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Everything posted by DarthICE

  1. It's all about the QB in the NFL. Until we find a stud QB we will suck. We can sit here and B word and whine about lines all we want. If we had just about ANY of those QB's listed we would most likely have a winning record this year. Time to cut the Bull **** and find a damn good QB
  2. Hardy is just another thug that was a wasted draft pick
  3. Time to part ways with this thug. He wasn't worth where we picked him and Fred has clearly outplayed him. Jackson is our Starting RB give him a raise and cut ties with Lynchthug
  4. WTF does Cowher mean by commitment to paying for players? Granted Cash to cap needs to be scrapped, but overall we are near the cap each year. Our problem has been giving huge contracts to guys that aren't worth them
  5. Can someone change the thread title?
  6. Well with Carroll now getting 7 mill per year also, you can bet it is gonna take 8-8.5 to get Cowher.
  7. With Carroll taking the Seattle gig and all other vacancy's filled...time to make a decision. Buffalo or CBS.
  8. "I think if it was the right job, I think he would listen, but at the end of the day, it would take a heck of a lot to convince him to come off the golf course and go back to work." Humm and Marty said he wasn't interested in the Buffalo job...
  9. Its too bad Ralph doesn't have the balls to just let Nix make the hire.
  10. No way do I want the biggest kitty to ever play college ball on this team.
  11. Agreed And add to the fact they weren't that good this year...
  12. Bottom line, Harbaugh is NOT ready for the NFL and I sure as hell dont' want the bum as our HC. It really concerns me we have some fans stupid enough to think this assclown is going to go from having little exp in the NFL (none as a coordinator), to being an average at best HC in College (doesn't he have a losing record?) to being the Head Coach of an NFL team. !@#$ what his daddy or brothers did, who gives a ****? Jim harbaugh is NOT READY to be a HC in the NFL.
  13. I think we look like !@#$ing idiots for doing another sign.
  14. Agreed. Worked his entire carrer to get here he let his team and every fan down by pusshing out. He is either the biggest puss or primadona in college football. I mean hell at least bradford was CRUSHED when he was injured and tried to make a comeback to get injured again. This puss has a bruise and sat out of the biggest game of his career.
  15. Hey Fellow Big 12 Brother, Sorry for the loss but you have nothing to hang your head over. Had sissyboy not left the game, you win that one. Congrats on a great season. Oh and if the 2nd half is any indication you are in good hands with that freshman QB of yours
  16. Ok good. I find him funny and was actually serious when asking
  17. Has corso had a stroke or something? Are you guys hearing this guy talk?
  18. Awww how sweet daddy is holding his hand. Too bad wimp McCoy has let his team down on the biggest stage in his career. Unless someone ripped my damn arm off, no way in hell I come out.
  19. I'd say 95% speculation
  20. Um why is the guy in charge of minority hiring contacting Nix? Why us? I don't see anywhere that they got ahold of Washington and asked them about their minority interview. Does the NFL have tha much of a problem with the Bills/?
  21. Ok so Timmuh is guessing and Lombardi actually spoke with someone in the Bills org. Yeah I will go with Lombardi
  22. Tim has proven he is as horrible as anyone else out there in regards to the Bills.
  23. I still say Cowher or Billick
  24. It should be pretty interesting the next few days
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