here's my suggestion. Everyone take $5.00 and go to Wal-Mart and buy a plain white T-Shirt (Fruit of the Loom or Hanes, whichever you prefer... and big enough to wear over your winter gear) and a black Sharpie marker. Then, in big block letters (covering the majority of the front of the shirt) simply write "WHY, RALPH?" If enough people do this, not only will it show solidarity among fans, but it will definitely get on TV, so no matter where Ralph is he'll see it. And if he doesn't, someone will most likely tell him about it. You can say what you want about the coaching staff, or the players for that matter, but it still all goes back to Ralph and the poor decisions he's made. This team will go nowhere until it is owned by someone who is willing to bring in PROVEN FOOTBALL PEOPLE from the top to the bottom.
If I had the money, I would have 72,000 shirts printed myself and just give them away at the game. I've just had it with this organization.