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Everything posted by DarthICE

  1. From reading his background the guy was an all world OLineman, and a damn good OL coach....and that's it. I don't read anywhere where he has ran an offense, defense or even a special teams as a coordinator. Yeah he has been named assistant HC but so what? So was Bobby April who was at least a coordinator. So honestly, other than maybe shoring up the OL, what does this guy honestly bring to the table? He has been passed over at least twice for HC jobs and now is OL coach for his former OC from Pittsburgh. I mean wouldn't we want someone who at least was a coordinator of some sorts?
  2. So...how is this guy not Ralph's right hand man in charge of the team? Sounds just like the perfect guy for ol Ralphie
  3. Why? What has he done as an OC? What great QB's has he developed? I can go on but it's moot point. This is another 'name' that fans know so they must be good.
  4. Is that the same brains that got his ass handed to him this last weekend?
  5. Then why did they hire from within instead of going out and holding open interviews with some guys with established GM experience? Why do we still have the same front office, same guys doing contracts, scouting players, Signing free agents, drafting players? Sorry there is no 'fresh start' till the owner is gone and they clean house completely
  6. Wow, another offseason of free agents, draft by Pioli with those two coordinators headed there, they are gonna turn this thing around fast. Amazing what happens when you get the right people in place. And wait! They didn't promote from within giving the job to someone the owner 'knew' they actually went outside and hired the best guy possible. Interesting concept.
  7. Man I know I really hate to hear when this stuff happens
  8. lol Mighty taco certs. You know Ralph can throw all the money he wants, but if the guy doesn't feel he is going to have a legit shot at building a winning team, he isn't going to come here. Mrs. Cowher doesn't want to hear Mr. Cowher bitching and whining daily about the BS he has to put up with. And yeah where his kids go to school, where he walks his dog (and more importantly takes a dump) DOES outweigh money.
  9. Uh huh. And FWIW, who makes the final decision? Who is he submitting the names to? Nuff said.
  10. Point is he can't put two winning seasons together in a row. Point is he pushed to have his pathetic, old, worthless, washed up QB get an extention that puts the panthers in a hole due to guaranteed money. Point is he played that QB regardless of how badly he was which cost the team a possible winning season. But hey, lets not let facts get in the way.
  11. Our problem is Wilson. Until he is gone, nothing changes
  12. Please show me where we don't have the worst? Losing decades in the 60's, 70's, 80' and 00's. We have any coach worth a damn saying no thank you, assistants who want HC jobs saying no thanks or maybe later. We have a 91 year old owner who is a joke and this org is NOT well thought of in how it has been and is ran. Only a relative of Ralph Wilson or the biggest homers in the world can still sit there with any semblance of seriousness and not say that we are now the worst franchise in the NFL. Time to wake up already.
  13. Does it ever occur to the insanely homeristic that what he said is exactly what he means? That he wants to see how much power he will have or not have and see if the situation is as bad has rumored? You homers really need to wake up and understand, the job sucks. No worth a damn is coming within a mile of this job and we now have assistants saying no thank you or 'wait till later and I will get back with you'.
  14. I wonder if you guys have a clue about anything most of the time, but I digress... I guess I shouldn't read anything into this situation either? http://www.nypost.com/p/sports/jets/brian_...7GAkJinNeisDXZP Let's try this again, Millions of dollars? Who cares they make great livings doing what they are doing now without the BS of being a HC. Next, and this is the part you homers can't see to get, THEY DONT WANT TO WORK FOR WILSON AND HIS CLOWNS!!!! There did caps help? I mean seriously at any time have you seen anyone not want to interview for a HC job the way these GUYS (yeah plural) apperantly don't want to touch the Buffalo Job? NO is the answer. I mean how !@#$ing sad is it that Al Davis and his BS is more appealing than Buffalo? We have assistants putting us off and or saying no to interviewing. The top names say !@#$ you very much but no thanks. The Buffalo Bills HC job is LESS appealing than an assistant job. Think on that for a minute. Until Ralph Wilson no longer owns this team there isn't going to be some guy come in and 'has the possibility of building a winner' when all we do is keep the same assclowns in the front office and promote from within. Ralph had his chance to hold open interviews and get a real GM in here with experience and turn the franchise over to him. Had he done that, we might have Shanahan or Cowher by now. Instead he went 'with who he knows' which in the past = FAILURE!!!
  15. What part of 'The good coaches' dont' want to come here is STILL Being missed?
  16. Actually if Cowher goes anywhere its because they handed him the power to field the roster HE wants and the money to do it. Since Buffalo won't do that....
  17. Do you not get it? 90% of all Bills fans are so hard up they are willing to sit there and take the word of some clown broadcasting from moms living room as gospel. They NEED this! If Krusty the clown said there was a chance Cowher was coming here then someone would post it as a media link.
  18. We could be stuck with that moron Fox and his girlfriend Delhomme... Carolina has done much more than Buffalo the last few years and Panthers fans want Fox ran out on a rail, but leave it to Buffalo fans to want this clown. More replacing the latest turd with a nother new shiny one I guess.
  19. I don't give a damn what he says, Carroll knows some serious **** is coming down on USC for him to leave so fast.
  20. LMAO getting that !@#$ up couldn't happen to a better program
  21. Well I am sure Ralph and his clowns are upset they can't interview that loser
  22. If you could get your lips off of ralphs ass for 5 minutes you will see he told it as it is in a very PC way. This job SUCKS and no one worth a damn wants to touch it. Ralph is going to have to pony up the power or we won't get a HC worth a ****
  23. For those bitching about passing too much and needing to run the ball, Carolina had TWO 1100 yard rushers this year. And where are they right now? This is the new NFL people, it all about the QB and all about being able to throw the damn ball.
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