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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. If you win too many NFC games that means you have lost more AFC games which messes up your tiebreaker.
  2. You should at least get royalties. I heard when Ricky Gervais applied for a grant they said: You're an idiot! and denied the grant application. I'm thinking they owe you.
  3. It was Arizona and a lot of people have laughy face int their replies them too. Guess who beat a lot of NFC teams this year? KC. My guess is that there are not too many laughy faces in KC when thinking about the fact that they won too many games against the NFC.
  4. But what if you were instructed by Gene to question it? Better yet, what if Ricky Gervais gave that instruction?
  5. out of those who eat vegetables, how many plant all their food, harvest it, store it and prep it before they eat it? 4%? maybe less.
  6. A few years ago I mentioned that the Bills would be better off losing a game to the Cardinals to set themselves up better for the tie breaker. People on the board refused to understand my point even though it is relatively simple. I can't find the link but some of you may remember it. If you were around back then maybe you can answer this: If the Chiefs and Chargers both win their remaining division games, the Chargers win their other game and the Chiefs lose their other game, which team will go to the playoffs? Why?
  7. Look, they are kids. Sure they can contribute for a show of support. That won't be much because these kids today are too tied up in video games to make any real contribution -- . This is its own topic that I won't discuss here. I would be shocked if every mom and dad didn't have $45k per person laying around somewhere. I realize there is a disparity in income but those who make less would have saved more on a percentage basis. The beauty of the plan is that you are going after people's net worth, not their income. I think you didn't understand my solution. I am not proposing raising taxes until everyone pays off their $45k. I am proposing a one time fee to every person for $45k. It is not a tax, it is a fee. I understand that some people plan poorly and may not have $45k in their accounts. I think we could say $45k if you pay now and something like $48k if you pay by April 15, then that would work. I should also point out that the real calculation was something like $44,800. So if people are going to complain you don't have to make it a round number, just use the actual number. Did I explain it better this time?
  8. Holy crap dude share some of that doobie with Booster and Dean.
  9. I saw a report yesterday with the national debt and the US population. It boiled down to the basic fact that eveyone owes about $45,000. Is that what all the whining is about? Geez. How about everyone just writes a check for themsleves, their spouse and their kids? For a family of four that is only $190k. Big whoop. If some families mistakenely wrote two checks because both the husband and wife did it we could end up with a national savings account.
  10. I think the Bills should file a complaint with Roger Goodell. This is clearly tampering on the part of Bellicheat. The guy with 6 names is ok but the Pats need a back like Jackson especially with Faulk being out all year, older and with a future in question. Why else would he go so overboard talking about Jackson? He is setting him up to join the Pats next year and this is cheating.
  11. I hate seeing all you dudes argue like this. I think it is important that we keep to the topic of why we don't all listen to the almighty Ricky Gervais. Physicists and clerics and historians and scholars be damned. We should all heed the word of the comedy writer.
  12. Actually that particular sentiment was taken directly from an ivy leaguer. I never studied up on happy mediums and I don't know what they are. I think he has "Happy Medium 103" on Tuesdays from 9-10:30.
  13. Can you elaborate on why someone's fart would smell like pumpkin seeds even if they never ate a pumpkin seed? This is for a friend.
  14. Eventually he will have to diversify. I can envision: "Punch a Panda" Monday - Thursday and "Kick a Panda in the nuts" Friday.
  15. Breathing includes both inhalation and exhalation Mr. Ivy league. I'll let my lungs do whatever. I am not a micro manager.
  16. The name helps but you have to be at least a little good. Remember a band called XTC? Right. I didn't think so. Clever name but holy crap did they suck.
  17. That's right, nothing but hydrogen. For one year. Wish me luck. Here's the schpiel that I already posted on a macebook note..... Hello dudes, employees, acquaintances,strangers, and Ennifer I'd also shout out to the Canadians and old people for whom I have as much or more respect than anyone but neither group can work a computer. I have some bizarre news. Starting at the beginning of 2011 on January 1, I will be embarking on a year-long journey, during which I will be breathing nothing but hydrogen. That's right...365 days of nothing but hydrogen. No nitrogen, no oxygen, not even any specialized isotopes, nothing but plain hydrogen (I am not a wuss so I will not take any daily supplement which contain things other than hydrogen). Beginning tomorrow morning, I plan to breathe nothing else until January 1, 2012. Originally, I planned on starting earlier than January 1, but for the sake of organization, why not bow to the Gregorian calendar as we always do? So what's prompting this? Well, it began when I interviewed code name Parah Salin in her quest to become one of Beerboy's clients. She yammered on and on about the fresh air in her home town and how only the smaller atoms could float that high on the globe. Although I'm not sure of her science street cred, I have to admit she had an unusually upbeat attitude. Sometimes I can be a bit cynical so this gave me the idea. On a side note, I had to turn her down as a client for Beerboy; at least for now. I felt code name Parah Salin needed to get some warm weather and fun in the sun before she really could know if she'd commit to the program. I got an idea to send her on a parasailing trip. I'm not sure why but it just popped into my head. So I thought to myself..."What if I only breathed hydrogen like code name Parah Salin?". As for why I plan on doing this, the reasons are four... 1. I believe in testing the limits of our human experience. Now, this isn't to suggest I can't use technology that you can't comprehend so I won't bother describing it to save me if this causes some sort of trouble, but testing limits is testing limits. 2. I want to develop a deeper appreciation for the simple joys in life. I have so much damn money that simple stuff like Tahitian vacations are underappreciated. That place is ok but sometimes I find it beneath me. I would like to get back in tune. 3. We, as a society, have lost complete touch with the notion that the primary motivation for breathing ought to be atom sorting. By limiting myself to one element, I hope to personally reattain this notion or at least pretend. And I relaize that Pete thinks I'm lucky for being born on a planet with hydrogen in the first place. 4. I believe that one ought to do something absurd like this at least once in one's life, and embrace one's eccentricities instead of shunning them. I don't know what that means but I'm sure it is just a repeat of what some Cornell hippy professor said so I left it in. BONUS #5! 5. I'll once again display to Sage how much more he has to learn. So why a year? Why not a week, 2 weeks, a month? Well, I think a year is a happy medium. I don't think that I intend for this to be a permanent change, but I also want to allow myself a long enough time-frame in order for this to become an inherent part of my life, and not just something inside the context of an experiment. A year should be long enough for that. Heck, it's hydrogen. What can it hurt. It isn't like I'm inhaling pot and getting hooked and becoming a blithering idiot. Of course, there are many questions, concerns and doubts. What sorts of health risks do I pose here, being somebody not used to this type of diet? How will this affect me socially? What will the boredom do to me as I first grow accustomed to it? How bad will the cravings become? Well, stay tuned, I suppose... Actually I just took the above paragraph from Sage. I never worry about any of that crap. It makes me wonder if Sage is the one in that Geico commercial about the therapist. Tomorrow, I begin with the hydrogen. I fully expect the little atoms to simultaneously become my greatest friends and most bitter enemies. To those of you understandably wondering...get a life.
  18. I have cut and paste my first post from this thread above. I have bolded the part you did not understand.
  19. Geez dude. You told me you quit smoking.
  20. Any God who is unwilling to bow down and prove himself to the almighty Ricky Gervais is clearly non-existent. BTW God is real because if he weren't there is no way my GvG sessions would work. It would basically be a bunch of NvG sessions.
  21. I was only using driving as an example. There are other things to indicate the jelly-ness of an over 60 brain. My post indicated that I have much or respect for old people than anyone but I guess you didn't read that part.
  22. I'm hoping you're not replying because you're out buying lentils?
  23. I have as much or more respect for old people than anyone, but if you've ever driven behind some codger doing 32 in a 65 you'd realize that the average human brain is pretty much jelly at 60.
  24. Phase 1 - Fun phase: Buy up all the lentils in the states of NY, PA, MA, CT, RI, NH, ME, NJ, VT, and OH. Do MA last. Dump all the lentils with the exception of one year's supply into the water around Nantucket. Don't whine. Just do it. Sven can help if needed. Phase 2 - Sustain Phase Hack the inventory programs of all lentil retailers in those states and online. Prevent them from restocking any lentils Phase 3 - Just in case Phase Put the remaining one year's supply of lentils at Doublecheney just in case.
  25. I believe if you simply gave Ennifer your cell phone number you could test human limits as well as some other species. This one would seem to work in Ennifer's favor. Dude, you don't have to personally reattain jack. Just pretend like you did. That works great until you get hooked on it. The next thing you know you're painting your face and planning a raid on a lentil farm with your imaginary friend General Billy and a three legged mule named Paco. What could you possibly save on food in one year? 7-10 Million? It's a rounding error dude. Why don't you fire up another spliff and take it to the Karl Marx thread? This is the lentil thread.
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