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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. Nice theory but the Hall of Fame is an above board organization and I doubt they would allow a false speech.
  2. Mr. Warwrwowwrw, Now that the first preseason game is in the books and the predictions are all coming true, don't you think you should publish this article? If you wait too long it won't look nearly as brilliant and you may not win the Howitzer.
  3. I seriously doubt the Hall of Fame would allow people entering to soil its name by giving false speeches.
  4. Here's the thread I'd really like to read: Trent released faster than the world's best gunslinger. See the subtle difference?
  5. Last night's performance was a reflection of our attitude which is the antithesis of Malone's. Wouldn't you agree?
  6. Do you really think an organization like the Hall of Fame which is the absolute pinnacle, would allow a speech filled with lies? I'm going to go with the Occum's shaver theory on this and say no. Malone would not have been allowed to say it if it weren't true. The Bills should look at things like the Mailman and then maybe we'd be winners.
  7. I suppose you blame Trent for the pick too? Not Evans? The throw looks fine to me. I don't see Evans coming back to the ball.
  8. Last night was the Basketball Hall of Fame induction which included The Mailman, Karl Malone. He was a great player but it was his not his play the Bills should emulate, it was his speech. His speech was all about how it was not one person that does everything in life. It is about sharing with others, doing the right thing and understanding how it is not all about you. It is about team and family. That is what FOOTBALL is really all about. And what do we get? From Karl Malone's own son? Maybe I missed something but Bell sat out last night while his teammates struggled, he claims his father has done nothing for him and generally does not seem to understand the things laid out so clearly in his father's speech. Now I don't want to dump everything on Bell who is a kid, because Hardly also allegedly tried to kill his father and Lynch has had his issues, but Demetrius should listen to dad. And before you all start in with criticizing Malone, I'm sure the Hall of Fame checks all the speches out and validates them before they are made. I doubt they would let him go on and on unless he had lived up to his word. I think the Hall does a lot of background checks. So come Bell and the rest of you.....T-E_A-M. I don't see an "I" in there.
  9. Bad campaign. How do you tell a Canadian napper from yet another passed out drunk Canadian?
  10. So this guy got his $75 bike back and the big tattooed junkie who stole it and then got arrested knows exactly where he lives? Um, nice trade-off. Good luck sleeping at night.
  11. I would say that it is a very bad name but not the worst. IMO it is tied for the worst with Montreal's hockey team.
  12. If the Vikings get rid of him he may end up on the Bills. I don't really like him but if the Bills had him mentor Levi Brown, Favre could make a lot of $$$$$$ and he is all about the $$$$$$. Favre is a major spokesperson for Levi's already and having him teach a kid named Levi is to tempting for Madison Avenue to pass up. For the record from a strictly football perspective we should stay away.
  13. Now there is a Mary that should have worn a glove.
  14. Dude it's a free country but Howitzers don't grow on trees. Anyway, you could at least use drawl patrawl in an article or two. It won't win you a Howitzer by itself but I'm sure a big raise would be in order.
  15. By FAR the highlight of the video. For me, a distant 2nd but still hilarious was the whining session in the parking lot after the facts. All those punks wondering how they got punked but without enough brains to figure it out....
  16. I never would have believed it, but maybe Trent is becoming a leader and these guys are just following his example.
  17. I just re-read that whole thing and did not see anything that would bother the players or management. Facts is facts. And what do you mean native country? Warwrwowwrw sounds polish but I didn't realize John was born there.
  18. John, Thanks for the award for 23rd post wins. I was truly humbled. Now with a little cutting and pasting you can win the Howitzer. Ditch your so called ethics for a few minutes and imagine your life as a rich superstar. In case you can't follow where the article is going because it is written at such a high level, I have made notes for you. They follow the word NOTE:. Erase these before you submit the article. I have put them in italics to remind you. Bills look at 2010 as a time to build.......alternate title: what else is new? By John Warwrwowwrw If I may take a moment at the beginning of this article to introduce myself, I am John Warwrwowwrw and I am a better writer than all of of these other Bills reporters even when I am fall down drunk like I am now. I don't want to pick on the other writers but some of them who know who they are work for the Bills, some of them are just ok and allowed to stick around because they share a last name with the owner and one of them never got laid in high school, college or in fact life and has to take it out on Ralph and his team right Jerry? The dudes from the national companies and publications just crack jokes about Buffalo and act like it doesn't exist and some people want to be just like them right Jerry? Anyway, I've had chunks in my puke after an all night bender that have more talent than all of these guys put together so please pay close attention to this article. NOTE: The part about writing while drunk starts the article off with an instant credibility that you are the actual author. This will help deflect any suspicion. The part about another reporter never having been laid shows some insider knowledge even if it is obvious. After the 2009 season even the normally resilient Bills fans had to be feeling uneasy. They had an interim coach who seemed destined to be gone, they made overtures about getting in a big name like Cowher, Shanahan or even one rumor about Tony LaRussa changing sports of which he is smart enough to do. Fans had to know that no big name coaches would come to Buffalo. This was not just because the roster consisted of a starting QB who was a Glove Wearing Mary an a recent #1 pick who might some day be a situational pass rusher at best. Then again Maybinot. That may not be why these big names did not take the job. They may have been instructed by ESPN not to take the job because ESPN might want the Bills in LA and any big name would delay the process. NOTE: The last part of the paragraph is known as a teaser. After reading this your public will want more. 2010 Howitzer CHECK. 2011 Howitzer up next. After 2012 it will be called the Warwrwowwrw. The Bills organization was put in an awkward position and predictably fell into a comfort zone. New GM Buddy Nix, who despite his advanced age has not been able to rid himself of the accent that makes him sound dumb, selected someone who sounds equally dumb. It remains to be seen if these accents are fake or if these guys are really that dumb. Their first test was in the draft. The Bills selected CJ Spiller from Clemson with their first pick. It was an obvious solid choice which annoyed ESPN who wants the Bills to move to LA. So far the guys with the dumb accents were looking pretty smart to me, but then again I had been in the bar watching the draft for at least two hours so I had about 9 gins in me. The gin had settled in nicely by the time the Bills second pick came around because by then it was the next day. The bartender woke me up just in time. I was seeing clearly. Denver had pulled a fast one on the Bills by trading up for Tim Tebow, who the Bills wanted. Despite having a night to discuss it, the drawl patrawl panicked and picked a guy no one have ever heard about. They did it because he had the same initials as Tim Tebow. Wow. Just wow. I just got up from the bar and went home pissed. No other reporter has picked up on this TT thing even now. I forgot who they picked in the third round because my wife made me take out the garbage when they were picking and in the fourth round they took some guy who is already hurt. After that they took yet another guy with a sexual name for their OL. Weird. Later rounds don't usually matter but they did take a QB. His name is Levi Brown. He sucks but it may be the Bills were working an angle to get Brett Favre who is a major spokesman for Levi's jeans. It probably won't work but Favre is waffling on returning to the Vikings and there is extra money to be made teaming with a guy named Levi. Who knows? NOTE: That was another teaser in case you hadn't picked up on it. After the draft came all that mini camp crap which always amounts to nothing so I have no comment. Training camp has started and let me just say that they run it like a bunch of amateurs. There is no hard liquor for sale anywhere at that stupid college. Some say the Bills look good, some say they don't, but I'm not sure. There are two reason for this. 1. No drinking means I'm sober at the practices and I don't know what the hell I'm looking at when I'm sober. 2. I have been messing with a certain virgin reporter all camp long telling him one of the Jills is into him. "See the way she is looking at you?"; ""She told me she like curly haired obnoxious dweebs.". It has been a hoot. On to my predictions for the season. The Bills will win a minmum of 3 and a maximum of 10 games. I will be very surprised if they fall out of this range. I also predict a certain reporter will be arrested for stalking in about week 9 of the regular season. Note: Once these predictions come true, everyone except Buftex will believe you know your stuff. Thanks for the 23 award and you're welcome for this.
  19. Or it could mean he sucks, which is a monotonous and consistent thing.
  20. Nice avatar. I can imagine the dialogue: Aaron: Please Vernon, can I pick up the stripper now? Vernon: Maybinot.
  21. I think I speak for eveyone on the board when I say it doesn't matter where you go, but you must be careful to go somewhere that has no internet service.
  22. He was also evidently unable to determine that Trent had sucked at every level of football and sucked with Buffalo before the concussions. Brian Moorman and a cornerback had the winning production before Trent's Arizona concussion. You can either believe Walsh was stupid or go with the theory of Occum's shaver and realize we had a practical joke pulled on us. A practical joke is a practical joke. When you are the victim you accept the laughter and move on. Walsh put one over on Marv. There is no reason for this to be the gift of laghter that keeps on giving.
  23. Yes. And when he proves he can fly he'll get the lead in Mary Poppins.
  24. James, We Hardly knew ya.
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