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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. If this guy was so clever, why didn't he steal a pair of shoes?
  2. Did Aaron make even a single play of any significance last year? Maybinot. Did he put in extra practice instead of tweeting all day long? Maybinot. Did he avoid being manhandled when he did get in the game? Maybinot. Is he at a position that typically has a long learning curve? Maybinot. Will he amount to anything at all? Maybe. Maybinot.
  3. They don't hire too many geniuses there.
  4. Good. Because you don't get two chances.
  5. Look at the bright side. It could have been yet another article aboout Maybinot.
  6. The other thing we could do is criticize the team for picking up a guy who will ride the bench all year. It is ridiculous for the Bills to do this. Almost every other team in the NFL has 53 starters.
  7. The majority doesn't matter too much if your head is rolling down a flight of stairs.
  8. So she got was she was rooting for. Yay for her. Either that or CNN fired her because the entire network is rooting for the terrorists and did not want it exposed. If it was really just her they would have let her stay as part of diversity. In reality, they have to hide their views which are 100% anti-American. They are not really pro-terrorist or pro-commie or pro-illegal aliens from Mexico or Canada. They are just pro-anything-that-brings-down-america-because-they-are-too-afraid-to-fail-in-a-capitalist-system-so-they-have-to-hope-for-a-system-that-allows-them-to-only-have-to-whine-and-cry-to-succeed. They are easily duped by terrorists and hippies and commies and Canadians and Mexicans who pretend to be on their side. In reality, nobody likes a wuss.
  9. Lebron, Dwayne and Chris' theme song
  10. You work for NASA?
  11. Lol. Like he couldn't use his CHECKBOOK for the worthy cause. He is about as in control of this "TV special" as he is in control of his "decision" on where he'll play. This is all about $$$$ maximization.
  12. I wouldn't mind if my tax dollars went toward hippy prevention. Hippies, even newly minted ones, cost society more than just their horrendous smell, droning on and on and incredible annoyance. They cost real $ to all of us by not producing anything whatsoever for scoiety. I hope they do try to prevent this crap. Creating new hippies cannot be good for society. I am not for the death penalty in all cases but with hippies they are really killing themselves slowly by using drugs like nitrous and pot. I don't really see the problem if the cops accelerate the process a bit if they catch the sale/purchase taking place.
  13. He will do what Stern and the scripts says he'll do. That's it. "Free" agent. Lolololololololololololol.
  14. I thought the Mormons didn't really go for the overt sex stuff. Jizya tax???? Gross.
  15. The driver was clearly going for the sunroof flip manuver. Amateur.
  16. Holy crap how dumb do you have to be as a country to name a day after your country? Is there a United States Day in the United States? Is the a England Day in England? No. Do you know why? BECAUSE OTHER COUNTRIES UNDERSTAND THAT THERE ARE 365 DAYS IN A YEAR. Where is Canada Day celebrated? One place. Canada. Anywhere else on the planet? No. DUMB!!!!!!!! What the heck do they do the other 364 days? Do they celebrate a Ghana day? Do they have a Belgium day when everyone just sleeps? No. They don't have any of that stuff. That means they gave themselves their own day, the rest of the world thinks it is total crap and doesn't celebrate it, and Canada doesn't even think they are worth more than 1/365th of a real country. Every other country in the world has enough esteem to not name a day after itself and to simply go about their business all year.
  17. Look out Celine. Canada has a new sex symbol.
  18. You consider Trent a winner? Two wrongs don't make a right and a bad clean up the city boy doesn't make a good glove wearing Mary. Trent stinks, always stunk and most likely will continue to stink. Losman will most likely continue to stink no matter what city he is trying to clean. I find it strange that you seem to wish death on one and rose petals on the other. It's weird.
  19. In wifespeak, the phrase for "it is time to stop having sex" is: "I Do" That phrase has multiple meanings however, the other prominent one being: "Please hand over the family's pants."
  20. You are so right. They should be able to make a move to go from first place to zeroeth place.
  21. You must be a good reader Sage because I did not fnd the article vapid at all. I found it slow if anything because was so boring and pathetic I had to try to get trough it as best I could. I agree the rest of the stuff you said but if you got through it so quick that you'd call it vapid, then hats off to you.
  22. I'm glad to see you can hate Clean up the city boy even all the way to Seattle. Will you still love Trent when he is back in Los Gatos?
  23. I don't think Al speaks Japanese, but the rest seems realistic.
  24. His linebacking skills are top noth. His hair? Meh.
  25. I couldn't open the link. How did Los Gatos do?
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