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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. Can you define "beginning"? Maybinot.
  2. Which is more pathetic: Bicycle racers all of whom cheat or Their worshippers in the spandex mafia that have no business wearing that crap and block the roads use for commuting and commerce? It's a tough call. What do you think?
  3. Even rookies can make big plays when they know exactly where to go even before the play starts.
  4. From the article: Everybody is wrong sometimes and everybody is right sometimes.
  5. Weird because these discussions change my mind all the time. I was pro-abortion before this thread but now I am anti-abortion. I was anti-abortion before the last TBD dust up but that one changed me to pro-abortion.
  6. The Jets have already proven the folly of drafting a kid named Kellen.
  7. Canadian? So you're saying "Canadian with a glimmer of hope"?
  8. Even if he wanted to stick to sports he could save his anger for people like Kobe and Ben who abuse women.
  9. Those things are hoaxes. In order for them to get all that information into one web site they would have to have network connections to every government, hospital, farm, school and factory in the world among other things. They just put a number in there and start some counter program and then they tout themselves as the world authority on everything. I hope you didn't pay for that information because if you did you got ripped off.
  10. How can you expect tennesseeboy to get out of town?
  11. This would make a good topic for an off season web show but wait until after week 17. The Bills V.S. Jets segment was awesome.
  12. Give yourself some credit. You got to that point years ago.
  13. He definitely obviously definitely should be obviously happy to have a job definitely.
  14. Are you familiar with the word "if"?
  15. Um, Yeah. And that Golden Retreiver was making googly eyes at you too.
  16. Of course you are right that it was 29 years ago; not 19 as I made a typographical error. Despite my poor typing I still think that Geno's story is relevant as it is timeless. Making jokes about someone's demise is not nice. Yes, being cut from a football team is different than dying but still it is a tough thing to go through. My cousin Callaway died when he'd barely turned two. It was peanut butter and jelly that did because the help didn't know what to do. She just stood there as Callaway turned blue. The thing is that although it happened a long time ago, we still think of him as a two year old and will probably always think of Trent as the QB that could have been.
  17. I was a supporter of Trent as many are aware. I also support this move because it is right for the team. But I don't think it is right to joke about this stuff. Sometimes we are just thoughtless. It reminds of the time that I saw the ambulance screaming down Main Street and didn't give it a thought. But it was my Uncle Eugene, he died on October the 2nd 1981. It is so hard to believe it will be 19 years next week. Getting cut from a football team is not exactly like what happened to Geno, but it is a tough thing. Give the guy a break.
  18. And yet if he rides on a road designed for CARS, a Hyundai can make him look like deer remains.
  19. The spandex mafia is now taking over avatars?
  20. Larry Tribe must not get out much if Obama is the smartest employee he has ever had but still not able to crack the top 15% at Columbia.
  21. Did they adjust our schedule because we're 0-2? I thought we played the Pats.
  22. As far as I'm aware The Big Cat is neither into Brahms nor religion. So I guess I mean husbandry in the horizontal sense.
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