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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. I'm sure not every allegation is truthful but my guess when someone sends a schwantz picture that it is more than your run of the mill unfounded allegation. But then again she is a woman so she is probably just out to get all those innocent men. Just like that chick Kobe didn't rape and the one that didn't get cornered into isolation by Ben's minions.
  2. As long as you get away with it or accuse a woman of being a gold digger, or better yet both, every crime is perfect right?
  3. Maybe she feels as if the public scorn he would face would be his just desserts. But you're probably right. She probably is at fault that Favre sent he pictures of his schwantz. She pretty much asked for it. It could not possibly be that she was intimidated by his fame or that she was interested at first and then got creeped out. Who get get creeped out by Favre? Code Monkey is probably right too. It is probably all about money. Kobe and Ben are victims and now Brett can join the club. These poor guys are getting their lives ruined by these short skirted evil doers.
  4. I felt a small earthquake this morning. It wasn't too scary but it made me think of Sammy. Part of me worries for his safety if he was in the earthquake. He is only a little dude. Part of me worries that he somehow triggered the thing.
  5. Is that like the rape victims that wore short skirts and were partly responsible?
  6. Ennifer has #2 but she is not using it for the intended purposes. Poor Sage.
  7. Holy crap the illegal immigration problem is even worse than I thought if these Canadians have gotten as far south as the Carolinas.
  8. This can only mean one thing. They looked at the pictures and then they looked at Favre . I wouldn't be surprised if as if often the case, the culprit is a step ahead of the investigation. Favre could have used a sophisticated disguise to fool Goodell.
  9. Eat enough and you'll be able to fart your way past Neil Armstorng on your way to Mars.
  10. We all know about the "Pats*" where the * stands for caught cheating. What about "Jets**" where the ** stands for caught feeting?
  11. I think Ricky tried to use a hypotanuse but couldn't find any rope so he used the oven.
  12. The ugly redhead chick that was in all those teen movies.
  13. Ricky Gervais Christmas photo I wonder is anything is on the front of the t-shirt.
  14. I think Daltry is a stage name he took because Daughtry looks too girlish when it is written down.
  15. Last year everyone wanted someone named Toby, which is a good name for a Golden Retriever but not a football player. Now we want some dude named Blaine? Blaine? Wan't that dude in a Molly Ringrose movie? Come on.
  16. Please take this argument to a non lentil thread. I want to keep this space clear for when Sage finds out Beerboy bought up all the lentils and dumped them into the area surrounding Nantucket.
  17. I just saw that Teena Marie died too. That makes two singers with 80s popularity. You know these thinks happen in 3s so watch out. It is sort of sick but my guess is Roger Daughtry.
  18. It sounded good until the bolded part. What part of NANTUCKET did you not understand?
  19. Where are we on this?
  20. If you don't understand the basic math it is one thing, but starting in with the vulgarity is not useful to the conversation.
  21. That stinks. Maybe they can do some of that debt consolidation stuff like they talk about on the radio. If the Feds took over all the states they could probably negotiate better rates.
  22. I don't think I overlooked the point. That would be akin to overlooking all of the sailboats in the sky.
  23. You're telling me that if the Chargers end up in a tie breaker with the Chiefs, they won't be thanking their lucky stars that they lost those games against the NFC teams?
  24. Has Ricky Gervais weighed in on this?
  25. Does the national debt include states and counties and stuff or should we all maybe pony up about $55k instead of $45k and have the feds distribute money to the states?
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