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Everything posted by DarthICE

  1. http://cowboyszone.com/forums/showthread.php?t=176349 Pretty bad when they are thankful to have Wade over Chan...
  2. Time to draft Bradford or someone else in this draft.
  3. Yeah I know I know but when you look at Gailey's resume and combine that with the Defensive mind of Nolan this could work out well. 'But they fired Gailey in KC' Yeah and how did they do? The HC wanted to run his own offense and call his own plays. So what? 'But Nolan got fired in Denver', well their HC is a young punk and a complete ass hole that is quickly starting to piss off his own players so I put little in this firing. As long as Gailey and Nix can go out and find a good, strong armed QB to lead us, this just might work out.
  4. Hey If I am coaching I am there to score. If its 70-0 tough **** you should have stopped me
  5. What cracks me up is former Dallas GOD Jimmy Johson LOVED the fact they did it. He said he didn't care if it upset the other team he is there to win and send a message to the next team they are playing. LMAO
  6. So what? I am sick of hearing this only 32 jobs bull ****. If #32 sucks ass and even college coaches don't see it as a good move, who gives a flip how many there are?
  7. The NFL Owners will still be billionares and the players will run out of money. No way the players can win this. In the mean time the Owners will play scrubs and the fans will come to the stadium.
  8. Why doe s it suprise anyone? We essentially said !@#$ you to him by offering the job to Harbaugh! Hell I wouldn't want to be 4th or worse on someone's list.
  9. Which is what they will say and the lemmings will believe it like usual
  10. So now we call Jason Garrett just for good measure.
  11. Agreed...BUT I this case he is 100% dead on.
  12. Wanna Bet Cower is their coach in about 2 weeks?
  13. LMAO the Jets are in the AFC Championship with a new HC and a Rookie QB. Guess what, they didn't make it with the previoius QB or HC. Say what you want but the HC and QB have made the difference.
  14. First, our sevondary is BETTER than the Vikings. Second their GM listened to him as for as what he needed talent wise. Third, did the tallent call for the right blitzes at the right time? Did the talent outsmart Garrett and the cowboys? No. Quit making up bull **** to put down a damn good coach that could be a damn good HC for us.
  15. Bingo. Everyone screams about the lines but if we had a stud QB I guarantee you we won more games this year. Bottom line it is a QB driven league, without one your team sucks
  16. Jerry Jones won't give Cowher the say over the personnel that he wants
  17. The NFL will be worse off when he retires. He is the last of a dying breed of QB
  18. Go back and read, I have been all in favor of Frazier since he was a candidate. Unlike some uneducated on here I actually watch more teams than just the Bills. The guy is a great motivator and develops young talent well. He is a hell of a DC and knows what it takes to win being part of this vikes team.
  19. Sometimes un-answered prayers are for the best? Now Cowher etal turning us down might be the best thing as our best option might be Frazier. We have a better overall secondary than the Vikes, can you immagine what we can be like if we can get a front 7 anything like the Vikings have with Frazier also calling the plays? We could end up with the best defense in the NFL!!! If frazier can bring in Al Saunders as the OC and Nix can finally find us a franchise QB....whew!
  20. He would retire if traded to Buffalo.
  21. speaking of who is that in your avatar?
  22. Man I really hate to hear that. My prayers to his family
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