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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. Hasn't anyone figured out that it is because our owner is the only one too cheap to buy them suits?
  2. He is a good dude but even he would admit that he wines too much.
  3. Someone must have asked him to report to work. If they practiced inside the day before he probably got a call to say "don't show up"; then he probably got another saying "we're back outside today so be there at noon". Somebody made that decision and it wasn't the kid. I'm sure no one meant for him to be harmed, but they were so focused on filming a practice that they put concerns about the kid on the back burner. Nice.
  4. So what? Edwards should innovate and create the "Twitter Defense". Maybinot would rule.
  5. Or maybe they are too mad to type because they relaize that this part: is caused by hippies getting old. Yes, these are the same hippies that never produced a thing for our society and are now bringing about its downfall. Or maybe they were hoping you could set the record for replying to yourself within one thread. Sorry if I ruined that.
  6. It the NBA weren't scripted, do you think someone could pick the Finals participants, winners, and number of games in both 2009 and 2010 and make those predictions in February of 2009. How about predicting things like fake injuries which impact the Finals matchups?
  7. Did you mean North American? In this case I would disagree with arrogant, but Canada certainly has more than enough dumb for the whole continent.
  8. If I remember correctly you are one of the "legalize pot" crowd right?
  9. Alter the plates as they formed and make it so Canada would be in Europe.
  10. Battle of the Bone? Really? Is that Favre vs. Tiger vs. Kobe vs. Ben?
  11. Right. Is that why Favre is "injured" for the first time in 100 years the week after his meetings on this with the NFL? Can you say "non-suspension suspension"?
  12. I agree with you that gay jokes are not appropriate but I think you're being paranoid. They're mostly just calling you stupid.
  13. Dear Mr. Wawwrowrwrrow, If you're going to use and alias, it is best not to sign your work.
  14. I think the people see through Stern's plans. They may not realize that the Finals are scripted as we have discussed, but it probably just doesn't "feel right" to most people. This year's heartwarming Finals champions may help a little but I doubt it will be enough. Dave had a nice run with all the planned champions; he should sit back and let nature take its course. Like anyone else though he will probably keep digging a deeper hole thinking he can find his way out of trouble he caused. It also is important to point out that the worries are fabricated at least from a league point of view. When certain teams are never allowed to win of course those franchises will suffer. It is collateral damage to Dave. This year's Cinderalla may or may not help all of those franchises. Who do you think the Cinderalla will be? All I have so far is Denver but it is a long season and a lot can happen. I just hope he doesn't go with the Phil Jackson swan song angle. That would be lame.
  15. So I lied to that Ravens guy?
  16. I'm not sure if I'll even be on your show but I put in a plug for you in the Baltimore video thread on the main page. The thread is called "you have to watch this guy" or something like that.
  17. It is iconic that this guy whines about the lack of job prospects when he was trying to be a lawyer. Lawyers sue the crap out of people and prevent them from creating jobs. There are a trillion lawyers and they have managed to kill off most of the jobs. I had an attorney to look out for some transactions I was doing but that was it. I can't even locate the guy now. Lawyers are all shocked there are no more lawyer jobs? Well they sued everybody they could out of existence. The only people left to sue are other lawyers or in this case the law school itself. Maybe they can sue kids innocently trying to steal music but there is no money in that.
  18. It must be nice living on Sarcasm street in Fantasyland USA.
  19. Does this article make you realize that ESPN is on a campaign to move the Bills out of Buffalo? Of course not. It is item #1,347 in a series of 2,500. Why would it have any more impact on your thoughts than #1,346?
  20. Didn't the good eye see this coming? Poor choice of words. Didn't the good eye see this approaching?
  21. When does it tape? Next week is kind of busy. Beerboy can't handle everything and Sven is unreliable. Can I call in or do I have to be there? What is the topic? Will it depend on the Bills/Ravens result? It is clearly a low budget production but I still have to be paid. For half an hour the going rate is about $4M but I'd like to help the show and will do it for $478K.
  22. Unless you have watered down the word pioneering to mean "able to build an igloo" then I'm not sure I'm following that part. The rest is a series of good points. But didn't most of the Frenchies move to Quebec and they still haven't learned the native English even after hundreds of years? Somehow they still act all snooty toward other Canadians like they're smarter or something? Ok Pierre, you're smarter than the average Saskatchewanite. Awesome. What's next to be proud about? You're a better driver than Stevie Wonder? Geez. As for the Frenchies, what is the big deal about "working" for an extra two years? Most Americans hang around bothering their co-workers with useles anecdotes of days gone by until they're 65. These American codgers don't seem to mind.
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