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Everything posted by DarthICE

  1. Yeah right! I would take Coach Sal, coach Al Bundy, or Coach Homer Simpson's word over the crypt keeper. Hey Clayton...Is Marvin Lewis definitely still going to take the Bills HC job like your sources said?
  2. Yeah, um if they even interview this bum there would be a full on, pitchfork and fire riot at OBD from the fans.
  3. Talk about a guy LHAO right now
  4. Um yeah, so another Bills site is referencing other websites that are referring to some guy doing a radio show out of his house... I think when OBD actually makes announcements in regards to the fate of the Bills after Ralph is gone, GM, HC etc I will just take it all with a grain of salt.
  5. I'm rick james B word!
  6. I go with the under...
  7. +1
  8. Meh, many hate I quit drinking the koolaid, buying the bull **** OBD shovels, and dumped blind faith a long time ago. Some call me a non fan because I won't go with this rah rah BS. The org is **** from top to bottom, fan or not it is what it is. I am still here, I still hope for the good fans out there Ralph cuts the BS and does the right thing and we get the right people in there again and turn this thing around. That said, I will believe it WHEN a good GM, HC, OC, DC, S&C Coach, New Scouts, etal actually sign. Until then its the same old **** year after year after year.
  9. God I hope not. Time for a REAL scouting staff to come in here that has a !@#$ing clue and draft a guy.
  10. Thanks for Posting Russ....
  11. The Latter. I mean seriously, major news outlets are now looking to a guy broadcasting out of his house for news????? Wow...how far has the media sunk?
  12. Good stuff Rich. I saw St. Polian on TV last night and he backhanded the fans and it was great! He said something like 'Well we tried our best to make it clear to the fans, 16-0 was NOT a goal. But apperantly we need to do a better job communicating that' LOL. The morons lose sight of the Big picture and that is, they are in it for the Superbowl, NOT a 16-0 season. Spoiled brats.
  13. LOL so I should be banned because I don't buy the BS that is flowing out there? Yeah I really see a TOS violation there.
  14. Ok so anyone got the insider and have a list?
  15. Exactly. Now I personally think there is no way in hell he comes here but who knows.
  16. HA!
  17. And please understand I am not meaning to piss people off, but haven't we all been snowed by this org long enough? I mean rumor upon rumor upon rumor for years from NFL 'insiders'. ESPN CBS Etal have screwed the pooch in regards to the Bills for 15 years now easily. So instead of getting all hyped and then let down...AGAIN...lets just relax and let it play out how it does and hopefully we will all be happier soon.
  18. My God, this 'coach whatever' and thurman and his rumors....STOP already! Have you not learned in the last...oh...20 friggin years its all bull ****? 'But ICE what is wrong with getting excited?' Uh because it NEVER pans out when it comes to Ralph and the Bills that is why. Guys, for once just let it play out and see what happens. Many of you may be very pissed at who the GM and or HC is. You may REALLY be pissed if Ralph keeps modrak and Guy around to !@#$ up another draft / free agent period. OR we ALL may be thrilled at what happens. I for one don't give any credance at all to some clown running a wannabe radio show or some **** saying he knows WTF the Bills org is going to do. Just let it play out, don't get to high, don't get too low. Just see what happens. And Remember George Siefert is still at the airport....
  19. !@#$ Whitner. I hope the next staff punt kicks is twittering ass off the team
  20. Its called a marketing ploy to keep the fans interested as this season was breasts up about 1/2 though.
  21. It is friggin amazing the pure !@#$ing stupidity of this franchise. I mean look at how many probowlers in the last few years were just sitting there for us to take? I think the Orakpo vs Maybin thing is what pisses me off the most.
  22. Oh and Ngata the guy we should have taken made the probowl as well. !@#$ing incredible
  23. Oh yeah Ngata got in as well...and we have friggin Whitner
  24. Uh huh....and our brain fart...err Brain Trust passed on him for Aaron Maybin? Is there any Bills fan with half a !@#$ing brain still want any of these !@#$s making anymore draft picks for us?
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