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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. Snobby is the wrong word. Spandex mafia works. Belligerent works. Snobby....not so much. To be snobby you ideally would have at least some intelligence. Riding a bike on a road designed for cars and demanding the laws of physics be repealed so you can wear cute and colorful spandex outfits is certainly belligerent, but lacks the the scintilla of intelligence required to be a snob. Snob wannabe? I can accept that.
  2. At the time Adams thought Ralph was tampering with Jeff Fisher. That is why the bird was given. After that incident and this it sure appears Adams has a hang up with tampering.
  3. The penalty is bigger because when you steal the copyable CD you can steal it thousands of times. When you steal the physical CD you are only stealing one.
  4. That's just the high level. The whole thing is a lot longer. Maybe he'll burn a CD of it for you for free plus optional tip.
  5. So you steal someone's words and post them to the board to prove that stealing words and posting them to the board isn't stealing?
  6. I don't get it. Wait, now I get it. You're calling me Canadian. I'm more secure than an oligarch though so no worries. Anyway, remember when the Prime Minister of Canada was a dude named Pierre Cardin? That would have been more annoying to call me. French Canadians are even more insulting.
  7. I would, but there isn't a smiley with an airplane flying 30,000 above the yellow guy.
  8. Thank you Mr. Limbaw.
  9. Symantecs do not help if your relative was killed over Lockerbie. Obama basically said:
  10. Says the guy whose signature is a link to a cookbook with OTHER PEOPLE'S recipes.
  11. Oligarchy's merits are few but if you're smart enough to take advantage of them you can make $$$$$. It creates insecurity among the powerful which can be exploited. They know they made their money illegitimately so they become insecure. When they are insecure they will pay $$$$ for anything that makes them feel more secure. The money means nothing to them. They can always get more. The smallest things can make them feel more secure. I make 12 figures annually by setting their women up with Beerboy and the like; thus you can see when I say "the smallest things" I really mean it. Contrast this with hippy commies like Bernie Sanders running everything. Those losers have no idea what to do. They just steal what is already there and let the foundation go to pot. At least the oligarchs know how to continuosly rip us off for generations. The commies do it all in one generation then get pissed that no one is producing any more. Well, duh. They are very stupid from all the pot they smoke. It is more difficult to take advantage of them for $$$$ gain because they're very strange and their tastes change from moment to moment. They go along with what the crowd tells them because they are stoned losers. That is why they smoke pot in the first place. Commie hippies are not insecure in the strictest sense. Oligarchs have all of this self doubt which can be exploited. Hippies do not have self doubt. They are completely aware of their own worthlessness. All you get is the woe is me stuff. The most you can do is slap together some kind of up with people scam. And their attention span is for stojan. Basically if you have more than a billion or two and the hippie commies are coming into power you're best off converting it to playdium and burying it under your polo pitch. Capitalism is the best answer but the oligarchs and the hippy commies always seem to undermine true capitalism. It sucks, but not if you find a way to deal with it.
  12. Spearing contest at the tailgate party?
  13. MR. Limbaw AD has 30,656 posts. Even if they are all stupid and antagonistic when you multiply that by .05 and you get $1,532.80. Unless you convert that to some worthhless currency like Canadian you are not going to be a billionaire.
  14. Best wishes.
  15. It would be so cool if you did that and could get some player interviews for your web show.
  16. I am all for saving money but it has to be worth it. A few years ago I decided to try saving money by having my Fleer jets housed at a regular hangar instead of having their own mansion and service staff. Sure it saved me $325k per year per plane for a total of about $65,000,008 or thereabouts but I have to say that the planes were just not quite the same after that. When I was making trips I'd always be worried that there might be some dust from the hangar on the fuselage. All that time I spent worrying cost me as much as the savings. Bottom line: not worth it. One thing that works is buying gifts in bulk. I have about 35 Christmases worth of Werther's Originals in storage for Ginny.
  17. There are 3 factors in whether a useless young player will be cut. Is he completely useless? Would it create egg on the face of the franchise to cut him? Is he a good teammate or a distraction in the locker room. For Maybinot items 1 and 2 are clear. He is clearly useless, but it would also create egg. Now we come to item 3 which is always the most difficult to decide. I think given all the bragadocious tweets with nothing behind them, there is at least a chance Maybinot is a distraction. We shall see on cut day.
  18. Did you leave Maybinot off the list because of the premise that the prospect must be "promising"? Does promising a bunch of stuff on twitter count as promising?
  19. Gaddis should make the list simply based on the fact that he has copyrighted himself. That takes chutzpah.
  20. Dude they can't even get off their butts to help stranded skiers. All they do is send their dogs who are supposed to be their best friends. Who would send their best friend into an avalanche? On top of that, they strap rum around the dogs neck which creates hypothermia and another dead skier. I'm with Cincy on this one. Fry 'em and their powdered hot chocolate too.
  21. Maybinot held out and look where it got him. He's on the fast track to selling insurance. Spiller doesn't strike me as the type to overinflate his worth like Maybinot.
  22. Give Mr. Limbaw a break. It could have been a typo. I'm sure there is a statue of him somewhere. It is probably at his mansion he bought with all the money he got selling stuffed parrots to idiots.
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