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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. Jimmy????? Man I haven't seen him in a while. I've never had a better lawyer. Anyway that's what I thought. If he really violated attorney client privatage I guess he wasn't so great. Anyway, maybe it is just the Googlebot. I've had that phone for a while and he may have been able to decipher the number. I miss Sammy so much that I may risk answering. It could be dangerous so be ready to implement code plan Doublecheney. Call Sage to give him a heads up and make sure he doesn't tell Ennifer. Ennifer has been getting tips from Carl so Sage may be tempted. That would be a pain to be stuck in that situation if he brings her.
  2. Tell me you never gave Sammy the number to #47R-12993-ZQ .
  3. None from there thank goodness but my secret phone #47R-12993-ZQ for which I only give out the number to a select few keeps ringing from area code J95RR3 which I didn't even know area codes had letters. What is also weird is that it always says the call is coming in from the future which is uncommon. Is that you calling? Because I'm not answering.
  4. I got a hold of the first part of the agenda then the page got cut off. It looks like they are breaking down the roasters into categories: 8:00 - 8:10 Welcome and Introductions 8:10:00 - 8:10:57 Jerry's current and past girlfriends 8:10:58 - 8:30 Former Buffalo professional players Rough si......... it cuts off after that
  5. In the long run Newton will be known as the Kurt Blood of college sports and that is a good thing. The NCAA, BCS and the schools are legalized thieves. They are printing money and do not have to shell out one dime for labor. Although you have to admire them for their monopoly and utter disdain for anything resembling fair, that doesn't mean their system won't come crashing down some day. The only difference is that Blood played for the Cardinals, the most well respected and prominent team in baseball. Newton plays for Auburn; just another team in the corrupt SEC which is well known for cheating. It may take a case at a better school and program like ND to make people realize that this is everywhere.
  6. Can you translate that for me? Does that mean they scored a goal?
  7. corrected also corrected
  8. Do you think the doctor in the hospital said to the parents: "Compare this to what would have happened if the guy was drunk or on prescription drugs. That would have been some real stojan." Somehow I doubt it, and I doubt the parents would have felt any better either. And I really doubt their daughter's circumstance is something they categorize as "yawn". Debate? As far as the debate goes, the title of this thread is Looooooooooooooser for a reason. If you want to debate "pot should be legal because alcohol is legal" then start a thread. If you are debating whether this driver is a Looooooooooooooser, you are Loooooooooooooosing.
  9. You thought the post about the future Rhodes scholar being run over by a loser pothead moron was intended to be funny? Are you stoned again? Because it sounds like you're stoned again.
  10. That Mongolian woman isn't too smart either. She was until the loser pot head who thinks he is somehow enlightened ran her over. But she is not any more.
  11. Because raping a woman of legal age is ok?
  12. Glove wearing Barry?
  13. Oh crap. If Sammy is floating in space flipping off Voyager just to screw with them again I am going to be so pissed at him.
  14. Which "part of you" is that? The same part that thinks smoking pot is cool? An angry dumb punk can get lots of people killed for no good reason because he is having a tantrum and "part of you" wants to see it happen?
  15. Or not..... Scroll through this article on some uplifting results of pot usage. 5 minutes of web searching can probably net you 10 more similar articles.
  16. Maybe someone can go for a double play by killing someone while driving on pot. That's two technicalities.
  17. But it is probably all fake. I can't imagine a guy naming his site after an intercontinence condition and having the stuff be true.
  18. If you yell fire in a crowded theater people can still get trampled even if there is no fire. The government is worked up because they are trying to protect us.
  19. Note to self: Next time you want to go to a bar in Milledgeville, just call Dwan instead.
  20. Hugh Heffner?
  21. If this Wikileaks guy is such a genius and isn't just making up all of this crap then why did he name his site Wikileaks? I have as much or more respect for old people than anyone, but frankly wikileaks sounds like some sort of condition an old person would get. It does not sound like a real newsbreaking organization. I think this dude is making up all of this stuff. If he can't even come up with a good name, how can he get information like that?
  22. Tell that to the parents of the kid Willy didn't run over because he was stopped before it could happen.
  23. I edited my post because it was a little too risk kay for this site.
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