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Everything posted by JB_55

  1. if we get the onside kick... we win.
  2. ...we're talking about Takeo Spikes for christ's sake!! Even if he hadn't played a down in a over a year he'd step in and be better than 85% of the other LBs in the league. Some guys are just natural born players and never miss a beat. Besides, he just overcame an inury that most players would never come back from, so I'm pretty sure a hamstring injury isn't going to stop him.
  3. I listened to the Steelers/Dolphins game on ESPN radio that Boomer called. I still to this day have no idea how he was even able to talk with Daunte Culpepper's c*ck and b*lls in his mouth... no matter what happened Daunte could do no wrong. So it doesn't surprise me that he would say something like that, jackass that he is.
  4. Anyone else see this cartoon?? Personally, I think it is in very poor taste. http://www.profootballtalk.com/rumormill.htm
  5. "...hey!!! That was the last Ho-Ho!!"
  6. oh yeah... it definitely moved!
  7. I had a chance to hang out with Shelton and most of the team at Eric Moulds' house this fall, and let me be the first to tell you that he is FAR from fat. It was a sh*tty pass... nuff said.
  8. un-friggin-bill-ievable... let the axe start droppin'
  9. check it out... http://www.hometeams.com/wimcmcnfl11v.html From what I heard there was one white variant per case of blue unis. The price on eBay keeps going up too. I just hope he's still a Bill in '07.
  10. I got both McGahee McFarlane figures... the home blue uni and the "rare" white variant away uni. Friggin' sweet...
  11. I feel for these guys... although not an NFL QB, I can relate. I had my rotator cuff repaired by the Bills orth. surgeon Dr. John Marzo. I had a complete tear that needed to be re-attached. I had many, many sleepless nights as the aches and pains seemed to never subside. Simple things like pushing a screen door open could drop me to my knees. It was a very long road back. The worst part was trying to regain the range of motion you once had. It took a lot of painful stretching and therapy, but I am able to do the same free-weight training I did before, and actually my shoulder is much stronger now.
  12. I'm thinking about going to the Bar Bill in E. Aurora for wings friday... should I go before or after the game? Maybe even during? Any help here? Thanks...
  13. If ever in Jamestown, you gotta try either the Cherry Lounge or the Bel-View for wings. Both are very, very, good. Flavorful, but not soggy. And the Bel-View's wings are HUGE!! I agree that Duff's wings are WAY too saucy, but I feel that if anywhere is "over-hyped" it's the Anchor. I know, first wings and all, but I just wasn't impressed...
  14. 100% to the Bills. The last sabres game I was dragged to was terrible... I got a nose bleed getting to my seat, I had a stupid fennel seed from a beef-on-weck stuck in my tooth all night, and the sabres lost in overtime to... ahh... I don't know... the Charlestown Chiefs? Booo... I'll take the Ralph on a late December day in a blizzard everytime. With no shirt either...
  15. Is it going to take nothing short of the Lombardi trophy for the Bills to get the respect they deserve around the league? Well, there's always the Bengals for US to rag on...
  16. Pull the trigger TD!!! if this has any truth to it of course...
  17. Very sad day... Hunter Kelly should be an inspiration to everyone. My condolences to the Kelly family.
  18. I couldn't have said it better buffalo mike. TD needs to make this happen. Although I agree with the fact that we do need help at LT, I think getting a player of this caliber just kicks an already strong defense up another notch... and we all know that defense wins ball games.
  19. I really can't stand his (SAS) arrogant ass. I'd rather staple my scrotum to the inside of my leg than watch that guy for more than a minute or two. It's always his way or no way, and he belittles anyone that has a differing opinion. I don't see how someone that never played a day of pro sports in his life can be so "matter of fact" about EVERYTHING. You won't catch me watching that nonsense.
  20. You are correct sir. Please disregard everything I've said. I hang my head in shame...
  21. BTW... just bought my Willis McGahee throwback jersey. C'mon home opener!!
  22. You might be right Piz... I just couldn't find any instance where they've worn the all blue uni anywhere but at the Ralph. The figure is still great though!!
  23. WOW! That figure looks friggin' awesome!! Can't wait to buy it! I hate to split hairs, but he is wearing the home uni, and it has dirt and grass stains on it... no dirt or grass at the Ralph. I know, I know... no biggie. I'm just weird like that.
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