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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. Maybe this guy can help sell that Edwards jersey.
  2. Trading up Lynch for Tebow? Then we'll have 5 QBs. Who are we going to cut? We'd have to cut two. Granted they all stink but if we traded Lynch for Tebow we would have to keep him. This means Brown proabably gets cut and maybe Trent? I think we should just forget Tebow already and get a draft pick or something.
  3. Holy crap dude I already said forget about the Peter Pan links. I won't click. And forget it about Jeff Torbor anyway. I know a lot about baseball history and remember him well. There is not much point to the whole thing because the odds of him trying out for the Bills are very small even if he could beat out Maybinot.
  4. I won't click on the Peter Pan stuff no matter how hard you try. It is ok that your baseball knowledge is slightly off. You're not the first one. Anyway, the overall point is that while Reggie Torbor, a career camp fodder player can EASILY beat out Maybinot, it is unlikely that an ex-catcher/manager could. The fact that we have to wonder is disconcerting.
  5. Nice try with the cloaked Peter Pan link but I won't click. And I know more about baseball than you've forgotten. Anyway, you may have watched too much Star Trek if you think his name is Torborg.
  6. Your memory is slightly off as Jeff Torbor was that catcher. He later managed the Indians as I mentioned and may be Mets too. He was a good catcher but the OP mixed him up with Reggie who is actually the guy that will send Maybin packing.
  7. That bar is set so low that the only way Brown could fail would be in a game of Limbo.
  8. I think you're being overly critical of Maybinot. He has been beaten out by Reggie Torbor, not Jeff. Jeff used to manage the Cleveland Indians. He is probably 70 now, and although I have as much or more respect for old people than anyone, I think Jeff would have only about a 25% chance of beating the useless Maybinot for a job as a linebacker. Maybinot is younger and faster than J. Torbor. They are probabaly about equally strong. Torbor's advantages are fewer locker room distractions than the tweeting tweener.
  9. Article coming soon......
  10. Ouch. Running down Maybinot I get, but did he really have to slam D. Bell in the process?
  11. Aaron's reply to Wood: Maybinot. I spent it all on strippers but by all accounts I'm a hard worker with a good attitude.
  12. The Redskins of all people avoided drafting him because of his attitude and the tweeting tweener should abviously spend more time working that typing on a computer about parties.
  13. Already being discussed.
  14. works hard?: strike one good attitude?: strike two beaten out by Reggie Torbor: you guessed it. Should we continue to be patient? Maybinot.
  15. Let's just say at the draft in 2009, Goodell went to the podium and said: This place would have gone absolutely bonkers. Crazy. Nutso. Well, guess what? That is basically what happened. Forget that there were about 253 better players than Maybinot available for us to pick. Let's just say, Maybinot was Miami's pick and we got Torbor. That is exactly what we have today with the exception that we got Torbor as a free agent and are still burdened with Maybinot's contract, tweets and locker room distractions. So at the time, everyone would have gone crazy but it would still have turned out better than what we have now because we would have shifted a burden to a rival. The point is, it takes a couple of years to evaluate a draft so if next year the Bills trade their pick for say a backup LT from Cleveland, don't just call it a bad draft right away. It can always be worse.
  16. Why do birds, suddenly appear every time, Trent is near? Just like 'bany, they long to close to he. Why do stars fall down from the sky Every time Trent walks by? Just like 'bany, they long to be Close to he. On the day that Trent was picked Walsh and Marv got together And decided to play a joke right here So they sprinkled moon dust on his gloves of white And headlight in his eyes of deer. That is why fansboys in town Follow him, though a clown. Just like 'bany, they long to be Close to he. On the day that Trent was picked Walsh and Marv got together And decided to play a joke right here So they sprinkled moon dust on his gloves of white And headlight in his eyes of deer. That is why fansboys in town Follow him, though a clown. Just like 'bany, they long to be Close to he. Just like 'bany (Just like 'bany) They long to be Close to you. Wahhhhhhhhhhh, close to he. Wahhhhhhhhhhh, close to he. Hahhhhhhhhhhh, close to he. Lahhhhhhhhhhh, close to he.
  17. Good report; thanks. It sure looks like Hardly and Maybinot are who we thought they were. Conspicuous by his absence from the list of offensive highlights is a glove wearing Mary from Los Gatos. How many days without a good play before he ends up taking reps as a 2?
  18. "Cardinal" is not a bird or a color, it is a tree. Look at the Stanford logo.
  19. In related news, his hair is reported to still be beautiful.
  20. Your avatar makes it look as if you probed quite a bit I'd say.
  21. No matter what happens it really shouldn't get anyone worked up into a tizzy. Without seeing these guys play it is hard to tell which is better. Just last year everyone was clamoring for Maybinot to sign and my guess is that as of now 98.39% of Bills fans wish he was still holding out.
  22. I see where you're going with that and would appreciate if you kept your vulgarity off the board.
  23. Confirmed by NASA? That's gonna be a while. Their #1 mission now is to make friends with the Mormons.
  24. Everyone on here mocks the idea that the use of "light" drugs leads to the use more dangerous drugs or has bad implications. Now sit for a minute and try to think of someone you know that uses pot and is also not a complete loser hippy who is easily influenced and lacks the focus to be a productive member of society. Don't sit for too long because you won't think of anyone.
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