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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. It is possible. The Pats ae almost sure to lose as they have not been able to make any cheating tapes yet.
  2. They pretty much all just want to smoke pot.
  3. Congrats Nick and I agree with Dean about the first 2/3rds of the name. But Manning? Geez, why not just really stab us in the heart and name her Brady?
  4. It sure did. In the second paragraph of the original post, you accuse Buddy Nix of being an incestuous hire. This soap opera mentality has got to stop. I have seen nothing to indicate this and besides, although I have as much or more respect for old people than anyone, I doubt at Nix's advanced age can even think of things like that any more. Maybe he can't remember which one is his sister? How would you know all this crap anyway? Then again with all the Levitre, Wang and Wood around OBD, I guess you never know.
  5. Dudes, The guy jumping out of the pool was fake. Have you ever heard of the word "backwards"?
  6. I agree that it is an overgeneralization but you have no idea if he arrived at it quickly. Geez.
  7. Was her grandma on life support or something? Did they send her to jail even though she was only 11? True enoungh and thanks for the kind words but it only reminds me of my cousin Calloway who died when he'd barely turned two. I talked about him in the other thread.
  8. Steely Dan has generally been considered to be a band for the cerebral. Once they started posting here and exposed their true "intellect", it has perhaps turned some off as to the intelligence level of thier music.
  9. I hope I'm not too late. 7 numbers...Canadian lottery....ok here goes and I explain my picks with Canadian logic: 9 - random number B - It's supposed to be an 8 but the Canadian writing on the ping pong ball is like chicken scratch Leafs - Canada's favorite team 23 - Average Canadian IQ if you remove the / that belongs between the 2 and the 3 B - First number in "Back Bacon" plus you already picked a B so now you have two chances Leaves - Correct spelling of Canada's favorite team 4 - The average Canadian can count this high Eh - Extra number just in case eh
  10. It is weird that parents are giving their girls such slutty names these days, but that is hardly an excuse for Ben raping everything in sight.
  11. Which girl's interview was aired? Was it the first woman to accuse Ben of rape or the second or the third?
  12. Bruce Springsteen is by FAR the most overrated band of all time.
  13. Dude WTF? Uncle Eugene was not a druggie. Is that some sort of joke about my dead uncle? Geez. Teddy was on glue but he was just a kid. I have known people that were basically killed by drugs but not many. I remember hearing about a few. My sister knew these dudes Goldberg and Georgie in college. They hung out together 24/7 and got into some heavy stuff. It got to them and their gimmick got rotten. They ended up on the street and both died of hepatitis in upper Manhattan. Drugs are ugly. I get it. But drugs did not kill Geno.
  14. The pot is for losers thread went in a direction which made me think of things I'd blocked out for a long time. I ended up talking about people I miss and regrets I have, especially about my uncle Eugene. Who do you miss and do you have regrets? I'll start. Outside of Eugene, I remember this pen pal I had when I was a kid. It was cool at first but he lived in the city and started getting messed up as things went along. I remember writing him and telling him to stop doing some stuff, but the turnaround time on the letters was just too long. I should have called or got my parents to take me there. Every one of Teddy's letters kept getting worse. Again it was drugs. He was only 12 but he started sniffing glue because it was easy to find. He ended up falling off his buddy's roof on East 29th street. To this day, I wish I would have called him after that last letter he sent.
  15. You are so right. She was probably wearing skimpy clothing too when Ben had her cornered into a staging area and then trapped her. I mean don't these athletes have enough stress without having to worry about legal problems? There are so many of these chicks that accuse athletes of rape that the legal system should come up with a remedy like exempting all players from rape charges while they are on an active roster. The really famous ones should be exempted for life. This would put an end to this phony baloney. I mean Ben alone has been accused of raping at least three different chicks. This absolutely proves they are picking on him.
  16. I hope he get back by week one so he can flog the Dolphins.
  17. What would someone do to terrorize a Canadian? Threaten to hold them down and bruh their teeth?
  18. Geez dude I doubt you have a Bently but you can still run it over.
  19. If you already have a Wang, and get a Levitre you may end up with a Wood.
  20. I ran over one of these with my Bently one time. I was looking for squirrells and saw it but figured what the heck. Is that it?
  21. JP Era always knew you'd regret banning him.
  22. thanksforincorrectlysolvingmymurdersoquickly@seantaylor.com
  23. Your mom and dad's tears. If being a winner in life is what ails you, then pot sure is a comfort.
  24. He must be talking about Jackson and Roscoe and Evans because Hardly can't possibly be getting any worse.
  25. Maybinot must have great vision because he can see things that no one else can see.
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