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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. Dude she said twilight's last reaming.
  2. How did Maybinot forget to write in a tweeting incentive?
  3. I thought he raped that chick around midnight. That is hardly twilight. Did he rape some other chick earlier that night?
  4. Dude. She said twilight's last reaming.
  5. How unique. A commie with a picture of a dude smoking a doobie in his avatar.
  6. Article with video She was off a little. It was the twilight's second to last reaming. I'm pretty sure that whoever hired her got the twilight's last reaming.
  7. I suspect the sun has some involvement with daylight although I prefer to think it is mostly derived from Beerboy's personality.
  8. So being American is about getting away with whatever you can? Raping some chick and getting away free without even public scorn is what America is all about? Are you stoned again? Because it sounds like you're stoned again. Actually you are talking about the second KNOWN victim. The first is from LA and did not want to charge or sue due to fear of having her name dragged through the mud by sports sycophants. The second KNOWN victim may have her case thrown out as you stated. The third KNOWN victim is receiving the treatment that the first KNOWN victim feared. Go Ben Go.
  9. That little . You had better be joking. You saw Lee? Where was Lee? Did she ask about me? What was she wearing? No wait don't tell me that? Are you kidding around?
  10. I have as much or more respect for old people than anyone but let's face it, you are right. Another thing old people think is that you have to take OL, OL, OL in the draft every year including this year. In today's NFL drafting OL means absolutely nothing. Look at Pittsburgh. They had a former Bill 3rd stringer as their starting LT. Still people yammer on and on about getting more OL. Please just stop. Today's NFL is all about offensive skill positions and secondary. That is what we need to draft and that is why having Green and Peterson available at 3 is such a great thing. Let's just hope our FO understands as we get into the 2nd third and fourth that taking an OL is a complete waste of a pick.
  11. You should not date your cousins at all no matter how many degrees they are away. You may remember a story I told about me and my tied-for-fifth cousin Brenda. I am still trying to forget that.
  12. Your stint in triplecheney seems to have made you a more appreciative person. Where the heck is Sage?
  13. He must be pretty out of the loop if he can't even call up Stern to get the results ahead of time. Imagine how good he'd look if he picked Lakers over Magic in 5 and then Lakers over Celtics in 7 all back in Feb of 09.
  14. Sage was hiding at triplecheney for most of that time. I'm not so sure about lately. It is possible that Ennifer has him locked up there but I am not about to walk in on them.
  15. Last time I checked a Mormon ran for president. It was Romney. He will run again. He took a little crap for being Mormon which is the American word for Muslim, but not much. He probably won't take any crap this time around. I haven't heard of too many Muslims running for president of Germany so I guess your theory is not a good one.
  16. Dude did you lock Sage in triplecheney? He has not been around since we got out. Sammy is having laugh riots every day over here and I wonder if he did something. Can you check on Sage?
  17. Whose system? Ronald McDonald's? Papa Johns'? Maybe. Another NFL team's? Maybinot.
  18. Plus their QB is not a cereal rapist.
  19. This points out how right you are. As a fan, I am sure you would have bought a Bills 9/11 hat so Ralph could plow more resources back into the team, but Ralph was too cheap to have the hats made.
  20. You just got out of hiding and now this? I told you not to bother with the laundry and just take a break on an island for a few days. Have you heard from Sage?
  21. I'm pretty sure Mr. Limbaw compared Newton to Smith and says Blaine Gabbert never won a big game. In fact, no one with the name Blaine has ever won a big game.
  22. South of Houston Street? Doesn't he play for the Rockies? Isn't that a bit of a moving target?
  23. Looks like They was pissed we had a triplecheney when They was only prepared for a doublecheney.
  24. Why is no one paying attention? The man said end of discussion. If you want to keep yammering please take it to the last post wins thread.
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