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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. So you're at least partly saying that Newton is not accurate as a passer? I see that with Vick and last year with Tebow. I don't see it with Newton. P.S. Shaun King was a scrambler?
  2. So now rushing yards indicates whether a QB is a scrambler or not? John Elway was a pure pocket passer? Hasselbeck is a pocket passer? Brees? Ok very good. So are you saying Newton runs for too many yards? Or are you saying he is inaccurate as a passer? Then what does?
  3. You may want to consider deleting this thread before it gets out of hand.
  4. I fixed it for you. Was John Elway black when he played?
  5. Did he ever get drafted? All year on the radio last year; Clocker this and Clocker that. Now nothing. It goes to show you that you should ignore the hype. I'm not even sure Clocker is still playing. On a related note I am glad the Bills won't get Luck. If you think about the Mannings, they are both good. Their father was also good. Luck's father was ridiculously bad. You do the math. I was going to say Luck sucked but I will save my rhyming for the next haiku thread. Anyway maybe I'll get in a little practice: There was a QB named Luck who took Stanford out of the muck The situation was hairy cuz a glove wearing Mary played like deer in the lights of a truck On a side note I am going to look into this whole self of steam thing. It will probably be expensive to develop but could come in handy if I am trying to get away from Ennifer for example. I could go right through walls and stuff.
  6. What did Maybinot get?
  7. Did YOU know that somehow Sage has been able to supply himself with lentils for 4+ days now while you were sitting around doing math and not dumping lentils near Nantucket? Not cool huh?
  8. I think the whole thing proves how sad the situation has become. Some call it nature versus nurture. I mean yes, Canadians clearly have genetic defects which render their ceiling lower, but they are still human. Ish. That is nature. Anyway it is sad that a Canadian kid is smart enough at 10 to take a picture of the sky and make a discovery like this. Well, it is not sad now; but it will be when her best chance for a discovery by the time she is 23 will be to "discover" the tooth that was knocked out when she keeled over and passed out drunk after wandering around Big Lots looking for a few new pair of size XXXXL socks with pictures of moose AND a Maple Leafs logo on them. That is nurture.
  9. That game ending pick had Bledsoe written all over it. Wait until the 4th quarter and do something dumb.
  10. I didn't know that. It must be difficult for him. Not only do they have the normal Canadian baggage but the fact that the women are so frigid must frustrate Favre.
  11. Word is he is not really a jerk. Evidently he feels bad about the whole thing. He was going to have one of his assistants issue an apology but recently he has been caught short staffed.
  12. I'm sure it said in writing that they had to massage every member of the Jets.
  13. Favre will find some lawyer to get him off.
  14. I suppose. With so many complaints, it will be a stiff sentnence.
  15. This thing with Favre and the massage therapists will not have a happy ending.
  16. Can anyone think of anything Modrak must do?
  17. Good plan; bad execution. French or not, I don't think you bragging about eating horse crap is going to make Sage jealous.
  18. I didn't want to clutter up the thread but I have three questions: 1. Why only 10k? I drop $10k on a halfway decent dessert. 2. What is the stock symbol for the world's largest manufacturer of lentils? 3. Same as #2 above except replace the term "lentils" with the term "silica gel". Thanks in advance.
  19. They sounded stoned to me.
  20. T. Edwards 12/25 140 1 1 against one of the worst defenses in the NFL. Clean up the city boy is better off not playing and leaving doubt than Mary is putting up numbers like that against Houston.
  21. I think this is what Merriman was tweeting about.
  22. You have met Sammy correct?
  23. Is he stoned again? Because it sounds like he's stoned again. He can go through all that blah blah blah about trillions of universes but he can't get the fast forward to work?
  24. $300k???? A year????? Why even bother arguing? Did they mean $300k an hour because that would make more sense.
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