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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. And we still can't see ESPN's true agenda.
  2. That's an awful long winded way of saying that it isn't too bad when a UDFA ends up outplaying Maybinot. It might be hard to compare pick #10 or 11 with the next year's number 14 , but it is safe to say a UDFA in 2010 would not have been a #11 overall in 2009. Then again, Maybinot.
  3. These people don't know how to sell anything. The tag line CLEARLY should have been: "Buy the only thing of Sallinger's that was actually crappier than his book."
  4. Spot on dude. Another departed friend of mine was a guy named Alec and he owned his own funeral hall. He told me a few stories about car accidents with funeral processions and such. It was sad. Very few people pull over like you do. Most do refrain from passing at least. His stories re-emphasize for me the need to stay off of pot as it kills short term memory which can only lead to appreciating and respecting things less.
  5. I have come to the conclusion that the board upgrades caused one of my posts in this thread to be deleted. I have come to this conclusion because none of the mods replied to my other thread. I hope that no one takes offense, but I am going to re-post the important parts of the deleted item. I don't thik it is harmful in any way. If there is a problem for any of the mods, please let me know. I feel this important to share because everyone has regrets in life. Rich, poor, young, old, black, white...it doesn't matter. We all make mistakes and have regrets. People who use pot either end up with a lot more regrets or too burned out to even know. Anyway, one day I saw an ambulance screaming down Main Street and I didn't give it a thought. But it was my Uncle Eugene. He died on October the second 1981. I didn't even find out until like the fourth. Eugene, or Geno as I tended to call him, never had a bad word for anyone. The last time I saw him, I just said "See ya Later Geno". The next thing I know there is an ambulance screaming down Main Street. And I didn't give it a thought. I couldn't have saved him or anything......but not even a thought. And Geno had been so good to me. If it wasn't my uncle Eugene it would have been someone elses. So the moral of the story is when you see an ambulance screaming down Main Street, always give it a thought. If you smoke pot, you won't be able to think, so don't smoke pot because you never know when you'll see an ambulance screaming down Main Street.
  6. According to Wikipedia. But according to the Hall of Fame he is a family and team man. And it is starting to look like Bell is catching on and teammates like Nelson are buying in.
  7. Molasses called to say it had finished the race. It will call back when Johnson gets there.
  8. Looky here. Bell starts playing right after the speech is made and the Bills to a player look much better. Even Nelson, who had screwed up earlier, apologizes. Do you think maybe the Mailman's speech is beginning to have an impact?
  9. Ok ok. But I wasn't being pissy, I was being confused.
  10. I looked he up and he is dead. He said I am Dossi, not I was Dossi. I don't believe in reincantation anyway so I'm still pretty confused.
  11. Meazza called and he picked the 15 year old girl.
  12. Your loyalty to wikipedia borders on the bizarre.
  13. Do you know for a fact that the air you breathe helps sustain you? Can you see it happening? No, but it is obvious. Of course I do not have the operations manual of the Hall of Fame at my fingertips. But I do know the high standards that are held because it is obvious. Every player in every sport wants to make the Hall. Every fan and reporter, even fans of arch rival teams, acknowledge someone that makes the Hall is great. This is because the Hall itself has had to consistently uphold its high standards. Its very name can't be allowed to be sullied by having false induction speeches any more than it can by inducting every crappy player that comes along. I doubt the Hall will write you back as I'm pretty sure they won't want to reveal details of how they run their operation. You can write a letter to McDonald's asking for their recipes but I don't think they'd reply either. Anyway, as this thread has progressed it seems people have realized I am right. The Lightning guy helped me out by using crap sources like Wikipedia to argue. Let me reiterate that I am not being harsh on Bell or picking on him. I am saying all of the Bills should act in a manner consistent with Malone's speech. That's it. If you think we're better off with players sitting out then fine.
  14. Dude, Bell is a kid. Yes we can criticize him for not listening to his father's words of wisdom but I think comparing him to Hitler is going a little too far.
  15. A loser is someone who cannot face their fears without a crutch and/or someone creating obstacles for themselves and not reaching their potential. There are plenty of people I'd consider winners that do their best every day but make a small amount of money. Geez dude did you know Brian? I was at parties with him a lot. Drunk or stoned, it didn't matter, he did dumb things. And falling three stories isn't exactly physically strenuous. Pot and alcohol can have different results in different people for sure. There are lots of rowdy drunks and that is the stereotype. But just like pot can cause people to do stupid things that are active, alcohol can cause passive demises. Take my Uncle Wilbert. They all called him Skinner and they said for his younger ways he'd get drunk in the morning and show me the rolls of fifties and hundreds he kept in the glove box of his old gray Impala. He never even got the ambition to go to the bank and deposit them. Hardly a stereotypical rowdy drunk. He just sort of drifted away. He was a good dude at heart though and I miss him.
  16. The whole legalization argument on here is just a joke. Who gives a crap? The point is that pot is of, by and for losers. As a society we should let them know they are losers, legal or not, or else we should be prepared to see pictures of babies smoking bongs. And yes I realize kids can get hurt or die lots of ways. I shared that horrible story about my cousin in this thread. I also get that alcohol can be bad but legalizing pot because alcohol is bad is like saying two wrongs make a right. Pot or alcohol can kill at any age. I mean just look at my friend Brian Temple. He thought he could make it, so from the third story he jumped. He missed the swimming pool only by inches and everyone said he was drunk. He didn't have to die and if he was stoned he'd have done the same thing. To this day it is hard to forget. I wasn't at that party and have tremendous feelings of guilt.
  17. Dude, the point is that people make mistakes. Malone made his and he has clearly now repented as evidenced by his speech. That is the WHOLE point. The speech and its validation prove Malone has his head in the right place. Now if only his kid could learn from dad's mistakes at an earlier age and not sit out on his team.......
  18. Dude I don't know about all that crap. There are two things I DO know: 1. Every person makes mistakes. 2. The Hall of Fame is a class organization and would not a speech filled with bullcrap. So although it is true about Bell and probably Ford, it must also be true that Malone corrected his mistakes and realized it is all about family. If not, the Hall would not have allowed the speech. You can't blame him if his kids decide not to listen. Do you get it now??????
  19. I get your point; I really do. I have personal experience with it. My second cousin, his name was Callaway, he died when he'd barely turned two. It was peanut butter and jelly that did it. The help, she didn't know what to do. She just stood there and watched him turn blue. Even so, there is no need to have pot around. It creates losers out of the guilty AND the innocent.
  20. Volic? Nah. We should just wait it out for Jay Clocker.
  21. Michelle just figured out how to pay for that fancy schmancy Spanish vacation.
  22. You have a change pouch in your wallet? Geez. Man up will ya?
  23. Is the most important thing so like we can all be totally cool or is it like so we can crank out more cool pictures of cute babies and their doobage?
  24. Keep pot cool dude. Did you like see that cool picture of the baby lighting up? Woooooooooah. Far out man.
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