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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. And replace Boehner with a new hippy-commie and the hippy-commies with new Boehners?
  2. I am not too political but that is because I distrust everyone. If it is not some chick trying to get in your brain after a good romp, then it is the government trying to get in your pocket after a good run of income. It is all the same except for one thing. Unlike chicks who can be controlled, the government makes the rules. Let's say you invent silica gel. It keeps shoes dry while in distribution, but also makes animals talk when they eat it. You apply for two patents; one for the former and one for the ladder. The government grants the first but not only denies the second; it also REQUIRES you put "Do Not Eat" on every packet. They allow this inventor to make some money but they hold the real money maker for themselves and their military industrial complex. The gel is just one example. Sometimes government invents things like welfare. This takes gobs of money which is supposed to help people. They help a few people that really need it. At least it helps in the short term. Then they say they are helping other people like loser doped out hippies. But what they really do is keep all the hippy money for themselves. The pot head loser hippies will believe they actually got the money because they are too fried to know otherwise. You can tell them anything. There are an endless number of games to be run. It doesn't matter which party you're in, unscrupularity is the best way to office. On the few occasions where an honest person makes it, they are run out of town on a trumped up scandal.
  3. There is a point to the thread? How exactly is someone supposed to hold Boehner and Cantor to their words? Are they supposed to vote for their opponents next time? What if they don't live there, do they have to move so you're happy? Are you stoned again? Because it sounds like you're stoned again.
  4. John Elway? Oh, no wait. Elway is white.
  5. Care to elaborate on the similarities between Newton and Young or is skin color pretty much it?
  6. Those names are taken by bsaketball already.
  7. Where is the Brett Favre button?
  8. Are you stoned again? Because you sound like you're stoned again.
  9. You know when you wouldn't think that was funny? When your head was rolling down a flight of stairs; that's when.
  10. I always wondered about that. He also seemed unfazed when the chick playing Marcia broke her nose because the actor playing Peter threw like a glove wearing Mary from Los Gatos. Good stuff. Thanks for the inside scoop.
  11. Thanks for showing it to a pro. I totally agree with the assessment but I just don't understand a few things. If a UFO were really to land, why would it land on the set of a TV show as it was filming? Even if they just landed in a random place, what are the odds? Then there is the whole discussion surrounding the show itself. Why would the actor playing Bobby stay in role. Wouldn't the UFO had freaked him out? And the camera crew stayed remarkably focused. How? With all of that said, I think your editor is correct. That ain't no flare.
  12. Dude it says UFO right on the thing. Right on there. And you're arguing about hair?
  13. Start at 3:50
  14. Wow that does look real. You know what else looked real? That time there was a UFO on The Brady Bunch. Are you stoned again? Because it seems like you're stoned again. In public? And with no Playboy in sight?
  15. You wouldn't take exception if someone suggested that you only hang out with hairy legged and armpitted chicks? Are you stoned again? Because you sound like you're stoned again.
  16. Tomorrow is Tuesday. Are you stoned again?
  17. I'm going to get a Miami Heat 2011-12 NBA Champions T-shirt.
  18. Are you stoned again? Because you sound like you're stoned again.
  19. Dude you only think his writing is poor because you're not like all spliffed out man. When you partake, your mind opens up and you can even understand incoherent ramblings that seem to say up is down and black is white. You should like try it man, it will blow your mind. Imagine what your life would be like if you could understand zombies man. Whoa.
  20. He's too educated. He's been paranoid thousands of time, including this very thread, but his memory is too shot to remember it.
  21. Of all the things to be fully educated on.....smoking pot???????
  22. Your reading comprehension is down both for what I wrote and the quotes from ImadeafakewebsitesoIcansaypotiscoolandlookobjective.com. Have you been lighting up already today or have you smoked enough over time that it is a permanent condition?
  23. Half of them get this reaction? So you have to be pretty good at smoking pot to avoid it? Is that a marketable skill? Can it get people a job say, well, I don't know as a mannequin or maybe in a zombie movie after they beat out all the Canadians? And since when is being an animal lover bizzare? And I don't mean an animal lover in a "Big Cat" sort of way. Anyway I only have two hamsters and one comes and goes as she please because she is a mom. Plus Sammy is missing so right now I have none.
  24. From the same page you linked at Ilovepotcuzimaloser.com:
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