perkins? My guess is Odom vs Wallace. I can see it happening. Both teams will try to be the alpha male.
  8. As bad/important a mistake as that was, you can't expect perfection from people. They are people. The guy has in 20+ years and is regarded as one of the top umpires in the game. We all make mistakes and none of us can control when they occur. It is too bad tht his mistake din't come in the 4th inning of an 11-3 game but it didn't. Did anyone see the reaction of the runner? He saw the safe called and clapped is hands once or twice in reaction. After that think he realized what happened. He put his hands on his head as if to say "Oh crap".
  9. These balls all have "David Stern" written on them.
  10. Although it had the same end result as a fluffer would, it was actually the opposite as I pointed out. I guess the term "object of fantasy" would apply but that is too mundane. I'll think up a better one so Irwin can put it on the bills. Anyway, I haven't seen Jimmy since I got back from the Googlebot whale. I have no idea where he has been. You've seen him? Are you sure it wasn't a spiral vaginitis induced dream? Ok, I got the term for Irwin's ERP system. "endorphinator".
  11. If that dude gets banned, how will we get the links to his web show once the season starts?
  12. Sometimes in the horse breeding biz they send a stud to work up a filly so the pre-determined sire can step in. This keeps the sire's valuable time to a minimum and keeps him fresh for the other ladies. Usually, the work up stud is not a valuable horse. He also ends up frustrated a lot. In some cases, these horses have gotten really jealous and turned into stalkers and the like. Anyway, in the case of Code name Canadian sex symbol, it work a little differently. She could not afford me. When we had to sneak her into your hospital room, it involved a lot of planning and Sven is just not up to the mental aspect of the game. Sammy was who knows where so I had to step in. While I traveled the vortices with her and that old dude that insisted on tagging along, I noticed her eyeballing me. Yuck; but whatever. By the time we got to the spiral vaginitis ward, Code name CSS was pretty much ready to go. I am pissed at Irwin because although he properly billed the vortices ride, he did not bill her for my mere presence which clearly had tremendous value. I could see if it was Sven. She may be remembering things that did not happen so she can perceive the jean pool for her progeny as impeccable. Perception is reality I suppose. At least for CSS. Anyway, your dream is real and by the way if you remember not only a spider, but some sort of old warlock type image in the background, don't be confused, the old dude paid $$$$ to watch from behind a two way mirror. Don't tell CSS though. That dude creeps her out.
  13. Hint: Your cigar budget just increased.
  14. At the end of the dream did one big spider crawl on top of you and demand your "signature"?
  15. Dude, I hate to drag up foggy mammories, but do you remember anything happening in the middle of the night one night when you were in the midst of your spiral vaginitis? Did you have any "dreams" about spiders? I kind of feel bad but I couldn't just shut down the whole biz and that hospital had really crappy security.
  16. Scherschel is German for McLovin.
  17. First of all......GROSS. Second of all, very funny Beerboy. Just because we got paid a lot of money to make sure this happened, does NOT mean they are mine. Third of all, Note to self: do not let Beerboy review the books/client list anymore. Fourth of all, I have as much or more respect for old people than anyone, but Celine sure will be busy with two little diapers and one big one. Fifth of all, I hope the State of Nevada is happy with their two new anchor babies. Sixth of all, this is the end of Harry Reid. His fault or not the voters are not going to be happy with more Canadians locking themselves down in his State.
  18. Really? You're really going to say that my "predictions" haven't been specific enough? So predicting this series in February OF 2009 wasn't enough? I understand how you must feel and you must have gone from denial to anger at some point here recently but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and elaborate. It is also possible that my words weren't clear enough. The first two games of the Finals will be completely above board. As such, they could be close, they could be blowouts or they could be anything in between. Having not had a legitimate game in a while, it is probably reasonable to expect that the Lakers and Celtics might not be evenly matched. There is really no way of knowing until game 2 is complete. Let's say the Celts take a 2-0 and win each game by 10+. It would seem a sweep may be in order given that they'll be heading home for 3 games. What I am saying is that this will not happen unless there is a major injury. Injuries in this series, if any, will be legitimate. There is probably a decent chance of one because of the new style of play. Tension may also be high, so a suspension could occur. There could be a fight. If there is no suspension or injury I strongly feel it will go 7. It is the end of a major story line and needs to be milked. 6 games just doesn't make sense to me. So here is what I'm saying: If the Celts win games 1&2 and look dominant, the Lakers will somehow manage to win 2 in Boston, probably games 3 & 5 plus game 6. They will seem to have Boston on the ropes. All of a sudden in game 7 Boston will dominate again. Of course the Lakers could be the dominant team just as easily and Boston would either sweep at home or stunningly take game 6. I hope and I'm sure the NBA hopes that the two teams are evenly matched. 7 games is 7 games but a nip and tuck series can be more entertaining than 3 blowouts and a few scripted games. Also please remember that one of my predictions was that everything I said would come true and you would still not believe it.
  19. Enjoy the first couple games of the Finals at least. They will be played legitimately. Fans like you guys deserve the off script stuff once in a while. It should be interesting and entertaining. I still think it is very likely it will go 7, so if one team dominates the early games, there is a good chance they "come back to Earth" as the other gains momentum. Legitimate sports like Hockey, Football and Baseball are hard to predict so if it goes 7, anything can happen as they say. If it does go 7, I'd lean toward the team that looks better in games 1 & 2, unless there is an injury or suspension along the way.
  20. That's called the hitch-eastwest. I flipped two squirrells into the Bently at the same time with that move once. You're right. It is very tricky.
  21. You're right too. I get your sarcasm. Thanks for seeing things like they are. Football coaches that have losing records are totally worthless as humans and should be called out as such. I mean football is VERY important. Just think of all the immature fans who tie their own sense of self worth to the record of a football team. That is why Jauron is a loser, not just as a coach but as a person. I mean outside of coaching he may be a very upstanding guy who gives a lot to his community and treats people well, but does that really matter when he ruins the Sundays of people who have lost all perspective? I say no. Jauron and Unicef are losers, not just at football but at life. That is a good example of why we should get winners like Ben Roethlisberger in here. Winner at football; winner at life. It is the same thing. In the offseason he can corner and abuse chicks galore. Nothing stops him from being a winner.
  22. You are so right. We should all be judged by W/L records. Not just as a coach, but as a person. Who gives a crap if you help people develop, treat them with respect, give generously, take time out for anyone who needs it, treat everyone well and do it all in a humble way? That crap is for losers. Losers that are 7-9. 7-9 makes you a loser in the standings and in life. Give me a guy who goes 10-6 and treats people like dirt, cheats, makes concussed players practice, and does whatever it takes to win. Wins = winner. Losses = loser.
  23. Beck is an idiot because he spells Glen with two n's. Ridiculous.
  24. Rita Mae Brown was a character in a movie. The real person is Whoopi Goldberg.
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