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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. Holy Crap these people are beating the snot out of each other because they won't get government pensions until they're 62? 62?????? These people are realllllllly lazy and afraid of life. I mean I have as much or more respect for old people than anyone and even I realize that at 62 people are far beyond the age where they can contribute to society. I get it. But still. I think France should make them at least show up for work so they don't wander around the streets bothering other people all day and feeding squirrels and then the squirrels just repopulate and cause more problems. They should be forced into continuing to work at nothing all day in goverment offices and thus restricting their bothersome antics to other useless government employees. This would keep the squirrel and pigeon population down even if it wouldn't help the anemic GDP of France. It is addition by subtraction for the "productive" segment of the Frenchie population.
  2. Most people get that wrong because they spell Broncos as "Broncoes"
  3. $36,500 Canadian is about 12 bucks in real money.
  4. I don't get it.
  5. Look, it may not be easy to accept but you just can't hold people out of society for things they can't control. From the article: Obviously we'd like to keep Canadians out of society for as long as possible, but we probably shouldn't. I can't think of a good reason but it just doesn't seem right.
  6. I'm with you. It has been shown though that the farts of cows and other mammals impact global warming more than anything else. Although it is sad, I think we should kill all mammals so that humans may live. I like dogs and cats and turtles as much as the next guy.......well not as much as the big cat but that is a whole other topic.......but we need to kill them because of their mammal farts.
  7. Next year throw a few packets of silica gel in with the silver dollar and you may end up with a money tree in your back yard.
  8. Maybe the teller dropped it and it rolled under the vending machine.
  9. Trent's loofah called and it said it misses you.
  10. This is obviously definitely a case of another defintely obviously smart QB from a defintiely good school like Stanford obviously.
  11. Trent obviously definitely agrees obviously.
  12. You are so right about the Favre thingy. And it also could have been someone that looked like Kobe or big Ben not raping those girls. Some people will do anything to frame an otherwise wonderful citizen of high moral character. Speaking of the Favre thingy; I'm pretty sure Deanna will know if the photos of the Favre thingy were genuine. I don't care about the Brady/Moss topic but the part about Moss telling Brady he looks like a girl certainly sounds plausible.
  13. I did not click the link because I am not interested in someone named Sheila who has balls.
  14. Commies have no upside.
  15. It's not like David Stern is running the NFL.
  16. 3....2....1..... for the people defending him as if he were Kobe or Ben.
  17. That's a short list that does not include a single woman on the planet.
  18. Please tell me you're not canceling your web show.
  19. It would not make business sense to grant Sullivan an interview of Nix. No matter what Nix said, Sullivan would portray it in an immensely negative fashion when relaying it to the fans. This is in line with the whiny douche theory. How would this help business? And I hope you understand that Sullivan could give a crap about the organization's openness to the fans. He cares solely about himself. He is also more than happy to nit pick about which person is a spokesman. If Nix was doing all the talking, Jerry would be complaining about Gailey. Whoever it is will be the wrong one if you're a whiny douche. There is always an opportunity to whine and complain in life. ALWAYS. Therefore he will never run out of material for his monotonous articles.
  20. I'll go with the whiny douche theory on that one.
  21. I sense your sarcasm but should Nix really be at the beck and call of a ninny? I mean really. JS rails on and on as if Nix is covering up Watergate or something. If he is such a good reporter why isn't he doing politics or straight news? It seems impossible that he knows less about politics than he knows about sports. Whatever Nix said to Sullivan would be spun in a negative fashion. There are no two ways about it and it has been proven a hundred times over by Sullivan. If you were in Nix's postition what would you do? By the way, Thurman wore #34.
  22. I'm sure you're right. He must be very scared of Jerry Sullivan.
  23. To me this article does not say much about Nix's abilities one way or another. It does however confirm he has joined the long succession of Bills GM's who seem indifferent to the cries for access from whiny douches that report for the Buffalo News.
  24. You wouldn't even be able to look if your head was rolling down a flight of stairs.
  25. When he calls Edwards for the number he should also ask if he can have his gloves for inspection time. Mary won't need them any more in the warm weather on the bench.
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